Tips & Tricks to Kindfully Disengage
Hello all,
So after discussion with DH, I have decided that the best way to navigate my current pregnancy is to disengage completely from SD11. We did dicuss that with her health issues, attachment issues, etc. it it creating more of a stressful environment every single time she comes to town to visit us. She follows me around NON-STOP. Creeps on me when I am in my room, to the point, I have to keep my door closed when she is down here with us, etc. No privacy. DH says, "She doesn't want to hang out with me, she wants to be around you, because you're the only positive female model in her life & she wants to be just like you." I do feel that my current pregnany has been extremely hard on me as it is, physically and emotionally. I just cannot give her my attention right now & she is causing me ten-fold the amount of stress.
I am in need of tips & tricks to kindfully disengage from her. I can no longer be her emotional punching bag, care about her health concerns, etc. It's overwhelming & literally consumes my mind with concerns the weeks she comes down. I really need help! Thank you.
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" Go ask your dad". " your
" Go ask your dad". " your dad needs you " Repeat every time.
even when dad goes to hide
even when dad goes to hide downstairs & watch sports? I feel like it is in my right to tell her, "Hey, it's your dad's weekend. You need to be spending it with your dad." etc. He tells me that she just wants to be around me because, "she wants to be like you..." I feel like I am not going to take that excuse anymore... I feel like there is ALWAYS an excuse for him to not attend to her 24/7
Heck no.. you don't need to
Heck no.. you don't need to tell her that.
You know what you DO do?
You go down where your SO is HIDING.. and tell him in no uncertain terms that he needs to do something with his KID. who is there to see HIM.
You are exactly right. He is
You are exactly right. He is pawning the kid off on you by trying to flatter you & you are too nice to say no. Yes, tell her where he is hiding & tell her go spend time with dad - "hey sweetie, why don't you go down stairs to spend time with Dad. You don't get to see him that often. That time together is precious." or "I'm not feeling that great, but I'm sure Dad would love to XXX (play checkers, watch movie, etc.) with you. He's down stairs go ask him."
Then, quick go run "an errand" (which was always my lingo for I need an hour alone, even if its at starbucks, a cafe, in my car). Or even better lock the bedroom door & go take a nap - pregnancy & all :-)
RIP, that is a perfect time
RIP, that is a perfect time for DH to share his love of sports and teach SD about the game. My love of hockey, football, and baseball are a direct result of spending time with my Dad.
SD just refuses to do
SD just refuses to do ANYTHING sports related or Physical activity related. Literally. We even offered to buy her a bike, and she said no. She would rather play on her Nintendo Switch. (Another issue I have with needing to disengage---- If she were my kid, I would be forcing her to get active.)
Then she can sit next to DH
Then she can sit next to DH and play Nintendo Switch. Tell your DH it is NOT an option.
This is a conversation you
This is a conversation you need to have with your DH. You need to remind him that his daughter is there to see HIM. You need to remind him that you are tired.. and your pregnant.. and you don't have the band width to deal with constantly entertaining his child.. And while it is flattering that she likes you and wants to be with you.. that doesn't negate the FACT that you are tired and just don't have the energy to deal with it constantly. You need to remind him that he needs to have plans on what to do with her when she is there.. to spend time with her.. to take her for a walk.. watch a movie with her (boohoo miss your stupid man-baby ball sports... I am so blessed that my DH doesn't waste his time watching a bunch of overpaid losers playing children's games..) Or.. instill a love of the games in his daughter.. she can take an interest in football.. basketball.. or whatever.. some women do.. I can watch most sports.. have a general understanding of the game.. or better yet.. go kick a ball with her? go biking with her? go visit a local park.. or state park.. go hiking.. learn to identify plants.. birds.. etc..
Remind him that ... I will be nice to your daughter.. I may spend a little time with her.. but don't expect me to be minding her 24/7 during YOUR visitation.. when I come to you and tell you it's time to step up? it's time to step up.. you get off your butt.. turn off the telly and become a parent for the rest of her visitation.
This conversation has been
This conversation has been had once a month for the past 2 years.
I mean.. I hate to say it..
I mean.. I hate to say it.. but why do you want to be with someone who ignores you.. who ignores their child? It's not like this is a new problem then? it's not like he has not had it pointed out to him.. repeatedly.
Perhaps the conversation has to happen more often? like every time he goes to hide? Maybe you need to figure out how to cut off access to the internet and TV so he will not be as distracted? You may even have to just physically leave to go elsewhere when he has visitation..
It has come to the point
It has come to the point where I leave the house to distance myself from DH & SD. It just sucks when I am SO SICK/ SO EXHAUSTED & just get done puking in the bathroom, then have to find a safe haven for the next couple of hours when all I want to do is just lay in bed curled in a ball.
