Just a General Question to Gauge...
I have a general question to gauge how I feel and if its normal.
I have been with my wife for ten years of which we've been married for 2. Of those ten years we have lived together for 8 years as 2 years we were exclusive but didn't live together. I will be up front and say that I love my wife more than I can ever express in words. She is a great woman and does she flaws...yes...but don't we all and her good qualitied far out number her flaws. However, I have a really hard time with SS and SD. I have posted in forums about how I am disengaging because I have been placed in the middle too many times. I have tried to be close to my skids (SD is 13 and SS is 16) but its not working, I have always held the rules and they just don't seem to care. Mom has a hard time holding them accountable so even though I've somewhat disengaged, I can't sit back while they don't do things that they need to take take care of. Its small stuff like cleaning their rooms and chores but I feel like I'm always on them becuase I don't want to live in filth. I truly feel like the outsider in my own home.
We have the kids 50% of the time and the time when they are away and at biodads, my wife and I have such an amazing time together. We truly compliment each other, laugh together, experience things but when skids are around the dynamic changes drastically.
Lately I find myself wondering if all this is worth me being happy only 50% of the time. I keep counting down the days the skids turn 18 because the expectation is they go to college or move out and learn from "the school of life" (I have adult kids and my wife has one adult son and this was the rule for them). Is it normal for me to wonder if I still want this marriage (It hurts me to say this)? I feel selfish for writing this and feeling this way so I wanted to see if these are normal thoughts and emotions. Maybe how others cope who are in similar situations.
My wife is also starting to notice a change in my demeaner and has been asking if I am happy. When she asks I can see the tears start to swell up in her eyes and it kills me.
It is normal! Why should you
It is normal! Why should you have to settle for being happy only 50% of the time? (You shouldn't!)
What are some of the differences in dynamics? Have you tried talking to your wife about it?
So answer truthfully.
With her you are happy. Being the only adult in the home who consistently enforces the rules, you are not happy. Tell her what you need from her and hold her accountable for delivering.
Agreed and I have those discussions....more often now that they skids are teens.
The toughest times with skids are yet to come.
A 13 year old girl and a 16 year old boy are the cusp of "big problem" years. (AKA "Little kids give little problems, big kids give big problems.") Imagine drugs, drunk driving/crashes, pregnancy, etc.
This is why it is imperative that you sit down your DW and kindly explain to her that you are unhappy and the two of you must undergo marriage counseling, get on the same page about how skids behave while in your household, and how she needs to follow through with discipline for them.
Keep in mind that these kids are for life. Even if they launch successfully there are no guarantees they will launch for good. It is not unheard of for many adult offspring to still be depending on parents well into their 30s. Or then come the skids' partners/grandskids and related issues.
Just be realistic that this isn't just the tough teen years - it goes on for life. Take it from one who knows.
Don’t Kid Yourself!
Skids turning 18 don't mean Jack Crap except they get WAY more expensive!! Unless your wife is capable of ruling her roost - you are in for Hell on Earth 24/7!! It's pathetic to be so negative but, friend, my SD's are both in their 50's and refuse to freakin' face reality. Life is short, the older you get the faster it goes - take a good long look at your life and you'll know if your situation is worth the sacrifice. This site is the best crystal ball you'll ever get to look into - only you can determine your future.
That depends.
On the quality of the BIoParent partner and the commitment that they and the SParent have to raise in spawn in their home/marriage to viable adulthood.
My Skid was out less than a year after his 18th birthday and before this first anniversary of his HS graduation. His mom and I dropped him off at MEPS to ship out for USAF BMT.
Meanwhile nearly 11 years later and back at the ranch, he is up for E-7, reenlisted for 6 more in Q-1 of 2021, and is plucking away at finishing his BSCS.
We used the burning platform method to get him to launch. Be in school full time, or working full time, or part time student & part time employee or.... you are our live in beck-and-call boy/chore bitch. We worked that kid's ass off. 4mos later he enlisted in the USAF on the delayed entry program and continued his bacb/cb jub for 4 more months until he reported for BMT.
If a kid/Skid won't launch, it is due to shitty parents/SParents. All else remaining equal.
You're parenting
You're parenting style is really similar to mine. The expectations are clear with the kids that they will have two options once they graduate high school (Details in one of my responses below). With my two adult biokids and my one older SS, they have turned out to be productive adults and I will not have ANY of my children (Skids or Bio's) sleeping on the couch or extra bedroom after they are adults unless its to visit from out of state....not happening....
