Duck it
Fiancé is going to a graduation dinner with just SD19, SD16, and ex wife. At their favourite date night restaurant prior to their divorce. I'm invited but will decline. SD19 insisted on having both parents there, and I was invited if I was "okay with it."
I am not. I'm not okay with FDH going to play Happy Families with his ex and teenage kids. He's a grown man (55) and he can make his own decisions, but I'm not going to this "family" dinner at BM's favourite date night spot with her ex, just to make the kids feel like they have a family again.
I booked a luxury hotel for the next two days. FDH is trying to figure out what he did wrong. A few days without me will help.
- Merrigan's blog
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They just don't get it
When I was in a similar situation, I should have asked my DH, "How would you feel if I took my kids to exDH"s house on Christmas morning so we could all have Christmas together instead of being here with you?" I guarantee he would have seen red and accused me of who knows what.
Or, "How would you feel about me going out to dinner with my ex and my 2 kids to our fave date place?"
This BS is not ok. If he does
This BS is not ok. If he does this and you don't say anything, he's going to see it as permission to do it again.
This would be a hill to die
This would be a hill to die on for me. Time for him to sit his adult kid down and explain what divorce means.
I agree!!! When Sd graduated
I agree!!! When Sd graduated we had a family party for her one night and BM took her out for a nce dinner another night. I would hate my stepkids if I were you for even suggestig this and you DH for going along with it!
I don't hate them, that's the
I don't hate them, that's the problem. SD19 has behaved atrociously many times, but she's a product of her mother and her dad's poor parenting. I'm angry with my SO for agreeing to go through with this. And I'm angry that he hasn't parented his kids properly.
Big Just say NO
DH divorce BM. Thus happy family is gone. That what Divorce means. No happy Family dinner at our favorite restaurant. Because you are invited to watch the Happy Family. Doesn't make brownie points. It's OK because your invited.. why didn't they also invite one or two of your ex lovers. Fair is fair. I am sure you and your ex lovers have catching up to do. RIDICULOUS
Good point! Just because you
Good point! Just because you are invited to watch something, doesn't make it ok. So many times these bioparents are like "well i told my current wife she could come too!" Once someone says that, people online seem to knee-jerk assume whatever it is is ok. So the current wife can do like one poster here and have to switch places with her husband so he can be next to BM, because her being in the middle is inconvenient to their conversation.
If my husband even thought about dining out with his ex-wife and their two kids, I'd be on the phone to a man-eating attorney before his ass cleared the door! What are you thinking of, Merrigan, to tolerate this outrage?!
I’ve been following your blogs for several years, Hon, and am as convinced as ever that your husband is a selfish user who has never treated you with the consideration that you deserve. I realize that you love him and want your relationship to survive but there are some boundaries that must be maintained in order to hang onto one’s self-respect. That date with your husband, his ex-wife and daughters is waaaaay beyond the pale. Time to put your foot down! GRRRRRR…..
WTF is it with these men who
WTF is it with these men who think there's nothing wrong with going on a date with the ex? I don't care if the kids are present. Call it what it effing is - a date! I think you should also book a luxury hotel room for the evening of the date. You can tell your fiance since he's so intent on playing family with his ex, you're going make it easy for them to full on play house! She and the girls can pack jammies and they all can have one big happy family slumber party!!!
Has he figured out what he's
Has he figured out what he's done wrong yet?
He's apologetic and sad about
He's apologetic and sad about stressing me out. He wishes everyone could "get along." He's still going.
By eveyone gets along he
By eveyone gets along he reaally means he wishes you would just shut up and take it.
This!!! Perhaps Merrigan
This!!! Perhaps Merrigan should bend over, grab her ankles, and say, "Please, sir, may I have another?!"
did you tell him that you
did you tell him that you have no interest in dating his ex wife and if he does then he'll be staring at his next divorce and you won't play besties with him after it.
SD19 "insisting" is more
SD19 "insisting" is more important than what you need from him?
Will he still be your fiancé when he gets back?
Line in the sand! Keep at it.
