pierce the veil.
Hah. Just as predicted, things when it comes to SD18 Princess Powersulk, Husband gets wonky. Theres a lot to unpack.
Last night, Husband tells me that he wants to go to this gathering tonight(Tuesday night).
Previously hes told me that SD18 PPS will be at our house not Monday, but Tuesday.
I was a bit fatigued last night after work. Maybe its that big planentary alignment. Maybe its just work is draining. IDK.
Husband quips "oh PPS did something." Sounded ominous, I said "what?"
"Oh, she got a piercing"
"on her lip".
So I chuckle a bit to myself. She gets over $400 for bday and graduation money, what does she do? First thing she does is get a piercing. Keep in mind folks - I dont know if I have mentioned this, but she struggles to get out of her sisters shadow, struggles to maintain that shes so DIFFERENT from her sister, not at all like HER and so much BETTER. Her sister Feral Forger SD25 has multiple piercings - her nose, her lips, her tongue (I know this because of all the photos with her tongue hanging out and a big gauge thing in there.) She even has them in her gums.
I just say "ok, well Im going to pop some corn over here and see what happens..." meaning see what kind of development happens when she gets to our house.
He continues to deflect all the parental failings to Toxic Troll. "You know where all that comes from, its from HER SIDE".
This morning some weird things happened. Last night I held up a mirror to Husbands behavior. It opened a door is all I can say right now. He went off on me this morning. I had asked "ok, so PPS is coming here, what then...?" he is supposed to teach her how to drive. So the deflection occurs, shouting "I know you dont want her here!!!!" If he read any books ever, Id say that he has read the Bioparent Playbook, but thats impossible.
I just stated that "so, you sit in the garage and she sits in her room, and thats what going to happen? Visitation is over I just dont see the point. If you dont have any expectations for people, well they meet them every time!"
"Shut the F@ck up, you were going to get her a passport". Classy guy. Yep. I didnt want to shove ca$h into her open hands, I wanted to enable her to move forward in life.
More stuff was said, none of it really matters. I know what he was REALLY saying.
He threw a plastic hanger in my direction. I later broke it. Understanding he is lashing out to deflect. Understanding hes pushing all the buttons to get a reaction. I told him the following:
"we are not a team, we are not working together on anything. The way you continue to treat me is unacceptable, and the way you rage at me is unacceptable, especially over the stupid tatoo kit. I will not accept that ever again."
My voice was strong, no pain in my head or shoulders or back.
It scared him, I could tell. His voice shook after that. Im armed for this week (if) PPS shows up. I know that to do.
Thank you everyone whos been supporting me along this journey and transition.
- CLove's blog
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mmm...the minute something gets thrown at me...I'm out
NOPE..hard pass for me. After being hit with many objects by the Village Idiot..I will NOT under any circumstance put up with that again.
DH likes to deflect and has found I am no longer a willing participate. I wasn't before but I have no effs left and nope I call his @ss out all the time. He complained about it in therapy..and the therapist told him.."you know what if you don't want called out on it..DON'T DO IT." He flat out told DH...you ruined your marriage before with that and you will ruin this second chance to if you continue.
Stay strong....keep your boundaries. I tell DH..if you going to deflect to me..I'm leaving the room, the house whatever. I am NOT and will not be your punching bag. Get therapy, meditate, pray or whatever..but figure it out.
OH and PPS and SD must be the same...SD has nose piercing (yea ok so do I), 2 lip piercings, her tongue and her septum.
Im not against piercings...
I actually like them and prefer them over tattoos.
Its just when folks do it for the wrong reasons, with money better spent on bettering their lives. If you have a good job and the ca$h GO for it!!!!
SD FF does it thinking shes cool, special and different and everyone else is "lame".
I'm all for whatever piercings/tattoo's you want
but not when you don't have discretionary income. I mean I sport piercings and a lot of tattoos but I have extra money and I can do that. I have never understood...getting evicted but hey lets get tattoos/piercings/nails done/eyelashes etc. Not sleeping in the rain is more important than body modifications.
