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SD/Senior Abuse and Troubling Stories

Birchclimber's picture

There must have been something really strange in the air in June.  I just read someone's response to a post and realized that I have a relatable story.  Bear with me:  this is two stories in one.  

Something similar happened to me and my DH with my YSD around June of this year. My YSD decided to back stab me and say horrible things about me to my DH on the phone.  Name calling as well.  I was floored.  I haven't had any direct contact with her since Christmas 2019, before Covid.  Well, there was some contact because during Covid, I was the one buying and sending Christmas  and Birthday Gifts to her and the grandskids, but as usual I was not recognized for my part in that.  But then, this happened!

She was trying to pressure DH into changing his will and also asking him to put pressure on his father to change his will to include them as well.  I have never seen such a Will obsessed person in my entire life!  It's off the charts.  It was while she was making these demands, that she became abusive with him and said disparaging things about me.  She also told him that he was going to "burn in hell" for the way he was treating her and her sister in the will.  Then she flipped a switch and told him through her phony tears and whining voice that she just loves him and wants to have a relationship with him.  Then back to her demonic side, she told him that he was being "a smart ass" and "Do you think that I like tell you that you're a bad father???!!  I DON'T, but I have to!  I tell all of my friends about the relationship that I have with you and they all say it's awful!".   The entire conversation was just crazy, and no, she doesn't drink or do drugs.  This is just her at her finest!

Instead of shutting her down during her rant, he said, "...well, that's not nice....well, that's not true...." etc.  I guess I was hoping for a more forceful reaction from him.  Something like, "YSD, You need to apologize immediately.  If you ever talk to me or talk about my wife like that ever again, it will be the last time we ever speak!"  but that's not characteristic of him.  I also think that because she blindsided him with her verbal abuse, he was very unprepared with how to handle her.   She had done something similar to him in November of last year, and she involved OSD as well.  They tag team badgered him on a conference call.  It was hard to watch.  He called them again the next day, more mentally prepared and he did put them in their place, but this last one came out of the blue.

He's had one 30 minute conversation with YSD since.  That took place one week later and she spent 15 minutes telling him how broke she is, "I have no money..." over and over again, and the other 15 minutes telling him about this sometimes convenient pseudo illness that she brings up whenever she wants DH to be worried about her. She never once asked him how he was doing and he actually has health issues.    I don't know what to make of any of this, but we did document it in an email to our lawyer and we followed up with an appointment. 

As for her "disease"?  She uses this troubling story of having a disease as an attention grabber.  She started claiming to have "it" when she was in her late teens. Sometimes she'll bring it up, other times she doesn't.  It depends on the situation.  If she thinks that it might strengthen her request for sympathy and money, then it usually surfaces in her conversation with DH.  Neither he or I have reason to believe that she actually has the illness that she claims to have.

She once told us that she took a test and it turned out that she doesn't have it, but she had to justify her previous fictitious symptoms, so she downgraded it to something completely different.  She had a new boyfriend at the time, so I guess that appearing to be diseased would not make her look very enticing to him, so she decided that she was cured.  Then a few years later, she must have forgotten that she had told us about the downgrading because she started up with the whole thing again.  She once sent us an email asking us for money because she wanted to take her kids (step grandkids) to Disney World while she is still able to walk and see.  She was worried that she'd be in a wheel chair or blind before they would ever get to see it together.  That was 12 years ago.  She's still fine.  Completely asymptomatic of anything.  We didn't cough up the cash then, because we're retired and that's not money that we have lying around.  

As her 50th birthday is just around the corner, I am dreading the next time that contact is made.


Ispofacto's picture

She needs to get in touch with MakeAWish, stat!  Those gskiddos deserve a luxury trip, before it's too late!


Rags's picture

batshit crazy and evil.

Time to pointedly write her out of any Will.  "My daughter, Batshit Crazy Evil, is excluded from inherritance......." worked out with an attorney to be defensable if she contests the Will.  Someone posted a great article on this recently.



CLove's picture

No more presents and no more presence...after that diatribe, I would definitely document and record that bish.

And make certain your wills are airtight and bish-tight

Birchclimber's picture

You're right, CLove but I fear that the presence part will most likely be a bit of a challenge.  My DH is hesitant to write off a relationship with her despite the vile treatment.  When we discussed her last tirade with our lawyer, DH admitted that he was afraid to put her in her place because he's afraid of "loosing her".  Our lawyer then asked him if he really wants to continue that type of relationship with her??  DH weakly said, "no." . That tells me that he's most likely going to go belly crawling back to her with a birthday card, then a Christmas visit.  We'll see.

We review our wills every couple of years, and they have never changed in any dramatic way over the last 30+ years.  According to our lawyer, that implies that DH continues to put thought into it and he's happy with it as it is.  However, I am keeping very thorough records of all of his/our interactions with the skids.  All of the lawyers that we've dealt with in making out our wills throughout the years have always been made aware of the situation with YSD because it really has been ongoing.  They've all told us basically the same thing: anyone can challenge a will, but in our particular circumstances, the are no grounds for her to win according to our laws.  Still, it makes me anxious...prepared, but anxious.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

 "She never once asked him how he was doing and he actually has health issues." Oh, how this used to bother me with the SDs.

This lack of concern or even recognition of their father as an actual human being is something we see over and over on this site. Yes, BM plays a part in it but at the end of the day, neither parent has taught these skids empathy. It's so disheartening to see the man you love reduced to an ATM by their closest DNA.

CLove's picture

90% or more of visitation time is spent in room. the rest is with friends. when not in school.

SD16 PMP only pops out to ask for money or a ride to something. ATM/Chauffeur daddy.

Birchclimber's picture

You've got that right, Exjuliemccoy!  It's so hard to watch.  DH has always been such a compassionate guy when it came to his parents, especially as they aged and started to have health issues.   He doesn't get that from either of his SDs at all.  It sickening.

Harry's picture

Disengaging.   As in it's just like she died.  No gifts to the dead.  No Christmas or Birthday, or any gifts at all. Money is a gift.    No contact with her. She not in your life. After the first few months you will actually forget her.
 My SD stop talking to us like 24 years ago.

  •  I brought her up , there was no CS.  Paid for her first year of college,  she then wanted to change colleges to like with her 40 something yo BF.  I said no to that. He wasn't to live with you he can paid for your college. 
    I did not have to do any of that. Instead of being happy for not living in a car  She in not 
  • talking. 

CLove's picture

You give great advice, but I dont know uch about how you got to the point of such experience! Someday maybe you will post. But thank you for wonderful insights.

Rags's picture

This whol SParent thing can be a near constant swing between small glimmers of hope and long periods of mind boggling crap behavior.

I am sorry you have had to live this.

Take care of you.

Birchclimber's picture

I'm sorry for your situation, Harry.  It's awful that you did so much and this is how you get rewarded.  Not seeing her for 24 years is actually a blessing for you.  No one needs to have that kind of unappreciative person in their life.  Don't mourn that loss, but take comfort in knowing that you were lucky to have a life of peace instead!