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CLove's picture

I was relating my challenges to a friend of mine, who is a BM to 3 (BIG mistake HUGE), and she has sort of alternative ways of mentally dealing with stuff that is hard.

She came up with this gem:

When you think of SD18 Princess Powersulk Do Nada, try to think of her as a might shift your attitude and thinking.


So, I did try. All I could come up with was Princess Powersulk Do Nada, goddess of sloth, bringer of passive agressive victimhood.


Lillywy00's picture

lol @ goddess of sloth

i had to do similar by reframing my beastly bovine work boss 

I "k!ll3d that heifer with kidness" one day and envisioned each fake compliment to stroke her fragile ego as a swift kick to the l@bia with steel toe boots .... the extra pointy hard ones 

It was the biggest dopamine hit ever 

You probably care more for powersulk than I do my manager but you get the point 

ESMOD's picture

I might have seriously asked her.

What do you mean by "goddess"?  Why would you think it was normal to elevate a child to that kind of stature?  Don't you think that you and  your husband are the head of your household?


Lillywy00's picture

Why would you think it was normal to elevate a child to that kind of stature?  Don't you think that you and  your husband are the head of your household?

This is a question I'd like to ask every Disneyland dad 

*not saying op husband is one ... just the thought came to my mind of this sounds typical of how Disney parents view their no-home-training kids on some imaginary pedestal they created in their mind and erroneously assume everyone else views their kids on a pedestal too

CLove's picture

On our group text pretty much everything is looking snotty and snarky right now, so Im having to reframe pretty much everything...

ImperfectlyPerfect's picture

Ohhhhh does this freeze my bum when non-stepparents give their "good advice" to a stepparent who has been through the ringer. I have also shut down any convo with family and friends who are not in a situation like me- it's extremely RARE that someone can really understand and this advice you received CLove is ASININE. 

Lillywy00's picture

^anytime the ex Disneyland dad friends or family would  see him out somewhere with me on our rare adult only dates they'd be like "OMG where are your kids"

Like WTF ... "do YOUR kids hang off you 24/7??? And if you're so concerned about his kids why don't YOU offer to take them/turn your home into his beastly breeder's free 24/7 respite center and let's see how well you enjoy it you hypocritical a$$hole!"

These people really do not have a clue half the sh*t we have to deal with being partnered with these lackadaisical bio parents 

CLove's picture

How do you actually respond to that without sounding like a jerk? "The kids dont really like hanging out with us anymore (sad face)"

CLove's picture

But maybe I over estimated her!

Shes really kind and empathetic, typically.

But, yeah, not going to go to her for any advice. She tells me her kids who are older, dont really help out at to her its normal to be sloth-like.

Rags's picture

Hmm. Aren't the gorgons minor goddesses? How about the Succubus demons?  Demon Goddesses/Gods are gods/goddesses none the less and a far better fit for so many failed family CODs legitimately god like SParents struggle with.

Now back to Mt Olympus to sit on my SDad God throne and sling disparaging lightning bolts at crap parents who pollute the lives of SParent gods with failed family breeding mistakes.