My take is a little different
My take is a little different than some of the others here. You say you are disengaged but then you say that you still tell them to clean their rooms and do chores? I think you need to back way off. I understand that messes in common living spaces have to be addressed by why are you telling SK's to clean their room? That's not being disengaged. Just keep their bedroom doors closed. Teens will be teens, it's a rare teen that is super tidy. In our house it's my job to parent my BK's and it's DH's job to parent SK's. Either we get our own respective BK to clean up after themselves OR we clean up our own BK's mess. I would never expect my DH to deal with my BK's messes and vise versa. Sometimes we help one another but it's because we want to, no obligation. One of the main ways that I "help" DH is by gathering up whatever personal belongings SD left out, put it in her room, close door. Kid's messes are rarely a point of contention for us. In our case the kids all launched after high school so it was a temporary problem. It would be a different story if they were failure to launch kids.
Elea ....
This is sound advice and I totally agree with you!! Messes are a teen thing ... all teens do it and I agree shut the door... let DW tell the kids to clean.. I always just put my SS stuff in his room if he left it behind!!
I disagree - not ALL teens
I disagree - not ALL teens are messy :)
I have twin daughters. On's bedroom looks as if, should a bomb hit it, it could only improve things. OTOH, next door, her sister's room is perfectly tidy, everything in its place and out of sight (to the point where she forgets about stuff she has because it's all tidied away). Frankly, when you look at the rooms with their doors open, they look like before and after the apocalypse photos lol
agreed winterglow...
I was to general.... not all teens do... I should have said many
No worries. Mine are weird
No worries. Mine are weird anyway!
Consistent enforcement of the standards.
One or the other adult in the relationship has to give a shit enough and have the testicular fortitude to enforce the standards.
If the breeder does not have the balls to do it, then the SParent has to. And do it to the point that the state of abject misery it induces in the violating kid will get the lazy breeder off of their ass to do it before the SParent has to.
I would not let any kid disrespect my home to the level of any space not being at least presentable. Choose not to comply. Suffer. Comply, and have a reasonably pleasant existence.
Deliver on what the kid chooses. It is after all, their choice either way they decide.
I would ask you .... do you have children of your own?
Just curious because some of this is relatable depending upon experience.
I am also speaking from a place of rethinking the entire kid / step-kid scenario.
In stating this above, I grew up in 2 step scenarios. My own dad died when I was a child, my mom remarried the first time to a seriously OCD crazy guy with 2 kids and he moved into our house. The 2 kids visited on Sunday only every other week. We were still experiencing the death of our dad we accepted him but not all of his crazy rules on our household. Eventually Mom divorced him and went on to marry another guy some years later with adult children who had a lot of issues and so did he with parenting. In watching my mom for years I said to myself and anyone who would listen, I would never get into that and marry a guy that I didn't like his children or who had ad crazy children. It will never work.
So fast forward. After a brief marriage and children I raise completely on my own, I meet and remarry. I quickly learn that I have in fact copied my mothers life and I am pretty much in the same situation that I said I would never be in. How did I get here? Clouded by "love" of my DH and hope that the SK's will turn 18 and someday go away.
Moral to the the story..... THEY ARE HIS CHILDREN THEY ARE NEVER GOING AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Read that again front words and back wards and you shouldn't be in a relationship where that is what you want!!! Me included. I always said and still believe that the only way it will work is if ALL kids in the scenario are treated equally and I may have lost that at a point but still believe that. I think you need to ask yourself how you would act and react if they were your kids and start from that point.
I truly think, me included that we are a little harder on the steps because we don't have that love for them. I think if all parents involved are open to each parents involvement step and biological it works easier but that is rarely the case so I think that most step situations are very challenging. I have been rethinking mine a lot lately and what I could have done differently. There is a definite separateness between me and my SK's. But I went in with a different mindset until I learned of BM's crazy personalty disorder. She ran the show because everyone was worried to set her off. I think if I had it to do over again I would have not tolerated her craziness and put my foot down to DH or walked!!
It is hard but my advice would be to talk to her without accusation and from a place of what is best for the kids and that you care how they grow up and the world will not be kind to them if they can not care for themselves.