It took me 8 years and finally saying nope I'm done, and then 3 more years for it to sink in with DH that I was serious. I have finally not seen bm in three years. I had to continually ask after every invite to either DH or "us" Is BM going to be there? At first we agreed just he would go but that quickly got old for him not having anyone "with" him. He finally informed his grown children enough is enough, he won't be associating with her at all unless it is a milestone event. Now he mostly assumes I'm not going and only asks me if I want to go to the milestone events (weddings etc) I don't and he's fine with it. I'm fine with him going to those few things without me, what I wasn't fine with was him going to every get together they hosted. I did use JRI advice of " how would you feel if I xyz" when DH still felt compelled to pay for some aspect of their get together involving bm. He certainly didn't like the idea of me paying for any part of my kids get togethers with their dad. Just keep re-affirming that it's disrespectful to you as his wife and your marriage. Hopefully if he's a good guy he will finally get it.
We're doing brunch with his
We're doing brunch with his parents. They hate her. I'm telling them all about the Former Family Date Night. Also asked him to show me the receipt after to prove he's splitting the check with ex. He made a panic face. Suck it, boyfriend.
Sometimes guys are just clueless.
And they take the easy way out. My DHs marriage didn't end well. She still is obnoxious and I think for DH it was just easier to go along rather than be the left out one. When I met him and we began dating he was still going to thanksgiving (and paying for most of the food) as well as Xmas and other "family" celebrations. I let him know I found it weird especially since he clearly did not like her at all he said "I do it for the kids" Who are late 30's to mid forties in age btw.
Getting divorced, means whe all can get along. If we could get along we would be stilled married.
He's a selfish loser
Oh wow. He seriously has no
Oh wow. He seriously has no idea why you would be upset about that? Far out how annoying. Enjoy your few nights away and get a nice relaxing massage. I think the idea of pretending to act like a 'complete and happy family' after a divorce is delusional and effed up basically. Especially if you have moved on with someone else and engaged to be remarried. No respect what so ever for you and the excuse for 'doing it for the children' is crap especially at these ages.
I told him it's disrespectful
I told him it's disrespectful to go to this, and more so to expect me to be okay with it. I asked how he would feel if SD19's future partner did the same thing to her, and he got teary eyed.
OP, you should invite an ex
OP, you should invite an ex out to dinner one night at a nice restaurant.... casually mention to your H as you walk out the door that you're off to spend time with your ex and you know he'll be ok with it, since he spends time with his ex..
Watch his reaction hahahaha
Do it!
"It's for the kids" (TM) BS!!
I would if my ex wasn't a
I would if my ex wasn't a nightmare, but I suppose I could hire one for a day.
I gave him an ultimatum for the future of our relationship. No contact with BM outside of concerns or plans with minor SD. We will never sit with BM at any event, and there will be no more Family Events like tonight. Everything from here on will be separate. He must have a talk with SD19 as to why this was inappropriate and will not happen again.
Lastly, if BM calls to berate me or him about wedding plans again (or anything), I will hire a lawyer for a protective order and will report her for insurance fraud.
Shots fired, SO and BM.
Did he tell you he's ok with
Did he tell you he's ok with that?
He says he is.
He says he is.
Great job Merrigan!
Great job Merrigan!
When guys say they "wish everyone could get along" it really annoys the shit out of me!
It's their implication that THEY are the innocent party, being put up on etc....while "these females are fighting over him".
"Caught in the middle" is a similar phrase, and my ex used that one. It's crap. You are not caught in the middle of anything! I am not fighting over you. I'm just extremely disappointed in your failure to stand up to your mini wife daughter, and demand respect for yourself, for me, and for our relationship...
This is exactly it. I told
This is exactly it. I told him the fundamental issue was the disrespect he was showing me by agreeing to this.
Deliberately disrespecting or just plain stupid?
I'm wondering if he's fundamentally stupid or if he's deliberately disrespecting you. How can he not understand that you are not happy about sitting at a table with a woman he used to shag in a place they used to have their lovey-dovey dates and listening to the four of them reminisce about the good old days? The very idea of that makes me want to boke.
If he's anything like my DH
If he's anything like my DH he's a path of least resistance guy. It's pathetic.
Wonderful thread. I think this thread shows just how helpful we can all be to each other.
Totally the same. He said
Totally the same. He said "but you're always so kind and understanding. I didn't think you'd be mad."
This forum is so helpful - you've all given me the right words to use.
My DH wouldn't be wondering
My DH wouldn't be wondering what he did wrong.. I would be telling him.