I have asked him to take SD out of the house when we do have her on weekends to entertain her & he simply says back, "I have no money to do that...." OR, "No....she doesn't want to do anything with me. Just you."
You need to go to him each
You need to go to him each and ever time then.. take his daughter with you.. Here honey.. here is your father.. I am going to go lie down for a nap. ughhh I get so mad when I read these posts.. you are not the first on here.. having a kid with a dad who won't parent his existing kids.. it's horrific.
She's not the problem and neither are you
Your DH is taking the lazy way out by letting all her care fall on you. How often does she come? Perhaps, if he's not interested, the visits should be more seldom. Does he do this with your bio child?
She's 11, doesn't live with you guys, so I get it that she's going to attach to somebody when she visits. He needs to either face the fact he doesnt want her around, or search his heart and figure out a way to engage with her more. I feel sad for her (and you).
We get her 1-2 weekends a
We get her 1-2 weekends a month during the school year. Then 2 weeks at a time during the summer.
I think you will need to
I think you will need to focus more on training DH to be a parent for both of his children. He needs to be more scared of upsetting you than anyone else. SD gets her feeling hurt because you need space? Tough, and DH should be teaching her to respect you and your needs, not dump HIS duties on you. You are a fellow adult in the house and as such get to set your own boundaries and expect/demand for them to be respected. You will also have to do this for your baby. Babies needs come first, not SD or DH. Better get him straight now or when you come home after delivering, your days will be extra stressful training these two.
When I tell you guys I have talked to DH about this.....
I have talked to DH about this almost every single month for the past 2 years. We have no living bio-children of our own at this time. We had our 7 day old son, he passed away from HLHS in December of 2021. We are expecting DD in October 2023. I have told him, that if he cannot take care of SD11 when she is with us, then perhaps she doesn't come down as much. (Which again, I do feel bad about saying...but.....she just isn't my daughter.) I shouldn't have to spend my time & money on her.
why are you having children
why are you having children with a crappy father? he seems horrible.
I am obviously starting to
I am obviously starting to see that now. After 3 years. I just cant take back this baby at this point obviously. IDK. This is why I am asking for advice on how to successfully disengage. Without being a complete b*tch to SD & DH.
The way to do it is remind
The way to do it is remind him prior to the visit..
Then during the visit.. you just have to nicely redirect her.. even if it means physically taking her by the hand and taking her to wherever her dad is hanging out.
I get you can't take the baby back.. and I don't think you want to.. but you do need to prepare for a future with a less than actively involved father...
You could also plan some activities for them to do together.. and actively suggest those? I know it's not your role.
But if you don't have a working lock on your bedroom.. you need to install one. And.. as a last resort while he is resistant.. you may have to remove yourself from the equation.. it's not lies.. you ARE tired.. you need to rest.. to nap.. ALONE.
So.. go to your room.. lock your door.. after nicely telling her.. "Sorry honey.. I am feeling a bit under the weather.. can you go hang out with your dad? I'm going to lie down".. if he has hidden himself? Then you help her find him in your house.. if he has the nerve to leave the house without telling you where he is going? I would be making a reservation for a hotel.. and planning to spend every weekend she is there on your own in your quiet luxury retreat!
Be relentless. She is his
Be relentless. She is his responsibility so it's "go ask your dad" " go see your dad" every single time. It doesn't matter that she wants to spend time with you rather than him - it's up to him to engage more with his daughter. An 11yo doesn't get to decide how YOU, an adult, spend your time. Redirect her every single time.
He doesn't have money to do things with her? The park costs nothing, nor does the library ( a fabulous place where you can find out about all the other things that you can do with kids in the region for little or no cost), going for a walk costs nothing. Frankly, he needs to get his lazy arse into gear . If he still refuses to lift a finger for her then cut back visitation and let him pay more CS .
No worries, she already knows that her father's a waste of spac shite.
It appears that your DH doesn
It appears that your DH doesn't care about his daughter, and he doesn't really care about you either, other than the things you can do for HIM. He is the center of his own universe and there is no room for anyone else.
Other than making yourself physically absent when SD visits, you can kindly explain to her that pregnant women tire easily and you are going to nap. Take her to wherever her father is hiding and tell him that you will be napping and not to disturb you for at least 3 hours, or whatever timeframe you choose. Then do it. Close the door. Lock it. Get angry if either of them stomp on that boundary.
Or go visit family and friends the weekends she visits. Distant family is best so you have to be gone the whole time and he has no option other than to take care of her.
I dunno. Nobody wants that poor child. No wonder she's a mess.
