O/T PSA... Pet ownership
Ok, this one is very near and dear to my heart.
PLEASE, if you have pets and aren't breeding them, GET THEM FIXED!!! I volunteer time and money on a regular basis helping with animals because PEOPLE are IRRESPONSIBLE!!!
I know people are irresponsible with breeding (um, look at lots of the BMs on here!!) but animals NEED their owners to be responsible. Step up, people!
Ugh. Sorry for the rant. I'm soooo tired of seeing animals KILLED because their owners are dumb.
And the poster today...eh, just have my kid take the kittens to the humane society. What's a few animal lives if it teaches my kid a lesson I failed to teach as a parent?!?
The Humane Society of the US estimates that 4 MILLION animals are killed annually. That's one every 8 seconds.
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My friend is a vet who has a
My friend is a vet who has a small plane and she volunteers her time to spay/neuter at the shelters and treat some of the animals that might get put down otherwise because they have really bad health issues. She also flies animals to people who will adopt them.
She just brought me a fluffy orange kitty today because mine died of old age last month. He was hit by a car and broke both femurs and lost an eye. She worked on him for free so he wouldn't be put down and he is literally the sweetest, friendliest, cuddlbug ever. Both my purebred german shepherds were adopted. So spay and neuter, but also adopt!! No more designer pet shop kitties and puppies!
Yes, yes, yes!! (Don't get me
Yes, yes, yes!!
(Don't get me started on breeders... all those pets at shelters!)
My animals are rescues, too. The best!!
Seriously, when I retire, I'm going to house a zillion pets needing homes. Ok, maybe not quite a zillion
That's so cool!!! Now that
That's so cool!!!
Now that I'm working so much, I can only get to the pet store on the weekends when it's ADOPTION weekend. Every weekend. It's killing me. I'm pretty sure my DH is ready to move out of our bed because there's no room left for him.
They all sleep with us!
Right now, we're "cat heavy," but I'm looking to add a dog or two kinda soon...
hee hee! My DD4 and I are
hee hee! My DD4 and I are going to be working on the same thing! She insists he needs a glittery eye patch:)
Yes!!! Most places offer free
Most places offer free or cheap spay and neuter, ESPECIALLY if you're low income.
You just need to be responsible. Shoot, if people can't be responsible with their OWN reproduction, how can they be responsible for their animals??
UGH. The shelters kill animals by droves and stack their bodies like firewood. :sick: Such avoidable death.
Work in an inner city
Work in an inner city hospital. Read these boards. Idiot HUMANS breeding bothers me more. You have no idea.
That being said, people should spay or neuter their pets. People should also spay or neuter themselves.
So true. Even better, our
So true. Even better, our government subsidizes these babies.
Ugh. So many idiots.
I agree, SAF,
I agree, SAF, spaying/neutering AND adopting pets are the way to go. I cringe whenever I'm at SO's mom's house because SO's oldest niece lives there with three dogs, two males and a female, and none of them have been fixed. We've tried explaining it to her about how many dogs are put down every year because of irresponsible owners and how neutering her males alone will make their lives better, but, she won't hear any of it because her boyfriend refuses to neuter his dogs *smh*
And I personally get nauseated whenever I hear of anyone buying a puppy or kitten when they could either a) go to their local animal shelter and find a comparable dog or b) find a breed-specific rescue to adopt the dog they want. Just recently, one of my classmates was gushing over the husky puppy she was adopting. I saw the pic and said "cute, but, the one local animal shelter has, like, three huskies for adoption all under the age of 2. so, congratulations on your puppy, but, there are three dogs out there that probably would have been just as happy living in your home".
All of our animals are rescues, both of our cats and our Saint Bernard, so, the argument of not getting purebred when you adopt is BS because if you just look in the right places and wait long enough, some irresponsible owner will give up the best animal that they could have hoped for. Seriously, our Saint is the best dog I've ever had and I think his previous owners were so cruel to surrender him to a kill shelter of all places. And worse still is that he was 2 and a half when we adopted him and not neutered! What the hell?!
There was talk around the shelter we got him from that his owners gave him up because they lost their house to foreclosure, but, that he was adopted by another family who returned him within a week because they couldn't take a dog his size. People just give up animals for the dumbest reasons sometimes. Like, our most recent cat was given up for adoption because his previous owners had a baby. The cat wasn't even 1 when they turned him into the shelter and we believe that he's a Chartreux cat, which is an insanely expensive breed of cat to just be dumped in the shelter, especially because of a baby. He, too, was not neutered when he was surrendered. And, honestly, I'd love to know why his owners believed they couldn't have the cat and a baby because all he does is sleep in cardboard boxes all day long (appropriate considering we named him Schrodinger). I can't imagine giving up my animals, even if I lost my home, I'd sooner live in my car with my dog and the two cats than turn them into a shelter.
