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thinkthrice's picture

I go to a specialist about once a year and in doing so I have to drive past a mall that has a particular store that we used to frequent when the three ferals were visiting.

First of all I can't believe we drove that far to get to the store.  The endless amount of gas wasted driving the brats around was incredible.  I just want to shudder when I drive by there.

Just UGH!


ESMOD's picture

I had an abusive EX that was super into those stupid RC cars.. the fancy and expensive ones.. he stole from me to buy them etc.. 

Every time I see one.. my stomach clenches!

missgingersnap2021's picture

I will have PTSD triggers my whole life: When I hear the ring tone and text tones  that my DH has for SD, and if I hear the phrase "Hello my love" (something he used to say when he picked up when she called when she was younger. Thank God that stopped years ago), 

TrueNorth77's picture

Maybe because I was not raised like that or because it seems way over-the-top, but constantly using terms like "baby girl" or "my love" directed at a child gives me the ick. I know it's common, I just do not like it. 

Any time DH's text tone goes off at all I cringe internally, because of the incessant texting with skids whether they are with us or not. And he cannot let it sit for a minute, like a moth to a flame, he will immediately pick up the phone. 

missgingersnap2021's picture

OMG! YES! I love how much things changed when SD turned 18 and got a boyfriend!! It is heaven now compared to how the first 7 years were! (Well 5 were bqad. The first 2 when we were dating was amazing becuase I had my own place!) 

TrueNorth77's picture

The amount of wishing I do that SD will have a friend group and maybe even a BF when she is a Freshman next year so she is not dependant on DH for a least she will be getting a job this summer, so that's a step in the right direction.  

MissK03's picture

Parents still referring to their kids as baby past the age (I'm just throwing this out there) 5 is odd to me. 

I HATE the term "baby girl." SD15 and some of her friends say this too each other. I think it's weird. My friends and I NEVER talked like that. 

TrueNorth77's picture

Crazy calls SD-almost-14 "Baby girl" constantly, while also discouraging independance. That combo is just the worst to me. 

thinkthrice's picture

Was Bass Pro Shop.  The ferals would go wild on the model boats and ATVs even though there were signs not to let your kids play on them.  Of course guilty daddy Chef ignored the signs and the ferals came within a hair of causing damage to the display models.

Other patrons were horrified.

1st3rd5thWEInHell's picture

That has to be the worst store to go to hands down if you dont have any interest in fishing/outdoors....I know because my husband has asked me to accompany him on several occasions....It was long and we walked down the isles while he was researching stuff and looking at items....the shopping there is dreadful especially with men....cant imagine with kids and on top of that, untrained ones


thinkthrice's picture

I'm not the world's biggest fan of camping, fishing, atving etc but Chef's family and the Girhippo clan are wild about it.

Rags's picture

Now you know what it is for a man to go shopping with a lady for anything. I am a go in, get what I came for, and get out guy.  DW is an experience shopper. Meander through the entire mall, take a bunch of suff off of racks, touch it, experience it, carry it around, decide "nope" then go hand it all back up rather than just hanging it on the changing room return to stock rack, for hours..........

Then after mind numbing hours of of tactile, experienctial shopping, the entire drive home there is a recount of how much she liked something she put back and now really wants it.

Dash 1

I am not a Bass Pro Shop or Cabellas guy over all. I go to buy one or two specific things.  I use the "chick" shopping model when it is time to replace a car. I will shop for countless hours, weeks, months until "the" car goes home with us.  

Full disclosure, I have purchased are more cars for my bride than for myself. About 2 to 1.  She gives me the basics of what she wants, I find the deal, perfect option selection, etc...   The one thing I generally do not comply with is the color she wants. Deals are rarely obtainable on a specific color.

I will find the color she wants but rarely with the options she wants. So, I give her the options or color choice. So far, options have won.

Ladies complaining about how men shop.

That cracks me up.  

There is a meme that shows a man's path through a store shopping. In, straight to specific items, then out.  The lady shopping path is like a bowl of spaghetti. My wife... shops like the lady meme.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Pfffft. Stereotype. I detest shopping. Shopping is a necessary evil. I know what I want, go in, look. If the item is not there, I leave.

