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OT - so tired today

sterlingsilver's picture

Just tired of dealing with DH's cancer and night time wakings and work during the day and dealing extra with ss16 b/c of all this. I am having heart palpitations and went to dr and she said to drink more. I do forget to drink b/c I work in senior's homes and hate drinking and then using their bathrooms, ya know, but I know it's unhealthy.

Wed is my hardest day b/c I have 3 clients, 8-11, 12-4 and 4:15-7pm. It gets very tiring jumping around. See how I can forget to drink and even eat at times? My 12-4 always wants me cleaning for her doing things she should hire a cleaning service to do. I am a trained home health aide and she wants me scrubbing windows, floors, bathrooms, and last week even had me taking her two months worth of trash to the dump? I sure don't get paid enough for that. It's crazy, and exhausting.

My biggest worry tho is my dh. Yesterday when I came home for a quick lunch he was on the couch crying. I was so sad for him but didn't hardly have the time to hug or hold him. I did for a bit and then made us each a sandwich, which cheered him up, but he's so depressed b/c I have to work so hard and he can't do a darn thing right now. When I left I textd his daughter to call him later to cheer him - he loves hearing his grandson on the phone. Sure enough when I came home later he was talking with her and yakkin at his gs.

Thanks for listening everyone, I just had to dump my tiredness and sadness somewhere other then on my big sister's shoulder. She takes a lot of it but she also has her issues. Thanks again.


Jsmom's picture

No worries, vent away! I dealt with a sick DH for many years. It is hardest on the caregiver...HUG!

herewegoagain's picture

Oh my, I am so sorry you are going through this. I cannot begin to imagine how hard it must be to have to go to work while your husband is ill with something such as cancer. I know what you mean about not eating, drinking, as the same thing happens to me. The fact that we don't get enough vitamins, etc. also makes things much worse. If I may suggest to you that you start at least drinking a healthy veggie/fruit shake in the mornings. That has really helped me. Nothing major, we just buy Naked green juice at Costco and add some other veggies and fruits in our blender in the mornings. My days were consumed with so much going on, that I didn't have time to eat and was worn out mentally and physically. We started drinking a shake every morning and it really helped us both tremendously. Also, when all else fails, we take Happy Camper pills. They are natural and you can find them at any health food store, Whole Foods, etc. They have been a life saver for us more than once. Even my husband who hates taking pills takes them when things get too bad with family, etc. We even got our neighbors to start taking them once when their daughter was in a bad car wreck. They are really good, do not make you sleepy, have no side effects at all, but somehow give you a bit of peace and help you focus and not have a foggy mind...

Best of luck to you...