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OT/ the worries of a mommy

Lalena75's picture

My ds is almost 18 (8mo that's almost to me)we've slowly been transitioning her to the expectations of an adult, allowing her out till curfew, requests to travel to a big city on her own for a concert were met with okay, how do you play to get there, pay for it and where will you stay. I think that shocked her but really this is all leading up to me, mommy cutting the cord and in a big way.
When she graduates next year I have a sibling in Europe my ds is being given the opportunity to go and stay there for 2 weeks-2months the choice is hers (she's leaning towards 3weeks-1 mo) She will help with her niece and nephew, stay with them most of the time and have the ability to travel all over. The hope is her dad will buy a train package as graduation gift giving her access to 20 countries, she already is looking into plane tickets to hop over to London/UK/ Scotland for a week. I've handed her lists of travel websites, hostel websites, metro ans train sites. Her grandparents will be giving cash towards this for graduation and she finally got a job all because she wants to do certain things while there and she'll need money for her adventures. She has a passport, she's been there with the family last year (just a couple countries though)
Now my point, I'm sending my 18 y/o baby to Europe alone (my sis did it at 23) she doesn't know anyone but my sis and bil and their kids. I'd like her to have a few local contacts either young expats or locals her age range that she could meet up with day trip with or even just talk to ahead of time to prepare and I have no idea where to find kids her age to contact. Any ideas suggestions? Momma here is starting to get nervous and I don't want her to have me tagging along.


oldone's picture

Is she going to college next year? Most universities have programs where you study abroad and should have contacts there.

Lalena75's picture

She will be a high school senior next year she's going to Europe the summer after graduation, and going to our local jr college after she returns.