Call before visit kinda OT
Do your kids call before they come over for a visit? Step or bios? My bios all live in a different city than SO and I so they always call first before a visit to make sure we are home. Even before I was with SO when my bios were at their dads and old enough to drive they always called to say hey mom I am coming over to visit.
I always felt like that was just a common courtesy. Skids SD22 and SD14 (when she is at BM's) have taken to just dropping by when we aren't home. No phone call or text to let us know the only reason we do know is that they complain we are never home :?
First off I am a planner so I plan errands,date night, work meetings, etc as best I can for when SD14 is at her BM's house. It works for us because she has activities that we take her to on our week. So we can take it easy and relax when she is with us and not be running around. So most of the time she is not with us we are busy and not home. But if we had a call or text we would be available. Is it asking too much for a call or text prior to coming over to visit??
- Newstep's blog
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This is something I have been
This is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. I grew up with my Dad and SM. SM came around when I was about 10 or 11. BM was in an accident so she did not raise me, so the situation was a bit different.
However, Step issues existed and still do.
Anyway, the home they live in was my home growing up. I had moved out for a few months, they bought a new house and then I moved back in until I moved in with my future husband. I have always just let myself into their house. My kids run in the front door now and I have a key that I use after knocking or if they aren't home. We live in the same city, so I come by at least once a month.
I try to be more conscious now about knocking first, but they also have a very big window with open drapes so they can see it's mee and I'm sure they don't really want to walk across the entire house to let me in when I'm standing there with a key.
Not really an answer, but something I'm conscious of now that I'm a SM myself. I'm also nearly 40 now, but NEVER would have thought about this type of stuff before. i always just considered it my home.
That is what I was
LOL- as an aside, my Dad
LOL- as an aside, my Dad ALWAYS stops in unannounced and I feel just like this! He's actually caught us mid-sex before too, but again, we live about 10 min away from each other so sometimes we'll swing by to say hi if we have some extra time.
I completely agree with
I completely agree with calling first and am not a fan of people just dropping by, no matter who they are.
SD just dropped by once, after being told by her dad to call first to make sure he was home. He was not home and I did not answer the door. What did she do? She walked around back and up my deck steps, and looked in my windows! Then later lied to my DH and said that she did call before coming by. Which didn't make sense because if she had called, she would've known he wasn't home. :?
Now she calls, but shows up 2 hours after she says she will be here.
sd20 doesn't come over
sd20 doesn't come over anymore since i won't worship her GU and the spawn it created, but when she did come over, IF she bothered to call, it was to TELL us she was coming. she never asked. and much like your sd, she accused of never answering our phones. that's because they weren't ringing. she never called, never texted, so i have no idea what that was about. :?