Yep, hard pass for me as well...
Im feeling much much stronger now.
He threw something at you.
He threw something at you. That should be your 100% breaking point. I don't care if it was hanger or a pillow or a coffee mug or a brick. Completely NOT ok. You should turn on your heels and never ever mention PPS again and seriously get yourself ready to move out. It will not change, and it will get worse.
Not mentioning her again...
Shes an adult. Anything involving her - involves her and her ONLY.
The hanger was thrown "in my general direction" stopped short of touching my body. Hes extremely careful and knows I can hang him out to dry very easily. He wont do that again.
Mmm..this is the excuse I used for the VI
until it wasn't just in my direction..but directly at my face. Doesn't matter...he threw it in anger...whether it was at you or your direction.
Sorry.....he needs some help dealing with the mess he created with both PPS and FF....
Rage Mode
He and I have discussed his rage mode. He thinks its ok, because he "gets it out of his system and its ...gone...poof!"
Not true, it goes somewhere else.
I told him "you cant make it work with anyone...you cant be a team and make it work with anyone...except maybe your DUDES. No woman would put up with this."
Hes always had this adversarial approach to me and it sounds like the same happened with Toxic Troll.
Im stil unpacking it all.
I still think if he threw it
I still think if he threw it in your general direction - NOT ok. Really not. If you give him a second chance and he starts swearing at you and throwing things again, then you are done?
I am so proud of you CLove.
I am so proud of you CLove. Please do not think I am being condecending. I truly am thrilled that you are putting your DH in his place as well as putting his failures of an XW and their write off spawn in their places.
Your headache free and no tension back as you shoved his nose into the stench of his rancidly stained life' carpet is truly an inspiring breakthrough.
Stay the course. He will either man up and grow up, or he won't. One way he may make a life together with you. The other way, he will be consumed by the same Succubus trio that has drained him for 20+ years. He needs to learn to make better choices. Do not let him ever again be an Incubus in your life. Whether you deign to keep him around or not.
Thank Rags
You all on here, plus ONE girlfriend who is going through ALMOST EXACTLY the same thing with her partner, are my only support system.
My Mother sides with him, hes managed to worm his way in there.
My Dad wants to stay out of it. Believes me and thinks that I married beneath me (I believe that now).
My women groups who I THOUGHT were friends, went to his "side" and embraced him and have turned on me in various ways. People Ive known for over 10 years. Even when Ive shown them proof, when theyve seen it with their own eyes.
Ive tried to build a good support system. Being childless, I dont have any "mom friends" or bios to concentrate on. My niece and nephew are young and far away and my brother and I are not close. My cousin is far away...
Small town with their tight groups are almost impossible to break through into - formed when they were in high school.
I thought he was going to be my partner and best friend. Just never gelled, and his toxic dysfunctional idiocy is become too much.
Look, I get that you are
Look, I get that you are trying to give him infinite grace because his children are now both turning out to be great dissapointments... and of course it frustrates him and you are just the most convenient person to lash out at.
But honey, he cursed at you, threw something in anger.. in your direction.. it's not like he threw something down on the floor.. it was towards you.. and if he is raging.. either he is in control enough to not do that.. or he isn't really in control enough to not hit you. He wants to throw things in your face (passport).. and make everything about everyone else screwing up.. not him.
I have no idea why you waded in to help PPPS do anything.. much less a passport. THAT should be done by an actual parent. again.. clove neck out.. chopped off.
And you are still dancing around the actual issue by these somewhat passive aggressive questions. "...so what then?"..
You have to have a real conversation.. not poke around the edges to try to make him see some light or error in his ways.
Instead of pointing out he is in the shop.. she in her room.
Start the conversation off like this.