My DH, however, has the "shopping path like a bowl of spaghetti". He enjoys browsing. I most certainly do not.

Winterglow's picture

I'm with you on that. I LOATHE shopping. I thought I could live without it to a great extent but then my daughters hit their tweens and I lost another illusion...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

With the exception of groceries, I can go months without entering a store. And I'm in and out in 15-20 minutes with a week's worth of groceries (selecting produce and meat takes time!). Lord help me, I went with DH to the hardware store. An hour later... *dash1*

Winterglow's picture

and have heard "oh well, I suppose I don't really need it right now ... I'll come back for it some other time..." AAARRRGGHH!!!!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yes! And DH will want me to accompany him on that return visit. I am literally trailing behind him, making a grocery list or menu planning.

Winterglow's picture

Do not waste any more of your valuable time. By trailing behind, you are teaching him nothing. Here's what you do. Revert to your inner child or brat, depending.

Example: DH no longer expects me to go with him to home improvement/DIY shops (unless, I'm the one initiating and making the decisions - an often I prefer to take a daughter rather than a DH) because I give him 5 minutes of my time and then go hunting for a form of entertainment. I find that testing all the doorbell chimes can shorten most visits drastically. Extra points if you find the old-fashioned iron bell-shaped bells and ring them loud and hard - see if you can't whip up a melody. You'd be surprised how fast you can find yourself beside him at the cash desk.

Other possibilities open up if you find whiteboards with handy pens ... often in the kitchen planning areas. 

Be creative. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'm not trying to teach him anything LOL!

When I'm done with my lists, I wander off and let DH search for me. Paint samples, knives, gardening tools/decor, firearms, outdoor furniture... he never knows where he'll find me or what it will end up costing him. Last trip, I got a lovely rustic, outdoor table and chairs set (bar height). I could use some new pruning shears...

Winterglow's picture

LOL That's a good technique too!

Mine has learned never to ask me to go with him unless absolutely necessary. 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I'll gripe about it, but I enjoy other aspects of the shopping trip. We never run out of things to discuss, so a road trip to a specialty store is always interesting. In fair weather, we often go for a drive afterwards - sometimes for a hike- taking lunch or a snack. But get that man around tools, and he could browse endlessly. 

ESMOD's picture

I don't love shopping.. though I think women often find it necessary to go in store to ensure stuff fits properly.. guys it's waist and inseam.. then boom.. they grab that pair of jeans without trying it on.. the same with tops.. an XL is an XL.. but not for women!  Every brand.. even same style same brand can actually fit differently.. I have bought one size from a brand.. then found the larger size was cut smaller!  

I think for some women it's also an opportunity to be "out" and around people.. esp if the live alone. 

I actually love the online shopping options now.. just a bit frustration on sizing.. but I can usually return things!  Living remotely makes it nice to not be cut off from selection.


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Clothes shopping sucks. Two years ago, I ordered several hundred dollars worth of clothing from my sister's favorite online clothing store. Half a dozen shirts, all the same size? One appeared to be child-sized - my laptop would not have fit in it! Another was so big, DH and I could have gotten in it. I returned every single item. It was bloody annoying. 

Rags's picture

No doubt stereotypes are invariably inaccurate.

I am on Team Aniki on this. I am an in, get it, and get out shopper. I am not a browser by any means. Though I do have the occassional "Look Squirrel" moment if there is a cool tool, car, or motor vehicle, and I have been known to stop and crush on new tires upon occassion.  I like the smell of new tires. 


wolflady's picture

"Now you know what it is for a man to go shopping with a lady for anything."

Wow rags really? That's YOUR experiences with ladies and not all ladies are like that. Smh

Rags's picture

Many parents fight compulsively to protect their chilren from life rather than preparing them for life.

SParents are the ones who suffer when they make a life with these failed parents  of these coddled never prepared for life life long parasitic invariably failed adult spawn.

halo1998's picture

lets see...there is ringtone on the apple phones that I used to use for the Village Idiot. My heart races and I get all clamy when I hear that tone, even though its been 4 years since my kids aged out of the shared parenting, etc.

The sound of the Our Family Wizard alert or anything from court will give me flashbacks...of dealing with Beaver.  13 months left for that h3llscape.