Judge Judy & The HCBM
I normally don't like Judge Judy, but I caught an episode a few days ago and DAMN, was Judge Judy on point.
Basically, a 18-year-old BM was suing her ex, 18-year-old baby daddy for all baby furniture and supplies that he had at his house. Essentially, the couple was dating and got pregnant. Once the BM got pregnant, she was kicked out of her parents house, so she moved in with Baby Daddy and his grandmother. They had a baby shower and set everything up. BM didn't work while pregnant but Baby Daddy did. After the baby was born, Baby Daddy would work first shift while BM worked second shift, leaving the baby with Baby Daddy every day for 8 hours.
After a few weeks, BM decided to break up with Baby Daddy, taking their son with her to live on a friend's couch. There was no CO outlining custody. BM had Baby Daddy watch their son regularly while she worked and one day and when she returned from work, Baby Daddy refused to give her the baby back. BM went to the police citing "kidnapping". Since then, BM has denied all access to the child and was suing for return of all of the baby supplies. The two have a CS case and BM refuses to work because she has to take care of the baby, since she can't trust Baby Daddy to watch him anymore. BM stated that she did offer him one hour of visitation at a park, supervised by her and another party, but that she eventually revoked that too because it was inconvenient for her.
Judge Judy had a field day! She asked the BM who granted her sole custody. The BM looked confused and said "the township clerk." The judge explained that that isn't possible and that only a CO signed by a judge could grant her that. The BM said they didn't have one. Judge Judy asked how often the Baby Daddy sees his child. The BM said "Never, since he kidnapped my son." Judge Judy reiterated that since there is no CO, it is not kidnapping, and that technically since BM took the baby when she moved out, he could have accused her of kidnapping. Judge Judy went on to say that BM is no more a parent than Baby Daddy just because she birthed him. Judge Judy also went on to attack BM for using Baby Daddy as childcare eight hours daily when it was convenient for her, but then refusing him visitation due to "not trusting him," when clearly she trusted him to use him as childcare.
The BM played every HCBM card there is - he abused me (she didn't tell her lawyer that or contact police, it was evident it was a last ditch effort to sway the court), I AM HIS MOTHER, I breastfeed (only at night sometimes but enough to try to prevent visitation), etc.
Judge Judy had none of it. She told the BM to go out and get a job so she can provide for her son, since Baby Daddy was already providing his portion. She explained that Baby Daddy would also need those supplies at his house, since he would be having visitation with the baby. And she told BM it would be real, EQUAL visitation, not an hour of supervised visitation at a park.
In the end, Judge Judy left this HCBM in tears and awarded everything to Baby Daddy. I swear, I wish DH had Judge Judy for his first custody case with BM. It would have been nice to have someone tell BM that she didn't have sole custody just because she birthed SS and that DH wasn't unfit just because he was the man.
- CastleJJ's blog
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The “i was abused by him” and “he’s such a horrible man”
Is a classic hcgubm tactic, right outta their idiot playbook even if bio mum was a cheating hoe who caused marriage to break up and the man forced to dump her, she'll play victim.
i'm gonna try find this episode on YouTube to have a look and a laugh at biomum lol
Hopefully that gave the
Hopefully that gave the father the encouragement to go get a custody order!
For your viewing pleasure
Thank you for that!
Thank you for that!
I'd only heard of Judge Judy, had never actually seen her.
Lol i just watched pt1 where judge judy asked for court order
And she huffs and says she doesn't have it. Haha so funny
Not in Indiana
Reading the comments, it appears the two teenagers are from Indiana. Which if I read correctly means he does not have any custody or visitation rights. So yes, he gets to keep all the baby stuff. But until they go in front of a judge to get paternity established, she's right. Him taking his own child in Indiana, even though they're living together when he was born, may be kidnapping? Unless they signed some sort of paternity affidavit while in hospital (it was never clarified if they did or not). Since they were gettng along at the time of the birth, hopefully he did, in which case he's fine.
I can't believe that law is still on the books!!
The dad was smart enough to
The dad was smart enough to keep his mouth shut while she tanked herself!
Gender NeutralParenting. Too bad DH didn't experience this at all and our state still favors the BM.
Good for Judy!!!
Though I am glad that in SpermLand the single mom nearly always is awarded full physical and legal. Had my DW had Judy at her hearing, our 16+ years under the CO would have been brutal.
Shit BPs deserve as much or even more Judicial crap than shit NCPs. As the CP, they are the prime influence on the COD.
Go Judge Judy!!!!