Thank you
Thank you for your reply and I apologize in responding so late as I had to do some traveling. You bring up really good points. I do have my own biological kids but they are grown adults (27 and 31 years of age). My wife also has a grown son who is 26 and honestly, I think the world of her grown son. He is independant and asks for nothing and is really a good guy. I also agree that I do not have the bond with my skids (13 and 16 years old). I don't believe in having any rules that are not the same I had my children abide by, me and my wife abide by, etc.... I love my wife more than I can express in words and the 50% without the kids is wonderful........we truly have a great time and laugh a lot.
While I understad kids are never going away, even as adults, where my wife and I are aligned is that when 18 comes around....the skids have 2 choices. Choice 1.) Get into college.....if you decide to stay home while in college you must also have a part-time job...Choice 2.) from day of high school graduation, you have 90 days to find an apartment if you don't want to further your education. If there is no college/tech school, there is nothing more we can teach at home and the school of life is in order.
The above was the expectation of my two biokids and her older son.....all of whom are doing really well. Now did they need help here and there?? Absolutely! But when we see they were making an effort and learning from their mistakes we didn't mind buying groceries or paying a bill if needed (Never gave them cash). Now, the older kids ask for nothing.
I have also talked with my wife and its a tough discussion. We are going to work on aligning more and having her deliver messages when needed.
I have been with DH for going
I have been with DH for going on 12 years... you need to learn to disengage... DON'T enforce rules your wife isn't willing to. leave it up to HER to say something, and if she doesn't, thats on her.
Disengaging is harder than I thought......biting my tongue is not an easy task. I have work to do on this...
yes, it is difficult... it
yes, it is difficult... it took YEARS for me to get where I am. And I have kids that ar affected by SD, so it was even harder. It takes time for it to feel normal, but I just redirect everything to DH, if SD comes and asks me something I just turn her back to DH... this child has a way of turning ANYTHING I tell her into "I'm being mean" I mention that she seems to have heart burn a lot (after telling me that she had heart burn all week) and then that evening she was crying to DH that I was making fun of her for having heart burn... GIRL! I GET HEART BURN TOO!!!! so shortly after that, I was like, NOPE complete disengagement
I hear you
I hear you as your situation is similar to mine. At times it felt like my SD was tattling to my wife on me when I'd hold her accountable. I think thats what creates a major divide even thought my wife tries to stay supportive. The big thing is, even though my wife stays supportive of me, she also panders to SD when she is in the wrong because SD knows how to tug at "mommas heart string" with tears....very good at manipulation...After these episodes, my wife wants a house without stress or hurt feelings so she presses my SD and I to talk things out when, I really don't want to and I know SD feels the same.
The "rule" might be that the
The "rule" might be that the kids move out and are on their own at 18, but that doesn't mean that is what will actually happen. Adult kids bring a whole different set of problems. From what you say, it doesn't sound like your wife's kids will even be capable of being independent at 18. Are they learning life skills? Spend some time reading the Adult Stepkids forum here and see what you might be in for. I think you're fooling yourself that this ends at 18.
You need to have the "I'm happy only half the time" conversation with your wife. She might cry. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't be honest with her. Thus far, she hasn't been willing, or maybe capable, of holding her kids accountable to house standards. How about involving a third party therapist to sort through this? Maybe your standards are set too high for teens. Maybe your wife needs some tools to be able to address her slobby kids. Maybe you need to disengage more than you already have. I don't know the answer, but living in limbo as you are is surely not healthy for you or for your marriage.
All really good
All really good points and I have not disengaged enough. The one point that I will make is that both me and my wife have adult kids (She has a son in mid twenties, and I have a two kids one in late twenties and other in early 30s). The aspect we stress with my young skids are they will be held to the same standard as our older kids. Those standards are (I stated above also in a previous thread
).....Choice 1.) Further your education after high school and you can stay at home as long as your going to school fulltime and working part time...all rules still apply....Choice 2.) If you don't want to further your education, you have 90 days after you graduate high school to find an apartment. If they choose not to further their education, there is nothing more we can teach them at home to prepare them for "life." Again, this is the approach we took with my kids and my wifes oldest and they are doing great! I think the world of my wifes older son as he is doing well and has asked for nothing....same with my biokids. Once the younger skids are out, we are moving out of state and have already started the process of searching for property.
I do agree my wife needs some tools and I do as well on how to best align. I think seeing a therapist would be good so we have an unbiased ear that would not hesitate to call our shortcomings so we could work on them (Mine included).