I admit it... I am a sucker
Right before BM went into Jail for a year (supposedly who knows how long with how they do math) the magistrate/judge approved her for one single supervised visit with the skids so she could see them prior to going to jail. Due to time constraints, the visit never happened which did upset the skids and BM.
The order did not state that the visit had to take place before her incarceration (though that was the plan) just allows for 1 visit supervised by "x" company.
Sunday is mothers day. I know I want to see my kids on mothers day. That want would be multiplied 1000 fold if I had not seen the kids in a year and if I was in jail.
I made the phone calls. I paid the bill so it could happen.
On Sunday morning at 9am "x" company will be picking up the skids (all four) and transporting them to the jail BM is incarcerated in for a two hour long supervised visit. Per the jail the kids can bring in food items that are sealed from a store. So no homemade goodies but we can buy some cookies or something to take in there for them to share with their mother. They can bring her in cards/ homemade artwork (pictures) so they can spend the next few days on those.
In all honesty, I did not do this for BM.
I did it for the skids, no matter how much of a pos their mom is, she is still their mom and they want to see her.
- just.his.wife's blog
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You are a good woman.
You are a good woman.
Don't be so quick to be kind.
Don't be so quick to be kind.
I love my skids and yes, want to fulfill their need to see their mom... but I am also selfish and want a few hours with just "my" kids on Sunday.
I'm very sorry but that is
I'm very sorry but that is what I thought first......she wants a break or be with her own kids b/c I would totally pay to do that too.
Actually I did type that
Actually I did type that in... but thought better of it. Can you buy the xx company to take them over the summer?
Pfft I dont make that kind of
Pfft I dont make that kind of money LOL you must have me confused with my boss!
No matter the motivation, it
No matter the motivation, it is a win-win
You are a smart cookie.
You are a smart cookie.
That was VERY nice of you!
That was VERY nice of you!
I agree with everyone else
I agree with everyone else here - it was very nice of you to do
I can't say I'd have done the same but I'm a bitch...LOL }:)
When BM went to prison I
When BM went to prison I drove ss 4 hrs one way so that ss could see her. Although ss enjoyed the visit and I did get a thank you from Bm. When she got out of prison BM went right back to her crappy self. So when BM went to prison the 2nd time, to bad BM you had your chance. You should have stayed striaghts.
So while I know your doing a good thing for skids and you would like to be with your kids alone. I think thats great of you. Don't exspect BM to appericate it because she probably won't.
Aww. This made me tear up a
Aww. This made me tear up a little because you did something nice for people who likely don't deserve it. It doesn't matter the motive, it was a good thing.
Aww. This made me tear up a
Aww. This made me tear up a little because you did something nice for people who likely don't deserve it. It doesn't matter the motive, it was a good thing.