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Text from BM to DH

MJL2010's picture

"Please stop having MJL sign the reading sheet - it would be better left blank - she's not to do anything around their education" can the filthy bitch look in the mirror each morning? She is looking more and more like an ancient hag (think Julia Roberts in the end of "Mirror, Mirror"- not like a wise old woman but like a woman has allowed her spite and hatred consume her.

Get a life, please. I so wish someone would give her something else to think about, but it seems no one wants to touch her with a ten-foot pole- can't say I blame them.


Redsonya's picture

I think your DH should text her back "This is our home and I will decide who helps the children with their homework and reading assignments when they are with me. MJL will sign the reading assignment sheet anytime she helps them with their reading." Then don't respond to anymore texts from BM about this subject ever again and sign away.

sandy1234's picture

I know I was that doesnt mean Dad is not involved in the reading. It just means that SM is involved...

Good comment lol Very funny

BSgoinon's picture

DH doesn't do homework with SS in our home. I have always helped do homework in our house. And I have always signed the reading logs and the planner. It doesn't bother me at all, and SS prefers it that way.

sandy1234's picture

As long as the homework gets done and everyone in the house is happy with it(opinion of SK matters less than DH and SM though) then who cares? Obv there is no problem with it getting done that way.

That's very cool of you to help out in the homework department btw.

MJL2010's picture

Wow- you are way off on a tangent I don't think anyone here is following. No one suggested that.

sandy1234's picture

Yet another poor attempt at reading between the lines aka putting false motive behind the DH and SM

BSgoinon's picture

Ummm... so whether or not a dad does homework with his kid defines his parenting skills? That's kind of silly, don't you think. So, my husband... who is a very active, involved and good dad. That cooks and cleans and coaches TWO baseball teams, loves supports, disciplines and praises... is not NOT ACTUALLY parenting because I choose to help SS with his homework?

I love how SM's are burned at the stake for being helpful to their husbands, and loving their skids. **SMH**

BSgoinon's picture

Who said education wasn't more important than sports in our house? You are awful presumptuous. DH is at every single parent teacher meeting. Every single open house, every event possible. He just doesn't help SS with homework.

SS has been pulled from his games for his grades in the past. He has to have GOOD GRADES in order TO PLAY. All three of the kids have to maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to stay on their teams. Don't assume things about my household. I do homework with all of the kids because #1 I am able to explain it better to them. #2 DH makes dinner while we do homework and #3 I EFFING WANT TO. Burn me at the stake... I love my stepson :jawdrop:

SS has plans to go to college. He knows we REQUIRE it. In our house, school doesn't stop at 12th grade. He has goals... he also LOVES baseball. And he is good at it. What's the problem with that?

Funny that of all of the things that I listed that DH does for SS, you only pointed out the baseball.

Excuse me, your stupidity is showing again.

BSgoinon's picture

Exactly. When DH moved in with me, we became a TEAM. Running a household is not easy alone.

In the entry way of our home, I have a Wall Decal that says "Together We Make A Family" and our family picture hangs next to it. We are a family and we function as one. That means we help everyone... step or bio. That's what family does.

MJL2010's picture

BSgoinon, your DH sounds amazing and involved- the way you have things set up sounds like it works really well.

Cheri, participation in a sport DEMANDS good grades and no coach I've ever worked with (I am a PE teacher and coach) has gone through a season without constantly assuring his/her team that GRADES COME FIRST. I think it's awesome that he coaches. I know in this society that the people you're describing do exist, but not knowing BSgoinon's DH I would not jump to that assumption....

BSgoinon's picture

Really... he is amazing. I couldn't have asked for more out of a partner in life.

You know what happens when you ASSume Wink

sandy1234's picture


Why is there always at least one person on here who tries to put false motive behind a SM or DH? Insisting the false allegation is what the poster said/how things are in the home of the poster. *Sigh* Sounds like a well rounded family system to me-both parents working together in all areas. If the SM was coaching baseball then it would be made out that SM didn't care about SK's education because she didn't help with homework!

BSgoinon's picture

And also... Major League Baseball is MLB...not MBA :? MBA is Masters of Business Assoc.

misSTEP's picture

Maybe the SM is smarter. Would you rather have the skid getting help that gets him/her a D or help that gets him/her a B+ ?

MJL2010's picture

That's right- I won't do anything for them the nights DH works late. I'll take excellent care of my three and just leave the two stepkids to fend for themselves because we wouldn't want lunatic BM (or any of the BMs on here, of course) to think that "...the actual parent is not doing the parenting job".

