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Reddit hates SM’s

Merrigan's picture

I don't know if we're allowed to post links to reddit, but there's a juicy post in the Estate Planning subreddit from a woman who's convinced her stepmom is hiding her deceased dads assets. It's in the EstatePlanning subreddit. She paints her stepmom out to be a greedy, scheming woman who cut her off from her dad.

Meanwhile, I found them all on social media. Stepmom and dad were married for thirty years, had three children together, and seemed amazing together.

Mods, if I can link it, let me know.



Rumplestiltskin's picture

Oh, I agree about Reddit. I believe that most posters are young adults so are coming at it from a stepkid POV. There was one post recently from a 16-year-old whose dad has been dating a woman for 4 years but hasn't married her because he promised his little poopsie when he first divorced that he wouldn't get remarried. Now, the woman and her 2 kids are about to become homeless due to something that the OP admits isn't the woman's fault. The dad asks teenage Princess if the woman and her kids can come live with them until she gets a place. Poopsie told him if he does this, she will move out because it will make her uncomfortable, so the guy and gf are probably going to break up after 4 years. OP Poopsie asks "AITA?" Almost every reply is "NTA! Your dad is a PARENT first, and he made a promise to you! What kind of FATHER would he be if he broke that?!" Poopsie is almost 17. Pathetic. ETA the few times i've taken the rage bait and commented in support of a stepmom, my comment is removed lol. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I have been cautioned and/or banned from several Reddit groups for being too direct or speaking truth that's inconvenient so it hurts fee fees. I have to consciously turn my inner knob to "more woke, less truth" when I log on over there.

There's so many younger people of limited perspective on Reddit. Many are entitled and were raised in a child centric way that prevented them from learning the world doesn't revolve around them. They truly don't see their parents as human beings and expect the one way relationship to continue forever. Endless variations of relationships subs, all advocating for the flawed & selfish me, me, me life philopsophy.

Lillywy00's picture

Many are entitled and were raised in a child centric way that prevented them from learning the world doesn't revolve around them

My ex skids and their beastly breeder had this mindset. 



Hence the EX part. 

Not necessarily the skids fault bc the bio parents raised them like that but too low of an ROI dealing with people who think like this. 

Rags's picture

The "fault" line is a very fine line IMHO. If a kid perpetrates a behavior, it is the kid's fault. IMHO. Regardless if that is part of the baggage they inherrited from their parent(s).

This standard is applied in an age appropriate manner from birth until kid or parent demise whichever is first.  With ownership and escalating consquences applied in increasingly painful levels as the kid ages.  Kidults, get no quarter. They behave or they suffer.  Access to parental support of any kind from financial to emotional from a parent to a kidult is on a zero tolerance for crap basis.  

IMHO, this gets increasingly critical and with escalating negative impact on the kidult as the parent approaches their expiration date.  Be a shit spawn, get nothing in the Will. It all goes to the quality spawn or to the destination of parental choice in the event the only spawn option is shit.  Cousins, nieces, nephews, siblings, charities, pets, universities, etc....  Shit spawn are gone and should get absolutely nothing.

IMHO of course.

LittleCloud9's picture

I wonder how these self centered children will handle being parents. Will they cease being people when they become parents and transform into the inconsequential doormats that they currently expect their parents to be for them? Selfishness doesn't evaporate from your personality because you give birth. I weep for the future ......

Exjuliemccoy's picture

There's also endless complaints on Reddit from family members of young parents who either don't train their kids to behave appropriately or expect to be able to dump their kids on others regularly. The entitlement continues ...

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I was in line at a clothing store today (i was off work today) and there was a mom with a baby and a kid who was maybe 8. He wasn't in school and didn't seem sick so i'm guessing "homeschool." He kept whining for drive-thru chicken tenders. Mom said they would go for lunch and was trying to check out. He kept repeating "Come ON!! I want chicken!" Over and over. He got louder and louder. Mom would say "ok, soon!" sort of passively. The little a-hole just wouldn't quit. He did it in different tones, to the tune of different songs, etc. He was able to hold a normal conversation while we were in the back of the line so i don't think he was neurodivergent. He was just being a little turd and mom had no control. It's like it's gone out of style to have standards. I think if certain kids were taught to act in a way that's tolerable, stepparents wouldn't be so hell-bent on getting them out from under their roofs. 

PetSpoiler's picture

Seems like everyone hates SM's  though.  "You're supposed to love them like your own". " They were there first", " You knew he/she had kids", "you knew what you were getting into".  Let them get into a relationship with a man or woman with demon spawn and see how quickly they change their tune.  

Rags's picture

All self delusional avoidance of the reality of ill behaved toxic failed family spawn by clueless people.  The ill behaved failed family spawn that are far too often the reality of life as a SParent married to someone who is a crap parent with failed family baggage in tow.

Lillywy00's picture

a SParent married to someone who is a crap parent with failed family baggage in tow.

construction grade HEAVY duty baggage.  