So, Now that your daughter is 18 I want to discuss how that impacts our home. Are you still planning on exercising visitation? Is there some schedule that I should be aware of? Are we ablle to repurpose the room into a more general use guest room/gym? I feel that your daughter has to elect a residence and at this point the other residence shouldn't be expected to keep a room set aside for her alone.
No, DH, I don't hate her, but she and I are not particularly close due to several things you are well aware of and I am looking forward to having a home that is more peaceful.. so we need to discuss this calmly.. are you capable of doing that?
Thank you ESMOD
To address all the details youve laid out for me:
1. I have no more grace to give him. I let him know that I am a spectator to the show. No more whipping post, business only.
2. Hes in control. Hes extremely aware of the lines he can dance and get away with it. Hes spoken of it to me over the years, I took notes.
3. His throwing the passport lack in my face was weak at best as shes been at her mothers all week last week into last night.
4. I didnt want to give her money (expected) and want her to not have any more excuses. Dont want to step up? Oh WELL!
5. Agree that comment was not the best timing (before work) or the best stated (exxageration - whatcha gonna do, huh?)
6. "
So, Now that your daughter is 18 I want to discuss how that impacts our home. Are you still planning on exercising visitation? Is there some schedule that I should be aware of? Are we ablle to repurpose the room into a more general use guest room/gym? I feel that your daughter has to elect a residence and at this point the other residence shouldn't be expected to keep a room set aside for her alone.
No, DH, I don't hate her, but she and I are not particularly close due to several things you are well aware of and I am looking forward to having a home that is more peaceful.. so we need to discuss this calmly.. are you capable of doing that?"
THIS, ALL THIS. But now Im going to actually say this to HER, not him. It doesnt work with HIM, because we are not a team and no more opportunity for rage mode.
She gets this week, maybe a few more weeks to let the dust settle.
Sorry Clove this isn't a
Sorry Clove this isn't a conversation for you to have with her. Don't do it.. it will not work out well.
If you are too afraid to talk with your husband because of his RAGE mode.. then you should not be in a relationship with him.period.dot.
And.. re the passport.. just give her the money.. or don't.. but do not get wrapped up in the debacle that her passport application will become. Shoot.. give her a suitcase for her present.. for all the places she will go (like out of your house).
Shes indicated
There is the distrinct possibility she will use it against me, but at this juncture I dont care and there isnt really anything wrong with having these discussions.
Husband has "told me", and she has indicated in a group text with husband and myself that he "can pick her up today because she finished up her stuff there" which I have no idea what stuff she was working on, have no idea how long and have no idea if the visitation is supposed to continue.
I just want to be informed at this point. Ive got plans to make.
Make your plans. If your H
Make your plans. If your H decides to hang out in the garage while PPS lounges in the bed, so be it. You go do what you planned. If necessary, always have an alternate plan you can do solo.
It's not that there is
It's not that there is anything "wrong" about having these discussions... except you are having it with the wrong person. She doesn't get a choice. This is not HER decision to make. this is your husband's.. and that is the RIGHT person to have the conversation with..
You having a conversation with her elevates her power position.. into one that has some say over who is in your home... It also puts you squarely in the bulls eye for the bad treatment that you tell us you don't deserve... that should be reserved for cheating abusive TT... but when you decide to take fire for your husband.. then you are making the choice to be the bad guy.. and this is why people are able to spin a narrative that "clove is a B, mean, petty, (she's yelling at me.. she's attacking me.. waaaa)" this is why you get the treatment from his family.. because you make yourself the bad guy instead of making your husband man up and parent his kid.
I know you are a good person and your intent is not bad.. and you do deserve to have some clarity on what kind of situation will happen with your SD now that she is 18.. but the person you need to do this with is your husband.. and I'm afraid that he will just rage... put you in your place and you will have no resolution.. if you go to PPS.. you will end up with similar results... just come out looking worse to his family.
