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SD vacationing in Miami with YSS??!!

thinkthrice's picture

From what I can tell on social media SD23 no longer works at the local hospital (job lasted 2 months), went back to school for medical coding and is now working for a health insurance company remotely?

This is pretty recent but yet there are photos of her enjoying the ocean and stopping off at Miami Airport.  YSS posted similar photos.

I know there is an employee shortage but gee whiz going on vacation shortly after you get a job?  We used to have things called probationary periods.  It's not that she's moved to FL to work remotely as none of the ferals would ever move within a 15-mile radius of the mothership.   I'm pretty sure YSS19 is still unemployed.


notarelative's picture

You can work remotely from anywhere. As long as she puts in the hours, the company doesn't care where you are. Where my son lives has cold snowy winters. He spend three months every year further south. He packs his work stuff in his carryon and off he goes. The company does not care as long as the work is done.

But, you have to be disciplined and actually do the work. If she doesnt work, the job probably will be gone when she returns.

On the bright side, you no longer have to wonder about her accessing your medical records.

Livingoutloud's picture

As long as a job is done it's ok to be in a different location if you are remote employee. As about YSS someone must be paying for his ticket if he doesn't work. My YSD is always traveling somewhere. She works but makes peanuts. My DH's sister pays for it. Long story why. She is crazy. She has two adult sons neither has a job. So sgd takes them all and YSD on lavish vacations.