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Kids and Irritating questions?

sasha101's picture

My 3 ss's drive me crazy with constant irritating questions like "what's for dinner", "how long till dinner", "when is it snack time", "can I have my TV channels on". It starts as soon as they get home from school and seems to go on and on. Weekends are worse when they're here all day, and I'm glad when they go to bm's for their eowe so I can get some peace! I'm sure this is just a normal kid thing to some extent as I remember my daughter doing it when she was young, but she was nowhere near as bad as the skids, who seem to be completely obsessed with food and it drives me insane.

I never ask them what they would like for dinner as it causes a massive debate between them and they just make a huge fuss about it, and there's no way I'm doing 3 different meals for them! We ordered a takeaway last night and dh made the mistake of asking them what kind of pizzas they'd like to share. As per usual, they went into a long discussion about it and ended up squabbling so I told them I what I was ordering and that they could take it or leave it. I've never known kids so greedy and so obsessed with food and it seems really unhealthy to me.

They're always pestering for their TV channels as well. We only have satellite in the living room though they can get a load of free view channels in their rooms. I don't mind them having an hour or so of their crappy programmes on satellite in an evening, but they go on and on and on "can I have my channels", dh will say you can have them after we've watched the end of our programme so then we get "how long will that be" and then "is it nearly finished yet", then the credits at the end of our programme have barely started and they're back "now can I have my channels". When we tell them it's time for grown up channels again they make the most irritating "awwwwwww" sound ever. I'd love to have a multi room subscription so they can watch all their crap in their rooms, but as we're on a really tight budget we can't afford it so we have to put up with a daily dose of pestering and crappy kid tv.

Do your kids/skids do things like this? Is it just me that has a lower tolerance because they're not my kids? I know my daughter used to pester me and ask annoying questions but never to this extent, probably because she learnt quickly that I hate children pestering and it's the one thing that's guaranteed to get on my nerves. She didn't have the same unhealthy food obsession the skids do and go on and on about food either. Maybe it just seems worse because there's three of them, whereas when my daughter was growing up there was only one child to ask irritating questions instead of three. Dh does see it sometimes and tells them they won't get snacks/tv channels etc if it carries on, but he doesn't see it often enough and often lets them get away with it. Grrrrr!

Comments's picture

Yes. OMG the what's for dinner crap irritates the hell out of me. The way they eat and how much just makes me so damned angry.

After school they eat a snack or 5. Then they ask what's for dinner. Then when is dinner going to be ready. Then they eat half of dinner (because of the hundred snacks they had) and throw the rest away.

This past weekend, between 3 on Friday afternoon and 10 on Saturday morning, they ate (or got out then threw away most of what they didn't eat) the rest of the Thanksgiving ham (and there was enough for two leftover dinners), a box of waffles (minus the one I ate and the one BS ate, so that's 8 ), a box of cereal, 9 rolls, and 4 packets of Raman noodles. I quit counting after that.

And of course DH does nothing. They don't eat cause they're hungry most of the time. They do it cause it's there and they're bored.

PeanutandSons's picture

Annoying as can be. You didn't put how old they were, it from what they are asking I assume older than 6?

They will keep asking as long as you keep answering.

What's for dinner? Food
Can we watch tv? I will call you when its your turn. - and if they come ask again before you call again, them the answer becomes no and they get no turn on the hit tv.

Awwww (when the tv goes off) ok, since you can't handle when your turn is over, you don't get a turn tomorrow.

My skiers are allowed one snack after lunch or after dinner... They ask once. If they pester, asking for it at any other time, or asking for a second treat results in a loss of their snack privilage.

amber3902's picture

^^^^^ THIS^^^^^^

Consequences for asking more than once. I do this with my own bios.

If you ask me again the answer will be NO.

PeanutandSons's picture

But on the step vs bio question.... Yes it is way more annoying from a step. But for me, I see a distinct difference between what my skids do and what my bio does. The skids ask stupidness just to hear themselves talk and to get the attention on them. It's pestering.

Whereas bs3 asks questions to figure the world out and help him understand something. I get super annoyed with questions about the tv and dinner, but not so much from questions about how trees grow, or what does soap do when we wash our hands.

xtina's picture

My son loves fruits and vegetables and I have always given him those for a snack a couple times a day. But my skids don't want anything to do with anything healthy so their dad buys them junk food. Chips, candy, cookies, etc. They get it whenever they want. So it's frustrating because of course my son wants those things too but I would rather him not have junk food.

Skids suck and they are annoying because they are just themselves.

oneoffour's picture

What is for dinner?

When will it be ready?

Can we watch our channels?
At 6pm until 7pm.

Well, time for bed. Whiney kids are obviously too tired.

That's not fair!
No it isn't. But whiney kids go to bed early to catch up on sleep.

Can we watch our channels?
You ask me one more time and I will block EVERYTHING apart from C-Span.

What is for dinner?
Food. Edible food.

Is it time for our channels?
Is it 6pm? No? Then you have chosen C-Span as your channel of choice this evening.

I want hamburger not chicken AGAIN!
Do you pay for the food? No? So you don't get a vote.

Welcome the the SM Dictatorship!

LuciaLeko's picture

Honestly i have this issue with my Bio Daughter,The constant i want food,when is dinner,can i have this,can i have that,then the damn freak out she has if she doesnt get honestly drives me absolutly batty and she is not my Skid!!now on the other hand,SS7 will not ask for food,he will send my daughter to do it,and then proceed to whine about what he is getting and then refuse to eat it...../sigh and that in itself is annoying as hell also!