But, whatever, their previous owners lost out and we get to enjoy them for the rest of their lives.
I just saw a Saint Bernard at
I just saw a Saint Bernard at the shelter last week!! I was soooo tempted, but with five cats, I was afraid he might squish them. Plus, DH would kill me...
My dog was a rescue. I lived near people who had gotten him and he was only EIGHT weeks old. They had a baby (who gets a puppy with an infant to care for?!?) and it was "too much" for the mom...so they were just going to "let him out..." figuring someone would take him.
I almost died.
He's 5 now and the best companion dog ever!
The cats...sigh...four cats are litter mates. Fostered the pregnant momma cat, and then couldn't let them go. The fifth cat was dropped at a shelter, unfixed, because they couldn't handle caring for their pets anymore. (He was one of 3 dropped off.)
SIGH. People suck.
And, YES, indoor only cats should still be fixed!
Our dog doesn't quite get how
Our dog doesn't quite get how big he is, so, there is a little fear at times that he'll stomp or squish our cats when he tries to play with them, but, he learned early on that cats have sharp and pointy ends that hurt when they swat him. Now he mostly contents himself with cuddling up with our newest cat, Schrodinger, in bed at night. Our first cat, who is only 7 pounds, actually pushes the Saint around. It's funny how that worked out, she's our tiniest critter, but, she's the boss of the house - seniority, of course, she's been around the longest haha. But, the fear of squishing by our Saint only comes up infrequently because he sleeps just as much as our cats do. I've never met a lazier breed of dog, haha.
And who gets a puppy with an infant to care for? My sister. She bought (BOUGHT!) three purebred bulldog puppies last spring while she was halfway through her last pregnancy. And her pregnancies are notoriously high-risk towards the end because she has a tendency to go into labor prematurely. Needless to say, they "re-homed" two of them and only have one now because three puppies and a high risk pregnancy were too much to handle, especially because her other three daughters are too young to really help out with puppy care. But, even then, the one they kept just lives in her cage, which makes me horrendously sad. That's no life for a dog.
Both of our indoor cats are fixed, but, our female cat goes into faux heat every now and then, just a couple of times a year. But, it's so obnoxious, she wanders around yowling for boy cats for days on end, that I can't imagine having a female cat that wasn't spayed.
I never cage mine. Ever.
I never cage mine. Ever. Makes me sick.
Same here. I doubt I could
Same here. I doubt I could find an appropriately sized cage for my dog anyway, lol. If we ever need to contain our dog, he just goes into our bedroom with the door closed.
Now, I do condone appropriate and correct crate training with dogs, as it can help with some things, but, generally speaking, if the dog spends more time than not in the crate, nope. That person probably should not have gotten a dog.
Poodie cat is from the rescue
Poodie cat is from the rescue and was fixed and fully immunised when we got him.He is an everyday grey stripey cat with lot's of character.I don't need fancy breeds , Poodie is the kids best friend....behaves quite frankly more like a dog, eg follows my little boy down to the beach when he goes fishing.I just wish he wouldn't always steal our food and sleep on the table when he thinks nobody is watching, lol.
SAF I didn't read all of the
SAF I didn't read all of the comments so maybe this was mentioned but I got my dogs spayed thru this organization- friendsofanimals.org
You go online and put in your zip code. They email you a list of vets in your area that participate in their program. You pay under $100 for the certificate. They mail it to you and you pick a vet on the list and pay nothing more!! It's a different price for males and females. I believe males were $65 and females were $90 but it may have changed.
I used the certificate for both of my pugs. My vet wanted $600 to do it!!
I never heard of them...but
I never heard of them...but I'll check it out!
I agree owning a pet is a
I agree owning a pet is a lifetime commitment to the pet. Get them spayed/neutered no exception. The Humane Society here spayed for I think $60.
My sweet girl coonhound is a rescue and the only way I would give her up is if my health failed to the point of hospital or nursing home, ie elderly.
Since I have no kids and SD doesn't love me, I am considering leaving my money to a no kill organization if DH is gone.
I've never bought a pet store
I've never bought a pet store pet. That is so tragic!!
I adopted both of my dogs.
I adopted both of my dogs. I've always rescued dogs. DH and I are looking for property to build our house and I found 24 acres for an extremely reasonable price and it's only about 15 mins further out than we originally planned on going and DH said "No, because we will have a zoo a month after we move in" I love animals- whenever I see stories about animals being abused it literally makes me sick to my stomach. I like animals more than people.