What happened to humankind?
Through the months I read international papers, and I'm stunted, it's not a May month thing or a spring thing, it's an daily occurrence and I just can't get it....
What happened to human kind? Are we so self centered that nothing else matters? Are we such "oh look at me", that we forgot about the people around us? Who's fault is this?
Can we blame human rights or child rights? Do we have to blame the 1800's for teaching people Men are the boss and woman belong bare foot pregnant behind a stove? do we blame the person who gave women the right to vote, or the person who implemented apartheid, slavery?
How is it possible for a 17 year old boy, to simply walk into his parents bedroom and shoot them both, just because he got disciplined for having a party in their home, when they told him not to and went away for a week-end?
We all did it some or other stage in our lives, and we knew if our parents would find out, you would probably get hiding, or some or other dreadful punishment... and grounded was definitely part of that punishment and not the only one.
Why is 13 year old girls kidnapping toddlers from malls just to kill the toddler cause they wanted to know how it would feel like killing some one?
What have become of society and parenting where a child is bullied at school and age 9 commits suicide because of it?
Or take a knife and stab the other kid?
Why is children not taught to stand up for themselves and speak out before they get to this point? Is it because we as parents are not teaching them it, is it because we as parents do not speak up for ourselves, or is it because we as parents only have kids as window dressing and never pay attention?
Could it be because of TV/Video games etc, the child thinks, fine I will kill myself and every one will feel sorry and tomorrow when I wake up they will treat me better, give me more attention?
What have become of society and Humans, cause we can no longer talk about Human kind... there's no kind left in humans.
- Acratopotes's blog
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Growing up i never heard of
Growing up i never heard of kids, killing kids or themselves, not have I heard about a kid killing his parents because he/she got punished for doing something wrong...
Thus I beg to differ, it's not been around for years..
nope did not grow up
nope did not grow up sheltered and yes we had papers and news and tv etc.....
you heard now and again about a child committing suicide or killing some one.... but now it's like the new black.. every second child kills some one, every 3rd kid hangs himself cause he was bullied....
Entitlement and the media.
Entitlement and the media.
Entitlement and the
Entitlement and the media.
Media yes , entitlement -
Media yes , entitlement - isn;t parents teaching their kids that?
Yes, yes they are. They
Yes, yes they are. They enable it.
Media gives them ideas of what they think they should have.
HeavenLike, you're right, I
HeavenLike, you're right, I think. Good news is no news, bad news everyone tunes in for. All the bad and scary things that happen. I haven't watched the news, any news, in years.
There's enough snippets of information that if I want to know more I can always get more information from a few different sources to see what's going on. But mostly, I don't need to know that crap.
I think a lot of this stuff
I think a lot of this stuff has been happening through the years but the media is now here to put in on full blast. Social media is also a new thing with this generation that is an open forum to help with this bully culture.
I think that's partly true,
I think that's partly true, but I also believe it's much more prevalent these days.
ETA: In fact, I think the media has been influential in causing 'copy cat' crimes. Some messed up people wanting their 15 mins..
You have raised a good
You have raised a good question. A lot of people would argue kids have not changed, and I would agree. But what I do believe has happened is the nuclear family and parenting styles have significantly changed in the past fifty years.
For better or for worse, everybody works, including mother; divorce is easier and guilty parenting on both sides has become the norm. Empowering women has given us equal footing that is long overdue, but I do believe we have raised more recent generations of children who feel more entitled, manipulative and self-absorbed, because of the guilt both mother and father deal with, following a divorce and/or separation. I am not certain we are paying attention to what matters as much in the past. An in tact family is a rarity these days, for better or for worse.
It is great that women work, in fact, research indicates it makes us better, more attentive mothers and wives. Thank goodness we have full independence, but men often feel they still need to be in control and be the primary bread winner in a relationship; anything less than that, can easily intimidate a man who struggles with this own expectations and values. I think as a result we see women who do not fear husbands, as much as in the past. Stronger women who want to be treated as equal partners in a relationship, dealing with some men who have traditional values and often find a strong and independent woman threatening.
I hope that in the generations to come, these values with shift to one of the same and parents can become more equal parenting partners, reducing the self-imposed guilt, and raising children who are in touch with the world and realities of life.
Years ago Deigma had a
Years ago Deigma had a friend, one Friday evening he asked me if he could go to the movies with this friend, the 6pm movie, I said : Will get back to you on that I first want to call the mother and arrange the evening.... kids where 9 only
The mother told me straight out - she's giving her son 100.00 for the evening to go to the movies, she and her husband got invited to a BBQ with friends and her kids does not want to go, neither do they want to stay at home thus the movies. She will drop off the kids round 6pm and collect them when they go home , it should not be later then mid night.... They are an intact family....
Now explain how can you leave your 9 year old with that much cash for 6 hours in a Mall, unsupervised.....
Needles to say this same kid ended up in jail age 18 - they are 20 this year
I never allowed my 9 year old to tell me what he rather would want to do, it was my decision and Deigma never had this much cash lol....
It seems in that case the
It seems in that case the parents may have created some entitlement because of their own wants.
Some parents give their kids whatever they want to keep the kids happy and make things easier for themselves.
I also came up with that
I also came up with that conclusion -
kid is there because it's what society expects to happen... get married have children, the adults did not want the children , cause it cramps their life style... thus easier handing them a hand full of cash and say... go out and enjoy life, just do not bother me...
Every era has it's horror
Every era has it's horror stories if you look for them.
