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Rant about SS on Christmas....

stepsonhatesme's picture

This past Saturday my younger SS(stb20) stopped by to see my DH. Anyway he never stops by unless he wants something. He asked if we were going to MIL house for Christmas. DH told him yes. Well, then SS20 blurts out oh well then, me and A (psycho bitch) are gonna go with you. Well, I whispered to Dh that he need to have SS call MIL and ask if it was ok to bring another guest.
MIL told him it was ok. Well, SS never asked if we could take him. He just assumed that we would.
Well, Christmas morning SS22 calls DH and says somethign along the lines of, "SS20 said that you guys are going to MIL house" well, yeah of course we are. Anyway SS22 says "Ill be over " Like he atomatically assumed we would take him too. SS20 called us right back and said that they would stop and get SS22. I said PB has a car she can drive the 3 of them up there. I didnt want her in my van. Well, she did drive.
Neither SS spoke a SINGLE word to me all day!!! No "hi" "bye" "thanks" nothing at all.
I was just beyond pissed that these 2 "grown" kids still have to come here for rides, or whatnot up to family functions. Now I know for a fact that both of these boys have their grandmas phone number. They could have called her and asked if she was having dinner, and get permission. Instead of asking us. (SS actually asked DH if PB could go. I made sure he asked MIL)
They are both just such little pricks and asses. Not giving a damn about anyone but themselves.

They asked my DH what he got them this year. We didnt get any of the older kids anything. Just the 2 minor kids. I heard them talking behind my DH back saying something along the lines of it was probably my doing. If we wouldn't have been in my MIL house I would have gone clean off on both of them. But I have enough respect for her.


StickAFork's picture

I kinda have to agree with Sue. I don't think any of this involved you (except possibly driving everyone) and things would have irritated you less if you'd just stayed out of the whole thing...

emotionaly beat up's picture

Yes I too agree with Sueu2. You should have just left it alone. It was your husband's adult kids and his mother. And, MIL actually agreed to the extra guest anyway, so this is just how they have always done things perhaps in that family. If your DH did not think to tell his sons to clear it with his mother (basic manners), and he didn't think to clear it with his mother. Your suddenly stating that this needs to be done would have been far from welcome. They would have seen it as none of your business. And, to be honest. It really wasnt. Perhaps for your peace of mind you could have asked your DH when you were alone if he should run it past his mother. Then let them do their own thing. It was also up to your DH to tell them to drive themselves, but you did push them out, and of course they'd be annoyed at paying for their own petrol. They would see that as being your fault. You will not win this. If your DH says nothing to them about riding with you or their manners, trust me, they will never accept it from you.

stepsonhatesme's picture

I did bring it up privately about asking MIL. Ss didn't hear me.
I only talked to dh privately about the ride situation. They showed up on their own with their own ride. I guess up until the point they showed up,I just assumed that we would have to take...because we have had to every year before this. I'm sorry I didn't make that clear. I was just venting about how I "thought" that we weren't being asked. Only because they have never asked before, they always just assumed we would take them and any friend that they wanted to take.
I'm glad they did find their own ride, that they actually called MIL themselves this year (usually dh calls for them). Dh did remind them, but at least they did call themselves.