Personally, at this point.. all you can do is live your life as if she is not there.. go do your thing.. the only thing that would be a bone of contention is converting the room... but you are under zero obligation to facilitate anything about her time at your home.
It will not go well. She will tell Daddy you're attacking her. He will then feel justified and treat you worse. Step back, shut up, and do and say nothing to her. Nothing. Not even an "mmmhuh" or a "okay"
He knows, she knows, you know. Do not give her the excuse she'll be looking for. Just zip it and move out of the splash zone.
Your right. Reserve it for next month when shes been lazing away, in and out at will and making excuses.
I would just let it go. It
I would just let it go. It won't change in a month. It will still be her crying that you're mean to her and her dad using you as a scapegoat and screaming at you instead of expecting anything from her.
Use your wallet as your map. Picking up take out, get enough for two and she is not one of the two. Going to an event, don't buy her ticket. Stop buying small treats or paying her way. You've already commited to her passport BUT stop reminding them. If she doesn't bring it up, you don't discuss it. If she won't do the leg work, you do not mention doing it. Let Daddy deal with requests for $$, buying her treats, paying her way. You and your wallet zip it. If Daddy wants to pay for a grown assed adult to sit on her ass and do nada, it's $$ out of his fishing budget.
So, SD is 18. DH tells you
So, SD is 18. DH tells you when she is coming over. And she stays the night? Are you consulted? Do you have a say when she comes over? If not, you should. As for the piercing, I'd disengage from crap like that. When people give cash gifts to others, we might silently judge what they do with the cash, but we really have no say and shouldn't get upset over it. Respond to DH with "news" like this with, "mmm hmmm" and keep flipping through your magazine. Lol. (He likely knew he'd get a reaction out of you....interesting dynamic.) Also, if DH stays in the garage and SD in her room during visits, so be it. It's their mess. . . unless it is impacting your life. Whatever we think, as SMs, we have no influence or impact on the skids' futures. Can you emotionally detach from whatever it is PS may or may not become?
As for the fight, it almost feels like a setup to me because your husband "needed" to let off steam. SMs are punching bags enough when it comes to skids; we don't need to be our husbands' punching bags, too.
His Rage Mode
Happens in all things. If he stubbs his toe, if the vaccum cleaner isnt working right, if he drops something. Someone driving too slow. Needing to get gas and we have to be somewhere. His family is loud like that.
He has always gone into rage mode over his kids. Its what he does because he knows they are effed up severely, so maybe its letting off steam. Im still considering where to go from here.
As to the piercing thats what I said to him almost exactly. I told him (my reaction) that I learned if I dont like what people spend ca$h gifts I give them, then dont give it, give something else. But if I give it, dont think twice what its spent on.
I wasnt consulted about her staying past visitation. Nope, his attitude is "this is my house too I can do what I want..." But that will change when she gradually stops her visitation. I think its going to be the gradual fade thing.
Meanwhile I have an artichoke festival to attend. With a Prince tribute band.
When support is given, the
When support is given, the definition on the form and purpose of that support has to be crystal clear. With cash, there is no control over how it is spent. However, how the receiver uses it can and should determine any further support.
My Aunt and Uncle were paying for their eldest GK's college. A smart kid. Sadly raised in a low motivation redneck extremely low performance community. My eldest cousin, her dad, is smart as hell but has a problem with authority. He got a significantly older bar fly pregnant when he was in his mid 20s. They married. She passed in the home they owned for many years. Basically a shack. The kid found her when the kid was in her early 20s. My cousin was working traveling construction and he and his wife had been pretty much estranged for far more than a decade.
This kid is my Aunt's eldest GK. The kid was doing well at the local university. Always struggling with money, working, etc... Then... tattoos. My Aunt saw a FB post from her GK of the cool new tattoo, and immediately cut the kid off. My Aunt's perspective was that if she had money to pay $hundreds for tattoos she could pay for her own university education.
