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Tripping Out

CLove's picture

And NOT because we are in California! lol. Thinking of my East Coast steptalkers.

We are planning and going on a fun little trip happening this weekend starting Friday. Its for 3 days and its south 800 miles. Husband scheduled a fishing trip and we will have a few hours together. Its San Diego, where I went to college and lived for 15 years.

Husband, Sd17then15 Powersulk CPS and I did this same trip under the same circumstances 2 years and 1 month ago. WOW. Things are way different NOW. It was supposed to be our anniversary celebration trip, but I insisted in one last "family togetherness" effort that kid come with us.

Things will be so much different this time.
1. Because we are not including anyone else in this endeavor. Skid is NOT going to be there, so I have complete and utter freedome to do what I wish, limited only by funding. Spa treatments, kayaking sea caves, museums o my!

2. We know that we will need to leave super early so we will be packed up and ready to go instead of sleeping in late and packing the day of. And snacks will be ready so no stops except for the bathroom ones.

3. Did I mention husband will be away fishing so I have complete freedome to do whatever I feel like without entertaining a teen? Last time, I got very irritated that she spent the entire time on her ipad or texting. And the snorkel trip did not go well, but thats not her fault, it just made me feel bad that I had anticipated us having so much fun together. And when husband got back, he catered to kid, leaving me 10 steps behind and out. And we had an oceanview room...sigh. I was pretty irritated, and realized that including her was the craziest thing Ive done. So, just the absence of that irritation will make things so much different and better.

Im learning folks, Im learning. This doesnt change things much, just having fun while Im doing my time.


advice.only2's picture

Have an awesome trip, I love San Diego, lol I will there in two weeks for a girls trip with my bestie. 

CLove's picture

Thank you Biggrin I sent a PM. Im putting together my itinerary as I type Biggrin

Stepdrama2020's picture

I hope this trip will be the best one yet.

Cheers to a nice trip and countdown to skid free.

Rags's picture

I have not been to SD in a few decades. My brother and I drove from Phx to SD to meet a couple of young ladies/friends for Spring Break.

The rest... shall remain unsaid.





CLove's picture

What my theme shall be. Ocean sports? Art Crawl? Spa-detox weekend?

Certainly wont be reflective of my younger days Acute