need some help
I Have to step kids 9 and 11 girls. Last night sd11 tells mom that she wants to sleep in our bed not her own and to have me sleep on the floor. I said noway. At this point she wants to get all attitude with me and tell me its her moms choice. Its hard to keep my cool. Later i tell my wife that when our bathroom room is complete we are going through a remodel that our room and bathroom if off limits. Im so tired of them just coming in whenever they want to get whatever they want. I feel we need a nice private place to relax while they have free reign over the rest of house. At this point she gets pissed at me and says im not raising them that way. if they want to come in and do whatever i have to just get over it. Im a stewing. i get attitude from them over everything. They act like im picking on them if i ask for them to clean their rooms or do anything to help out. My wife will not back me on anything. if i try and correct them she comes down on me. She says im making them hate me cause i get on them. I say no you want them to be my girls to i will treat them like it and demand help around the house. Am I wrong? Its been 3 years and I am almost ready to walk. We have a 8month old of our own. If i want to play with my son or spend time with him i get told im showing him more then them. Im getting drained of it all. I have no say so in anything.
- mikeinca70121's blog
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it sounds like your only
it sounds like your only options are extreme disengagement or leaving. If I were you I'd just crawl into bed and let the chips fall where they must. I am thinking if you are in your bed then sd will whine and complain to her mom and your gf might whine and complain at you but if you just say goodnight dears, hope you find a good place to sleep and roll over and snore then what can they do? lol Seriously though, I'd totally disengage for awhile and see what happens. Your sd is old enough to sleep on her own for petes sake.
Wow, how do you deal with
Wow, how do you deal with that? I'm with the above posters in that you either have to completely disengage or prepare for a divorce. If mom is going to let her precious princesses rule your house without so much as caring about your feelings, you won't change her and you'll grow more resentful by the day.
I'm sorry you're going through this. I couldn't put up with that shit. Your room and bathroom SHOULD be off limits!!!
Im just in a bad situation I
Im just in a bad situation I feel. I tired everything I can. I am out of wanting to try. My wife still has a friend realtionship with her ex. they text call. I know he has alot to do with why they have attitudes with me. I ready to pay child support and have my life back.
You ARE in a bad situation
You ARE in a bad situation and it almost sounds like you already know what you want to do. Do whatever you need to do to get your life back because w/o your wife's support, this will just get worse and worse!