**She doesn't want to hang
**She doesn't want to hang out with me, she wants to be around you, because you're the only positive female model in her life & she wants to be just like you.**
This is a bit manipulative. He's trying to pass his parental responsibilities on to you. I might suggest to him that if she isn't coming to see HIM and to hang out with HIM and to spend time with HIM, there's really no point in her coming. The whole point of visitation is for her to spend time with her father and have a relationship with him. If he doesn't want to foster that relationship and spend a lot of quality time with her during the approximately 4 days a month he has with her, then he should have her stay with her mother. Remind him that she's not your child, you don't want to be her mother and it's not your job to be her role model. You'll probably have to remind him of this multiple times before every single visit. I do not suggest saying much to SD - this is something to address with your husband.
When his daughter comes to you for something, redirect her to her father. Tell her he wants to spend time with her. If he's leaving the house, remind him to take her with him. Tell him that he doesn't get to hide out downstairs and watch sports unless SD is down there with him. Make your own plans. Make your room your sanctuary that SD is not allowed to enter. DO NOT allow him to ignore his daughter. He is not obligated to take visitation, so if he can't see to her health needs, spend time with her, save his money to do things with her outside of the house (newsflash: he can do things outside of the house with her that don't cost money), I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest to him that she not come. If he's constantly pushing her on you, he must not really want her there.
You still have your doctor's
You still have your doctor's appt, right? Tell them everything that's going on, from your feelings about your SD that have been brought out by this situation, and your DH's and your family's lack of support. You really shouldn't be navigating this alone. Maybe they can help communicate these things to your husband. Hell, maybe BM needs to be notified that you can't be responsible for her daughter at this time due to pregnancy complications (and you ARE having complications), and she needs to stop sending her over as much for a while. I'm sorry you are surrounded by dumb a-holes.
BM & DH are content with her
BM & DH are content with her just sitting at home alone when they are off doing things. SD sits in BM's home all day, eating, and watching videos on her phone. DH doesn't mind her sitting at home, binge eating & watching videos either. BM doesn't even come home 4-5 nights out of the week (stays with random men from the bar she works at) leaving SD11 & her sister 6 on their own. Her life truly is a mess. BM & DH don't care about her at all. But I also know that it is not my job to save her. This is just.....TOO MUCH for me to even think about. It causes so much stress when she is down here.
DH states that he wants to spend time all this lost time with her, but I see NO real actions or care.
IDK. My own mom doesn't think that DH & I are going to last due to his lack of parenting with his current daughter & his financial issues. It's all just...TOO MUCH FOR ME RIGHT NOW.
Could you move back with your
Could you move back with your mom? It honestly sounds like this guy has a host of issues that make him a poor partner for you.. (or most any woman really). You will likely have to take the lead on parenting your own child.. so your mom may be more help than he is going to ever be willing to pitch in.
Everyone is giving you great
Everyone is giving you great disengagement suggestions.
RIP, you're obviously in need of some Me Time. Is it possible for you to take a weekend getaway? A spa, a weekend at the beach, even just holed up somewhere quiet so you can rest, read a book, etc.
DH will be 100% responsible for SD and they can have some bonding time while you get some much-needed self-care time.
If you are unable to stand up
If you are unable to stand up to him and enforce your new boundaries, find your state's child support calculator online and find out just how expensive a newborn is. Include child care in that figure because if he refuses to step it up, this will be his new broke A$$ lifestyle. Numbers usually make in impact on the male mind.
Part of my disengagement (but
Part of my disengagement (but the girls love doing things with you! they look up to you! you are a good role model!) was vacating the premesis and being very busy. And closing the door to our room was part of it (it was not a space for the SDs from early on).
And a hotel for a night or two would be great! I'm actually thinking about doing that over the holidays this year if we don't go visit his family...just to get away from the insanity.
DH is pawning her off on you.
Time to inform him that she will not be driving your stress up for the rest of your pregnancy and he will have to daddy up and spend time with his daughter. If he has a man cave, make your BR your locked door zen space.
Take care yourself and the baby.
Not your typical disengagement
I read your blog from the other day too and I could have written most of it a couple of years ago. To cut a very long story short, I didn’t do what people would typically recommend but I am successfully disengaged and very happy. DH was obviously in a difficult situation as what was best for me and what would make SD11 happy were very opposite things. I took the decision away from him and just stated that I would no longer have anything to do with SD11 and that it wasn’t in DD’s best interests to be around her. When DD (now 2) was born, DH amended his child maintenance agreement so that he no longer has SD11 overnight. Maintenance was recalculated taking this into consideration along with the reduction for having a new child in the house.