Lillywy00's picture

self delusional avoidance of the reality of ill behaved toxic failed family

THIS is 100% why I left my ex 

That mfer pretending that his overzealous allegiance to his failed former family wasn't significantly decreasing the quality of my life is number one reason I couldn't stay 

It was enough having to deal with splitting hella coins with them for 18+ years but to have them constantly act needy (as a manipulation tactic) to demand his other resources too .... I started feeling like I had a shell of a man and not a real partner. 

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I bet in 20 years, Reddit users will have gone from disgruntled skids to disgruntled stepparents. I'll try to remember to go back and check.

Lillywy00's picture

^ those disgruntled skids will be so entitled they'll probably end up single with kids then  rope unsuspecting childless people into their Disneyland sh*tshow .... perpetuating the expectation that good people deal with unruly nonbio kids and toxic bio parents for little to no payoff. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

You can post the link. I advise that users "hold" the link until a pop-up appears, then select Open in new tab or Open in new tab in group

Lillywy00's picture

What I've seen of Reddit is people complaining how single parents try to unload their "baggage" (not necessarily their kids per say but the nuances that come along with Disneyland bios, batsh*t crazy bm, money flying out the window to another woman's household in child support, no-home-training skids) then be so entitled acting like all the shenanigans they have going on isn't going to instantly decrease the quality of their new partners life. 

Maybe it's because I've been searching

"Love him but not his baggage"

"I don't want to be a step parent anymore"

"I don't want to live with stepkids"

"Single dads ridiculously high expectations"


greyskies's picture

I posted a lot in Reddit forums about my personal experiences (not opinions, my literal experiences) just to be chewed out.  It's delusional and just aims to stick to the ''status quo.''  

Yesterdays's picture

People have a very weird view on step parents on those sites like step parents should never get any sort of say on anything. I guess a step parent is just supposed to step into that role and just deal with whatever crap and nonsense is going on without ever expressing displeasure because they are not the true parent 

There was a post where this poor lady was seeing a man and he had kids around 5 or 6 years old. They had a tiny apartment. The dad allowed these kids to run around the house feral and she was venting they she felt they should go play outside if they were going to be doing sports and stuff in their small living room. It was creating chaos

She got blasted SO bad for expressing she thought these kids should be doing sports outside... That she is not the parent so she has absolutely no say.. Even though it's in her house and environment she has to also live with... 

I guess this doesn't matter at all.. The kids should be able to act out of control inside the home and god forbid anyone express the kids be sent outside.. Etc 

No the step parent doesn't get a say.. For what goes on inside their own home! Little poopsie can't be told they're acting too rambunctious indoors... 

Yesterdays's picture

And it's always these super passive bio parents that are allowing their kids to do whatever they want and no one is allowed to say it's wrong.. Well I guess we've heard that story a million times before.. You're not the parent you get no say or else it means you don't like the kid

Merry's picture

I was feeling fiesty when I responded to a post about a stepmom not being invited to a kid's wedding. The Dad was upset and considering not attending.

Stepmom was being excluded for all the normal reasons--makes BM uncomfortable, she's not "nice," "nobody" likes her, she's not real family.

I supported the Dad and pointed out that it's odd to start out one marriage by disrespecting another marriage. Comments were as expected. It's SD's wedding and she can invite whoever she wants to. It's HER day and the stepmom would ruin it. Bio dad would be picking his wife over his daughter and that should NEVER happen for ANY reason. 

I didn't comment again. 

Yesterdays's picture

Yep. I've said the same sort of comments. It never goes over well. It's always so eerily similar too. Either both dad and stepmom are both evil or dad is invited and only step mom is evil. Sometimes they don't want just stepmom to come and just want to invite dad only without his partner etc 

I always think what if bio daughter was ever invited to a wedding and her own new husband wasn't invited what would happen 

Rags's picture

These fringe of societal sputum that have the daddy needs to priorize his failed family gonad gargoyes over his wife are definately TA in the Reddit AITA continum far more often than not. 

BethAnne's picture

When I was pregnant on the baby forums there were a few expectant step kids who didn't want their step mothers involved with their kids or were dreading having to include the step mother.

One woman was saying how her bio-mom had died when she was young and her father had remarried and the step mother had done too much, was too involved and tried to replace her mother and so was the worst person ever. I pointed out that her father was right there every step of the way and was the one who chose to get married, chose this woman, let her act like a mother (presumably by expecting her to take on that role and neglecting to do those "mothering" tasks himself), neglected to tackle the issue with any type of therapy. How as her bio- dad he had a greater responsibiity to his daughter so if she was angry at step mom she should be angry at her dad too. But, but, but....she could forgiver her dad but not the step mom.... I gave up at that point. If now as an adult she can  stare her hypocracy in the face and claim it is justified she will never change. Perhaps the step mother didn't do the "best" thing in that situation but she tried, she wasn't abusive and just tried doing what she thought was right (what society tells step mothers is right). She didn't deserve the hatred that came from the step daughter.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

I mean, that is expected of women who marry a widower with young kids. It's probably half the reason the widower married her (we know what the other half is.) Plus, if the woman saw that certain things were not being done, she would have been vilified for "stealing her dad away" if she had just been a wife and not stepped in to do the parenting things the dad was neglecting. That poor woman couldn't win.