Meanwhile back at the ranch and a decade of so later, Aunts GK is back in school and doing well. After a marriage and pregnancy with an XH who was kicked out of the Army for drug use, after they got custody of his eldest DD from his crackhead XW, after they bought a house, after he got fired from a couple of decent jobs, and after she divorced him and he and her SD moved out of State to live in his parent's basement.
To this day my Aunt will not give her a cent. She is comforting and emotionally supportive, but will not give that GK any financial support.
Sadly, even if she does finish her Undergrad, she will not leave that cesspool city and community she is so enamored with. For more clarity, this cousin has friends in prison for life for murder who are "good people" and that she visits and takes her young DD to visit at the penitentiary. My two other cousins are extremely succesful, in solid marriages to quality people, and their kids are all thriving.
It breaks my Aunt's heart, and my mom's, but no amount of example and care can fix this level of willful cluelessness.
"so, you sit in the garage
"so, you sit in the garage and she sits in her room, and thats what going to happen? Visitation is over I just dont see the point. If you dont have any expectations for people, well they meet them every time!"
THIS. My DH was either up SS16's ass in the form of occupying his every second- having more of a spousal relatinship than a parent/child one or-- DH lives his life with me, DD4 and DS1 and SS16 refuses to come out of his hole. SS16 won't engage when it's not just he and DH solo (Godforbid he can't be in a situation where he's not the center of attention) so he hides in his room. There is no expectation for his kid. He hides in his room and then leaves. To your point- what's the point of visitation if that's it?! My DH would argue that it's not visitation- he lives here. Yes. He eats, shits, and sleeps in our house for half of his life. That's literally it.
When he is 18, he can leave
When he is 18, he can leave and not come back.
While I get the delusional sentiment that DH has that SS lives there and is not on visitation, reality is, that he is a visitor. Not only because of the CO and visitation schedule, but because DH and SS do not enage SS as anything more than a visitor.
Full time residents take priority over a visitor. Even when both may be kids. For resources, for bedrooms, for parental engagement, etc. Whatever fantasy daddy may have that his visitation schedule failed family progeny lives there, reality is obviously far different.
IMHO of course.
My position has somewhat moderated on this over the years.
My SS would upon occassion spend a night or weekend with his Spermidiot rather than SpermGrandHags. When that happened he would sleep on the floor because the Spermidiot's booty call of the moment and the boot call's prior relationship spawn were living there. We came down on that hard.
The dynamic in the SpermClan on this was .... dynamic. SpermGrandHag did not allow the Spermidiot to have live in booty call partners or even overnight "guests" in the rental property the Spermidiot lived in rent free. When our pitbull attorney blasted then with a cease and decist demand that our kid got a bed, or else, SpermGrandHag ran special ops runs on her Spermidiot housing rental property with SS and his younger half sibs. She would park down the street, send SS and his three younger half sibs to sneek in the back yard and wait while she pounded on the front door and entered with her key. The back windows of the house would fly open and booty call and her children would pile out of the windows to find Spermidiot's BKs standing there and SpermGrandHag coming out of the back door with the Spermidiot pouting next to her.
It was never out intent for SpermGrandHag to torture her own GKs. We just demanded that SS have a place to sleep other than the floor.
My more moderate updated perspective is that a visiting Skid is accomodated as comfortably as is possible for the available space and full time residents of the home. An Aerobed in a large closet, or a trundle bed in an office/guestroom, or a trundle bed in a full time redident kid's room, etc.... But, not the floor.
In hind sight, I would not change how we dealt with the sleeping arrangements for SS at the Spermidiot's home and the herd of booty call buddies babies getting rooms and beds while SS and his half sibs got the floor. But, in a decent cohabitation situation where a partner has otherwise unrelated prior relationship children, the CO visitor kids are accomodated as best as can be arranged.
I know, I am waffling on this a bit.