I have no problem if you want to take your daughter out for a special graduation meal. I have no problem with you and BM both being at her graduation, but there is zero reason why you need to go out to eat with your EX wife at a place that used to be your go to date night spot. I don't care if your DD asked you to go together.. she can hear "No.. I'm not going out to eat with your mother".
I actually would have gone to that dinner and made it the most awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved.. probably complain about the food.. talk about our last romantic vacation.. make dismissive comments about BM's line of work when discussing SD's future.. and how excited she must be to leave the nest.. my shins would probably be sore at the end though.. haha.
Out of curiosity, if it was
Out of curiosity, if it was any other resturant, would you have been ok with it?
For my family, we will get together with my exH, his wife, DH, me and our kids for BIG events in our kids lives. ExH and I never had a "spot" but if we did I don't think that would be a place that would be chosen. We do stand in and show our kids support together though.
Even though I get mad and vent about my exH and his stupidity and issues that I have, it has always been my #1 priority for my kids to see their dad in a positive way and shield them from feeling that they aren't worth us being able to have a simple dinner to celebrate THEM. It's not about me, it's not about him and it isn't about our current spouses. It's about our kids wanting to have all their family with them for a big event. Some years it might me once or 2X, other years we don't have anything on that level where we would need to be together. At the end of the day though- we will all be that these kids weddings. We will all be grandparents. Like it or not, we are all connected on some level and I am not going to retreat because dad is coming over and I would never expect him to postpone seeing his kids and grandkids one day because of me.
I guess if both spouses have
I guess if both spouses have kids with one or more previous partners, both are doing it (doing joint things with exes), and both are ok with the other doing it, it works for some people. I still think the number one priority should be a person's current marriage as opposed to how their ex is seen by their kids, or anything to do with the ex period, but if it's not hurting your current marriage, i see no problem with it.
The last time we had
The last time we had something close like this to deal with was when my OSD got married about 7 years ago.. and it was a very informal affair.. and everyone just went out to a local restaurant afterwards.. and BM pipes up that "the father of the bride should pick up the tab for everyone! I laughed and said.. bride's side "BM".. were you ready to come up with your half? she shut up.. we paid for our meals..and enough extra to cover the couple and his parents.. but that was it. TBH.. we didn't have money at that time to spend on it.. so even that was a pinch... but the nerve of her to pipe up? ughhhh... it's not like SHE was reaching into her wallet..though her BF did pay for their own meals.. (not a cent more though)
Joint dinners are absolutely not necessary.. and no way would that kid's request be honored in our house.
Oh, I agree. But - i have
Oh, I agree. But - i have come to realize that there are other lifestyles/arrangements besides the one i want, so if both parties in a marriage have prior commitments and *both* are in agreement that the marriage is secondary to other things, i guess it can work. I do have a problem when one partner is prioritizing the relationship above all else, but another *says* they are, yet treats their current partner as secondary. It's a power imbalance that seems to occur more frequently when a person without children marries someone with children. Kids' needs come above all else but a want for a certain party or dinner with certain people, or a picture with only certain people, to me, are not needs. Maybe that's where counseling can help - where do you draw the line between wants and needs?
Oh, I absolutely agree that
Oh, I absolutely agree that not hurting your current spouse should be your #1 priority. However... we as the 2nd (or 3rd) spouses also have to tone down the petty from time to time.
Me, for example, will not run BM2 over in my car when I see her at the courthouse in a few weeks. See, look at me rising above! LOL
It really is all about how the relationship is though and being civil is a big part of it. That is something that my ex and I are MOST of the time, there are reasons we aren't married and we really don't like each other as people, but we at least try to keep it civil on the surface even if we hang up and cuss the other to the moon and back. But at the end of the day we show up for them and sometimes that means all of us together.
BM will never be civil and would never even think to include DH in anything related to SS. Maybe that is why I asked- DH didn't get an announcement, a phone call, a senior picture, nothing. He asked and asked and tried but nothing. So, for us, honestly even being included would have meant a lot.
I'm sorry but if he is doing
I'm sorry but if he is doing this for a graduation just wait till the girls get married! I would bet a 1000 bucks he will not only pose for a ton of pics with the ex but sit with her and god knows waht else. Becuase you know those days are for his daughters and its about thier happiness (puke!(
Figuring out what he did wrong?
DH is delusional.
Take care of you.