DH picks SD11 up in the morning and they spend the whole day out of the house. They go for walks, bike rides, parks, beaches, forests, have picnics or sometimes do inexpensive activities. He returns her to BM in the evening. Although they have less hours together, they get better quality time together than they used to sitting round the house. Plus fresh air and exercise helps reduce SD11’s bad behaviour as she’s distracted and tired out. I don’t get involved in anything to do with SD11 - I don’t remind him of important dates, I don’t help choose or wrap presents for her, I don’t ask about her. It’s actually been very freeing.
DH is a wonderful dad to DD, and a very different dad than he is with SD11. I think the person you parent with can make a huge difference. Our household is a very happy family of 3, and DH and SD11 are a (separate) happy family of 2.
The biggest thing I did to get rid of the guilt of being a horrible person/evil SM was to not speak to other people about it. Friends and family just don’t understand. People on the internet seem to sway in the direction of keeping the SK happy at the sacrifice of your own happiness. I’m not saying what I do is the best option for you…but there’s definitely different options out there that can work for your family, even if it’s a big change from what’s been happening up until now…and different to what other blended families do. Disengagement can be whatever you need it to be. You need to prioritise yourself as no one else will. And to look after your new baby you need to look after yourself.
Best of luck x
DH is getting SD11 on Thursday night. DH & BM pick up/ drop off SD when it is most convient for their schedules (selfish a-holes...) SD has missed over 6 Friday's of school--in which DH & BM say is acceptable due to her "having such good grades" (which I don't believe for a second). Anyway. I just found out that DH has a track meet on Friday, in which I TOLD HIM that he would be taking her. I was given, "Well...I don't know if I will have time to stop by the house & pick her up and then go to the track meet. It's like...15 minutes out of the way." I told him I simply don't care & that SD better not be home when I get home from work. ANOTHER SURPRISE, DH tells me HE WORKS ON SATURDAY. I told him, "Okay. We are absolutely, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES, getting SD on the weekends you work." This is outraegous. I told him my door will be shut, I will be sleeping in, and that if she wakes me up, I am going to be LIVID.
This morning, I sent him a message. With the summer coming up, he gets TWO week a month with her. And he will NOT be getting her the weekends he works because its, "easier for him & BM...." Period. And if that didn't work out for him, then he and BM will have to make other accomodations.
Broke into another thing. About DD (who isnt even born yet). I told him, we will not be having visitors at the hospital NOR our home until after 2 weeks of DD being there & that there is absolutely NO KISSING THE BABY. Not even SD until I AM comfortable with it. (SD gets strep throat literally 5x per year & is always sick & hacking up a lung) DH tells me, "Well...No. My family will kiss the baby all they want. Especially my daughter."
Well marriage may be on very thin ice after standing up for myself & DD.....
Hold your ground.
Hold your ground.
I'm sorry your marriage is on thin ice. And I'm sorry for both you and SD. But the more you post, the more self-centered he sounds. At least, you know because "mental health is an ongoing dedication to reality at all costs".
I am starting to realize that he REALLY only puts himself first. And even SD's well-being over me, DD, and even our son when he was with us. I am starting to tell myself it's my fault for not seeing his true side sooner & a feeling of regret now.
You will know what to expect
If things do go south and you separate, at least you know what kind of dad he will be to your DD when she visits.
I was disappointed in myself, too, for not seeing what kind of dad my handsome, charming ex would be. I have a private thought that we find out who we really married once we have a child.
Wow, a slap on the face epiphany.
Thank you for that.
"mental health is an ongoing dedication to reality at all costs"
Get your doctor on your side
Get your doctor on your side about this kissing nonsense. Babies don't need to be kissed. Held, yes, hugged, yes, kissed - umm, no. You have already lost one baby, it's perfectly normal to worry about your new baby's wellbeing.
Good for you for standing up to him about his daughter visiting to see HIM, not to hang out with you. He keeps trying to slide more onto your plate while doing his best to avoid spening time with his daughter. If he weren't such a lazy parent he might actually enjoy the time spent with her.
Frankly, your marriage
Frankly, your marriage crashing through that thin ice might be the best thing for you. Your husband is neither a good partner nor a good parent. I'd head for my parents' house so that your husband has no choice but to take care of SD or make other arrangements.
There are a couple DHs on
There are a couple DHs on this site that I think are just.... worthless. And yours has just joined the ranks for me. I held off saying anything on your last post but after reading this, all I can say is no wonder your SD is a mess. Her mother leaves her and her sister alone almost every night, and her father is worthless. No wonder she eats away all her feelings dealing with rejection coming from all sides. Her weight is the least of your problems. 99% of the time I am on team anti-skid but once in a while, man I do feel sorry for them.
You have a DH problem and a big one at that. The way he treats you and the things he says to you are horrible.