My kid blows money on tattoos
My kid blows money on tattoos and piercings. My sister's kid blows money on Lululemon and Stanley cups. I hope neither of them ever waste years on a "partner" who abuses and disrespects them. You are better than this guy, his ex, his kids, and even the nieces who seem like angels because they only mildly use and disrespect you. This guy and his whole family are trash. There, I said it. His ex's car-fixing, garage-drinking, tantrum-throwing ass needs to be kicked. Literally and then to the curb. What a POS.
ETA i know it's easier said
ETA i know it's easier said than done. My situation isn't perfect, either. But damn. This guy is a shit partner.
I say it every time. Bunch a
I say it every time. Bunch a system/clove abusing garbage IMO.
Visitation will continue
Visitation will continue until the end of time or when PPS has something better to do. Your H will forever welcome his pwecious poopsie and I'm willing to bet he'll pitch a fit if you change so much as the light bulb in PPS' room because he wants her to always feel welcome.
As for that passport... You're dangling a carrot trying to motivate PPS. Darlin'... just stop. Either give her the money or give her nothing. Certainly do not waste the gift of your time trying to lead Princess Power Sloth into doing anything productive. It will be the zillionth disappointment for you.
CLove, I absolutely adore you, but your H is a Class A++ jackwad who doesn't come anywhere close to deserving you. He's weak willed to everything under the sun except being a major jerk to you. You deserve so much more.
I forgot to mention my ulterior motive - passports require a government issued photo id. In my research a JOB requires a government issued photo id. EVERYTHING requires a governement issued photo ID.
So, Im using the passport for a higher purpose - "hey I put that out there, I TRIED helping she lamed out...." or "hey now she has a government issued photo id, she can get a JOB". No excuses anymore, none.
You are correct. Hes an a$$hole who doesnt deserve me, neither does his family nor his kiddults.
SD can get a California state
SD can get a California state ID card. Much cheaper -- $39.
She'll need a couple of documents. She'll need to choose a resident address so hope she chooses TT.
I am not going to hold my breath that she gets a drivers license. Id turn several shades of blue and pass out. Its around 30-ish$$
Shes need Birth Cert and social card. Yes. We shall see...I do too.
Don't tell her or your H a
Don't tell her or your H a damn thing. They can adult together.
You know she needs them, he
You know she needs them, he knows she needs them, she knows she needs them so step away. She is a big girl now and can deal with her own stuff. Don't call for her, don't fill out for her, and do not pay for her other than what you've already promise. And don't promise anything else. Why pay people to treat you like crap???
It is not your responsibiilty
It is not your responsibiilty to make things possible for her. Getting an ID may be one less excuse.. but it won't be the end of the excuses. I think you need to give up on the idea that somehow you can trick, cajole or browbeat her into doing or being what you think she should be.
I get it.. at one time, you thought you had a good relationship with this girl and that she had potential. She has proved that nature is more powerful than your nurture (oh and the nurture she gets from her parents is nada.. so...... ).
You often say you don't mind being the bad guy.. but there are a couple of problems with that.
1. Nothing really ever changes.. bad guy or not.. things either happen or don't happen in spite of you inserting yourself into things.
2. You do NOT like being the bad guy. Your posts have had multiple examples of you being hurt or upset by the way you are treated (niece recent example).. you don't want people to dislike you.. so you do care.. so you are setting yourself up for more heartache..
I don't know what the end fix is here.. leave the relationships.. or just accept that you have zero control and live with it as disengaged as you possibly can.. setting boundaries on your financial resources subsidizing his kids may be all you ever can do.. and even there.. it sounds like you let your husband short you a lot so he can do kid stuff.
