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OT-doesn't it su#$%k when I treat you as you treated me...LONG VENT

herewegoagain's picture

So, as some of you know, DH has been without work since about October. I work full-time. No problem with me. I told him we could reverse our roles.

Funny, it has been about what 8 months now and he is resentful that I don't do more around the house. The poor guy has to do it all and it is just not fair that he is expected to do so much while I work full-time, or work on my other side-businesses or my volunteer stuff. Mind you, I still off and on do the homeschooling with our kiddo, but he does most of it. I also clean sometimes, although he does 80% of it.

Well, let's see...yes, I do think it is funny. I'm sorry honey, remember those other 10 years that I worked full-time and took care of EVERYTHING in the house, paid the bills, did the homeschooling, cleaned, kept up with kiddo's therapies, made dr appts, washed the cars, etc? Ah, yes, those other 10 years that you basically just went to work and complained if I asked for help because "I had been at home all day and you were tired"? Ah, sorry honey, it is going to take a bit longer than 8 months for me to get over 10 years of the complete disregard for me.

It must also suck to be you that now I am angry and have let you know that I will now take care of ALL our financial stuff once I move and if you don't get on board, well, sorry...oh, yes, sorry, you didn't give a rat's ass that you took and took away from OUR FAMILY and especially ME, to pay your ex, give crap to your kid, to your family, etc...while I complained that you had no regard for MY HARD WORK. Oh, sorry, I only worked 20+ years and have CRAP to show for it, although 13 years ago I had over 50K in 401k, over 20K in stocks, no debt, a house, a paid for car...ah, sorry that you being irresponsible got us here and me attempting to keep the peace because if I complained you became angry got us here.

Oh, sorry, it sucks to be you. No, I do not plan to be like this forever. But it's rather hard when I remember that past 3 years that I was at home, ALL DAY, without a car, sometimes a whole week without leaving my tiny rented apartment and you got home and thought it was a good idea to go play tennis so you could destress, while I took care of the rest at home.

I am trying to get my crap together to move back to the US where I can have some peace...I came here mostly because of DH and his constant whining about how he didn't have fun at work...blah, blah, blah...Funny, you complained because you were stuck in an office all day, but when I had an office job in the US, for at least 7 years, and you worked outdoors, you thought my job was a "piece of cake" because I was inside a building all day...darn, isn't that funny?

Honestly, I love him...but the years of constant disregard for my feelings have me worn out.

I told him I expected him to SHAPE UP financially and everything else when we moved and he told me he expected me to stop being in a bad mood! lol Ah, really? Oh my, well, let's see...I was NEVER in a bad mood when I lived in the US and you came home moping everyday...imagine that. But wait, you claim "I want to change you", sorry, expecting an adult to be a RESPONSIBLE ADULT is not wanting to change someone. When we met you made it seem that you were a responsible adult. Remember, when you claimed you had your own home, your own business, blah, blah, blah...and then well, there you go. Now, you know, when I walked everyday, you told me to stop walking because someone could rape me, then you told me to stop playing softball because I could get hurt, then you told me I should NOT volunteer for a cause I really believed in because "we would have less time together (ie. he'd have to be alone with his daughter or alone), and now you tell me that I should give up my volunteer job which takes me a few hours a week at home so that I am not stressed and in a bad mood and also, I really shouldn't do that blog that I wanted to do because you are afraid I will be in a bad mood. Ah, sorry, no, that is NOT trying to change someone. Oh my, imagine that.

Ah, sorry, vent over. Just really worn out. Trying to get myself back to ME.


herewegoagain's picture

Ah, believe me that it has only been the last two years that I have given up. Before that we argued constantly. Because I was at home, had no car and where we live things have to be paid in person at a bank, etc. I had little choice but to give it up. He has made a mess. Before that, although I kept everything in working order, he would spend and spend and give and give and then tell me he had no money to pay OUR bills, so in essence although our bills were still paid, I had to constantly bail us out using MY savings, etc. so that my son would not go hungry or not have a roof over his head or pay his therapies...

Before that, when our son was little he would just simply tell me "fine, no problem if you don't want me to take the money out of OUR account (ie. I made 4 times as much as he did) for CS, but I will still go pick up my daughter and when my ex gets tired of it and I end up in jail, then I will just be there...which of course, being that we had a son, he KNEW I would not allow this to happen to our son...ahole!

Craving Normality's picture

It all sounds similar to my story. Why do we stay again? Someone please remind me. Oh, cause we love them, and why is that? Sorry, feeling a bit negative right now.

herewegoagain's picture

I have been reading a lot about that as well. I think there is no doubt some type of mental abuse going on. I am working on learning more so that I can begin to recover from this mess. Only by reading about WHY I stay, can I go back to who I was before. Not putting up with this crap anymore.