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My Son

oneoffour's picture

Today in Australia my Japanese DIL took their 2 children (G3.B1) and emptied their bank account of about $8K and disappeared. Has she gone to Japan? Who knows? For the first time in about 18 mths I have spoken to my son without interruption. He just wants to see his babies. And it seems his shy little Japanese wife hit him... often. And she nagged him. She timed him in the bathroom and then pounded on the door because he took more than 7 minutes. She would skype with her mother in Japan when she was in bed and my son was trying to sleep. DIL complained about DS and her mother shreaked down the computer "You crazy! You crazy! You need help!" As my son said "Who was screaming down the computer at 11:30pm from another country?"

I am sad. I don't know if I will ever actually meet my grandchildren. I wouldn't put it past her to run back to Japan because the kids have dual citizenship. How can someone do this? Take kids away form their father just because you are angry?

She wanted a house so he bought her one... 1 month ago. They only JUST moved in!
I know I am all over the place but I had no where else to post. FB is read by all my family and DS wants to get his head straight before facing 'The Family' en masse.


attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Wow Sad I'm really sorry to hear all of that. It takes a pathetic individual to strip kids away from their father just because she is angry. It takes an even more pathetic person to hit someone, let alone someone that they're married to and have had children with. I wish there was more I could say or do for you and your DS right now. But, know that I will keep you both in my thoughts and am sending good vibes your way that he can at least track her down in order to get access to his kids - which he rightfully deserves.

oneoffour's picture

Thoughts and good vibes are great. Thank you for caring about someone you don't even know. My son is turning 28 next week without his children, my heart is breaking.

Convulsive's picture

I'm sorry.

Japan is one of the hardest countries to get children off of it, in the case of parental abduction.

Please send your son to the Embassy ASAP & have him notify the FAA so that they can flag the children & not allow them through security.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Take heart! I hope in the next couple of days their whereabouts will be established and you will begin to deal with this new reality and try to make sense of it. I am so sorry you are going through this ordeal.