1970's - http://edition.cnn.com/2015/07/08/entertainment/the-seventies-the-decade...
1980's - http://www.oddee.com/item_98884.aspx
1990's - http://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/weekend-australian-magazine/boys-go...
If you look, you will find thousands of these stories. They get progressively worse but they are there. The more permissive society becomes the longer the list.
70's it was adults killing
70's it was adults killing and raping, now it's children, not even teens yet...
how will our generation children be once they are adults?
They will be too lazy to
They will be too lazy to commit any crimes...
bubble bursting... NO
bubble bursting... NO not....
see they are not to lazy to dress up and hang in the mall or go out and spend money, they are only to lazy to clean dishes and their rooms, or themselves...
thus they have no respect for anything, I can see our teens, walking in a Mall, some one bumping into them and next thing... they shoot that person cause they can and they feel nothing.
and the parents taught them
and the parents taught them greedy, selfish and nasty things....
I bet you our SD's will be killing their babies and we will still be alive to see it.... or maybe their baby's daddy's .... I will not put it past Aergia
Two stories from when I lived
Two stories from when I lived overseas on an army base in the early 80's.
1. 14 yo boy was found by parents and he had hung himself on the shower rod. Not saying it was due to bullying but it's hard to imagine what would be so bad for a young boy to do that.
2. 2 teens, one 14 and one 17 (I think that's what their ages were). They killed both their parents. Killed mom then waited for dad to come home and killed him. Stole their car and credit cards and then went off partying to a nearby resort.
I believe that the information age has made things much more in our faces. Things happening across the country now have an impact like it was next door.
number 2 - was that the
number 2 - was that the Mendes boys?
I'm not saying it never happened, it did, I'm saying it's happening more and more daily in this life time...
the menendez brothers were 21
the menendez brothers were 21 and 18 at the time.
i have to agree with jasper above - people SUCK.
and killed because they
and killed because they parents (adoptive if I recall correctly) did not spoil them rotten, gave them chores and they had to earn their keep - normal....
No, it wasn't the menendez boys. But it was a pretty cold and callous type killing.
They just wanted to go have fun with their parents money
who' Sally? and yes as a
who' Sally?
and yes as a child we did get international papers and news.... I might live in the out back woman but I'm not a cave woman.
Whats your problem? You know
Whats your problem?
You know nothing about me, or the way I grew up, like I know nothing about you... and yes we did get international news, due to Untag being in the country .... it might have been very old news but we still read it.
Further you can believe what ever you want, but I never said as a child I read papers daily.
And yes I'm saying that today's children are worse, and I'm asking what's happening with human kind?
I only compare today's children with the fact when I was a their age,
'And I'm saying they aren't
'And I'm saying they aren't actually worse'
How do you know this as fact?
Tee hee, Sally was the cave
Tee hee, Sally was the cave woman, not Acratopotes.
no Acratopotes is the tea
Sally is gone, she got banned from ST due to being flagged, thus let her rest in peace
Oh sorry, Miss 'tea' drinker
Oh sorry, Miss 'tea' drinker and proper-mannered woman!

Can't you see from my
Can't you see from my name...?
I was in rehab for a week... now I'm a greek who was worshiped by allot of people...
My point was that we lived on
My point was that we lived on a fairly small army base at the time so to have two things like that happen in a couple years was kind of "a lot". So, I'm thinking it's the reporting of information/news that may make it seem like it is a lot more common when in fact it may or may not be.
I'm just crazy for crime
I'm just crazy for crime reports.... and I search as much as possible....
it's good news if cold cases gets closed, like the recent one where 2 teen girls went missing in 1973, and now the killers where caught through DNA testing... 2 guys....
I think way back it was more col cases maybe cause the means was not there to catch killer...
but I blame social media and lazy parents for the most of the behavioral issues and entitlement in today's children
"I blame social media and
"I blame social media and lazy parents for the most of the behavioral issues and entitlement in today's children" - YUP. totally agree, acra!!!!
Didn't read the rest of the
Didn't read the rest of the comments.
Humankind is the worst animal in the entire animal kingdom. We are greedy without remorse, selfish, and throughout history have shown that we are capable of terrible things.
Never in our history have things been great. The media just blasts what has always been here.
Monchichi - the Aus article
Monchichi - the Aus article link says it all....
Youth crime is a perennial social fear, reappearing in a different guise with each new generation. Teenagers consistently rate as the most violent members of society, and the extremes of their lawlessness - from the rockers of the 1950s to the skinheads of the 1970s and the Asian youth gangs of the 1990s - have provided a reliable supply of alarming headlines tailored for the times. To hear it from police, that threat may have a new face - the cocky teen raised in a moral vacuum of permissive parenting and waning school discipline, dazzled by the violent fantasia of hip-hop and video games, immersed in the narcissism of selfies and Facebook.
As to the factual rates of
As to the factual rates of murder, this has info from 50s-60s until now, for those who are interested: https://ourworldindata.org/homicides/#homicide-rates-in-the-united-state...
It's from this website: https://ourworldindata.org/homicides/
That being said, the kind of information we receive, the ways in which our ideas of 'normal' and 'safe' are violated, and our own personal foundation of values and worldviews have a huge effect on how we interpret and organize any new information.
There's no way that thirty-forty-fifty years ago, humankind was bombarded with images of violences, reports of violence, and fear of violence the way we are today. We lock ourselves up in our homes, watching the world via the internet and television and NetFlix. That wasn't an option in the past, nor was it desirable.