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Feeling wierd....

myspoonistoobig's picture

Day 2.

SS had a pretty good day today. No major tantrums, except a brief lapse in judgement during lunch right before naptime. And then it was naptime, so we all survived.

Pretty sure I'm going to have to deal with BM talking about how much she misses SS and how much the dog misses him, then wondering why he looks sad during every conversation on skype they have. Not the brightest crayon in the box, BM.

He asked me if the 10 minutes was up, and she asked what 10 minutes was for, and I said it was "until TV time." She told him he didn't have to keep talking to her, probably imagining that I would let him watch TV when she hung up. He then ended up having to wait another 5 minutes until the full 10 was up before he could watch TV. No tantrums. He lived.

He also happily snacked on raw green beans before dinner, so that was pretty cool. He eats like a bird but at least he isn't starving himself.

BM asked why we bought him new underwear. If she was my friend, I'd probably just come out and say "because he's 5," as that's what I was thinking. Instead I told her that his size 4s were snug, we only found 5 pairs in the suitcase, and we were gearing up to do the nighttime potty training that she's asked us to do.

The whole day was borderline annoying, but it could have been worse. Much much worse.


myspoonistoobig's picture


Shook's picture

And the Jesus doll. Did she say the dog missed the Jesus doll too? Wink No child drama, always good! And veggies! Way to go Smile

myspoonistoobig's picture

Oh man. Even hidden away the doll still gives me the heebie jeebies.

And for the last two days we've had to muddle through questions like "Why did God make ____?" "What if BD7months ended up in the freezer?" "Why did God make asteroids?" "Are we all going to die?"


Shook's picture

Cactus! You're right! I usually think of that too but hey it's Jesus so missed it! What a great coverup...a Jesus Doll! Like a nun smuggling drugs across the border. Genius.

MySpoon, when the Jesus doll resurrects from the sealed tomb/ suitcase, check it for bugs.

myspoonistoobig's picture

I may.... though I get the heebie jeebies everytime I think about opening that suitcase again.

I would literally rather go perform a banishing ritual in the house of a woman who was brutally murdered than get that doll.

Not even kidding you, I've done banishing rituals before, no big deal.

That doll?

Creepy as fuuuuuuuck!

Shook's picture

Can you do banishing rituals here in my home with skid still in it ?
I'll pat down the doll for you in trade Wink

Shook's picture

I'll fly out & meet you in Nevada for Burning Man. We can see where we can safely bring that Dora the Apostle doll to.

Shook's picture

Maybe just bring "them". We can hold them down. 3 of us BM/SMs---that's like 9 moms in dog years Wink