Thank you Aggravated. I was annoyed at the constant "devil's advocate" of some of the AHEM "STEP"-moms on here, and then I read your comment.

Gabriels Mom's picture

Our BM has issues with things like this. I think it's utterly stupid. When DH is around he takes care of it. When it's just me I handle it. It's better than what she does...nothing. She's always threatening to take me to court-over what? She said it's illegal for me to fill out paperwork(she's mad because I filled out SS's emergency contact sheet for school). I fill out paperwork because DH's handwriting looks like a turkey stepped in ink and danced across the page; my handwriting is actually legible. DH reviews and signs it. But anything else, field trips homework assignments, progress reports...I sign whatever needs a signature.

MJL2010's picture

Oh, and DH did send an amazing e-mail to her regarding this text (she has blocked his number from reaching hers- she can text him and call his phone but he can't reach her- why? Because we blocked her from calling landline and MY phone because she was leaving abusive messages on both- so with her NPD she had to convince herself that HE was the one in the wrong- projection's sure fun, isn't it?).

Among the points in the e-mail: I am a teacher, I am more qualified to be helping skids with hw than either of them, she should be happy that there's someone in their lives who wants to help them, if I help them I will sign- he covered all the bases. Smile

Anon2009's picture

You said in your previous blog that you detest these kids. You also said that divorce may be imminent. If that's the case, it might be best to let your DH handle this stuff. He'll get sick of it not getting done and will start stepping up. And it will help you get away from H and the mess that is BM.

MJL2010's picture

Ah, you've done your homework and earned your cookie for the day!

I see kind of how it's related and you do have a bit of a point......

But I also think this is not the site I originally found that was "stepparents helping stepparents". Now there are people who immediately upon reading a post, look back in OP blogs to try to I don't know- catch them in a lie? Find some fact that they can use to dispute whatever the post is about?

My post about hw was pretty straightforward. Not sure what was in it that made you want to go back thru my old posts.
Have you, Anon, ever had a beyond-horrific day with your DH and his kids and wow, you felt moved to vent on this site where we are all SUPPOSEDLY here to listen and empathize? Well, that was what that was. No such thing as an easy-going smooth family-blending, at least not that I've heard of. Divorce is not an option here but boy it felt like it was that day. Even saying the words gave me the escape I needed just then.

I understand that there may be some on here who try to garner sympathy or "play" steptalkers for what they'll believe, and that some of you who post on here frequently feel the need to be "trouble-shooters" to prevent yourself from being "hoodwinked" by less truthful posters into writing sympathetic responses. I believe that some of you may "trouble-shoot" to enable yourselves to write thoughtful, accurate, helpful responses to people you genuinely want to help. If that's what you were trying to do, Anon, know that I appreciate that you were trying to help. I wish I had the time to be as thorough as some of you; as it is I am hit-or-miss and if I do post a response I take each post at face-value. Probably naive but I just do not have the time.

BSgoinon's picture

>>>Ah, you've done your homework and earned your cookie for the day!

But the REAL question here is... WHO HELPED HER WITH HER HOMEWORK?!?! Wink

Just kidding.

MJL2010's picture

}:) Devil's advocate!! That's who!!

LIKE your comment- wish there was a "like" button on here. Smile

sandy1234's picture


I just died of laughter and came back to life to read your comment again.

3LittleDragonflies's picture

That's sad. I used to help my younger SILs with their homework and sign stuff for them (with a side note explaining who I was) all the time. It is NOT better to leave it unsigned, the kids could lose points because of that.

dad'swife's picture

I'm usually the one that helps with homework, for a lot of different reasons. BUT, I have DH sign the parent sheet, even if I am the one helping. I just feel like it isn't a hill to die on, and I know BM's head will explode at the sight of my name. We have enough problems, why add more :?

sandy1234's picture

Good for you, shows you are doing something right(helping w homework). the fact she said you are not to do anything in their education is funny to are helping with HOMEWORK. You aren't saying "2+2=BM's a jealous bitch and I'm your Mom".

whatwasithinkin's picture

here is a question: if you disengage who signs the reading sheet? Dh right, you disengage to get him to step up and parent..maybe she is trying to force the same issue? DH stepping up and taking care of his kid.

Oh wait Im sorry you said this text came from BM? She is definatly just being a bitch.

Par for the course. Im sick of assholes today and she just took the top spot today.