Wow. Just. Wow. He really
Wow. Just. Wow. He really doesn't want to take any responsibility or accountability for his garbage parenting does he? He likely never will. He just wants to blame Toxic Troll for it all. She's not a stellar parent or anything but he can't put all the blame on her. BM here didn't parent the Lying Ingrate but my husband sure did. Did he turn into a perfect angel? No, not even close, but he learned real quick that his father and I wouldn't tolerate crap behavior. He was much improved. He's a Lying Ingrate yes, but he is a productive member of society who supports himself and is not living under our roof. He never will live here again as long as I'm breathing. We're no contact so that helps.
My husband played the blame game too. Oh he's just like BM, he lies just like BM. He tried to blame BM for him being a Lying Ingrate as an adult. Nope, you can't blame her anymore. We taught him better, he chose not to be better. That's on him now as an adult. Just like my grandfather was an alcoholic and my grandmother wasn't. She taught my dad and his siblings to do better. They chose to be better. Any of them could have chosen to join Daddy getting drunk, but they chose not to. You can only blame the parents for so long, then it's on the adult child how they choose to act. Your husband surely needs to take the blame for some of this, but now it's on the skids themselves. They've been exposed to better, they choose not to be better. He wants to deflect. My husband has been guilty of deflection too, trying to throw some issue at me. No dude, we're talking about x,y,z, not a,b,c. Try to keep up. "We're not talking about me getting PPS a passport, we're talking about you teaching her how to drive, her poor choices, etc".
As far as him throwing something in your direction, yeah, he needs to be called out on that and warned not to do it again. You're not his punching bag, you're not his emotional dumpster. He needs to check himself. He's old enough to regulate his emotions, he is not a toddler, he better get to regulating. He needs it spelled out to him that you will not be putting up with that ever again.
Anything to do with his failed breeding experiments, not your circus, not your monkeys. He can keep his circus and his monkeys away from you. He best not allow them to fling poo at you either.
You honestly are way too good
You honestly are way too good for this guy and his family. I agree with Rumplestiltskin, they're trash. And I don't use that term lightly, but the shoe fits in this case.
You are being abused...
I know it's hard to see when you're in the middle of it but this is clear verbal and emotional abuse. It may escalate to physical abuse. Even if he never lays a hand on you he is still an abusive asshole.
You make excuses for his behaviour and my heart aches for you. It doesn't matter what his family background is or what his current issues with his daughter are. We all have stress and need to deal with it responsibly. "Rage mode" is not acceptable.
I had to make this clear to my DH many years ago. He used to stomp and yell like a toddler and it's one of the reasons his first marriage ended. I made it clear that I would be the next one out the door if things didn't change. I was old enough to have experienced more than a few crap relationships and I recognized fairly quickly that this was abusive behaviour. I was in my 40s and knew by then that there was more to life than walking on eggshells. I was serious about leaving and he knew it....he didn't want to lose me and he changed. I truly hope this happens for you because I feel that you really want this to work, but you need to draw your line somewhere. You deserve so much better.
Clove, why are you still with your DH?
You went from having a medical issue because of the way he treated you and now he is throwing things at you? I don't care how soft the item was or how softly he threw it at you, it doesn't change the fact that in a fit of anger he threw something at you. I've said many times I am not typically voting for someone to leave another person, but I don't know why you put up with this still? He is absolutely abusing you and taking advantage of you.
Your DH has a unreal relationship with his DD
They do what ever they want. He said no as he ATM them. With money. You first must make a stand. Anyone who throws stuff at me will not be in my home. DH can see these ungrateful DD away from the home. At McDonals. Happy meal. I would disengage and not care about them. It's not doing you no good any way.
i would set up a bank account in my name only to stick money in it as exit plan money. If DH gives his DD Money include in $1. More or equal gies unto that account. Including Birthday, Christmas moneys. Make sure that CS actually has ended. DH will not give them or BM money because he's asked . Equal goes into account.
I would get a safe & squirrel away cash... since California is a Community Property / No Fault divorce state, and you have to disclose all your assets & include statements from all accounts in your divorce paperwork. That means CLove's sh*thead DH can/will go after her assets.
/ask me how I know