BM passed away
So just before Christmas the BM passed away after a very short illness. She had lots of other medical problems.
Most who have read my posts would know that there is a strong divide between myself and my adult skids, so I knew my attendance or lack thereof at the funeral would be judged and later used against me. (This happens a lot) So this is what I did. I sent a text to them saying that I would be happy to come but as it is their day it was their choice. They were really quick to reply to me that I am absolutely not welcome anywhere near there.
So I'm off the hook AND I can't be held responsible for something they might decide to pull out and use against me in years to come!
Had To Deal With That Myself
BM died in 2020. While DHs kids did tell him I was invited, no way in hell would I go. A funeral is to pay respects....I had no respect for that woman and all the damage she directed at me in her life.
As for what DHs kids think of me, didn't care then, don't care now. As I told DH, I've had 5 family members die while married to him (sister, nephew, 2 brothers, mom). Not one of his kids showed up, not one of his kids sent sympathies, or ever said one word to me. So F them and their "thoughts of me." LOL
You played that very well,
You played that very well, now if anyone ever says anything- you told me not to come.
I would go to BM's funeral though--- just to spit on her grave!
Yep.. the best thing was to
Yep.. the best thing was to tell them you were sorry for their loss and would attend if they wanted you to go but that you understood completely that this was their day...
Honestly, with adult skids, I almost see no reason for the EX and their new partner/spouse to attend the funeral. I can see a parent of a minor child accompanying them to a funeral but unless there was a super civil/cordial relationship? I don't know why it is necessary. Adults should be able to manage their own grief process and not need their parent there to do that.
Totally agree and my husband’s exwife has been
Telling sd's she's gonna die from an imaginary illness, she just knows it. Its just to drum up some sympathy so she doesn't have to apologise for the abusive cheater she is.
my husband has a care factor of 0 and if any of the daughters told hubby she died, I don't aee him torturing himself around her
I'm in agreement.
This is a topic I really hadn't thought much about before. If BM dies, I am doubtful my SO would "willingly" to the funeral but if adult SD was a mess and cried for him to come I am sure he would probably cave in and go simply to be there for SD. I would absolutely refuse to go even if I was begged to. I do believe it is the ultimate hypocrisy to attend the funeral of someone you have zero respect for and nothing but negative memories of.
My SO does not have a coridal relationship with BM and never had. She had nothing to say to him when his parents died, brother in law died nor any other expression of sympathy. IMO, why should her death get his?
I, too, am of the mindset that adults must learn to manage their own grief. I would be more apt to advise my SO to tell SD he would go visit her a few weeks after the death but will not attend any services or funeral.
On the other hand, if my SO dies first and if BM even dares to say anything to me (let alone try to attend any service) I will make it quickly and abundantly clear that he would roll over in his grave before he'd want her to be around in any shape or form. Including flowers, cards or anything else. They'd be refused/trashed or "Returned to Sender."
did attend, as his kids wanted him there. At first, I was angry and could not understand why he'd even want to go after what that woman did to him. But then, I remembered...his kids, his relationships, his work. As long as his kids didn't come to our home, I was good with him going "there."
I've already told DH and my daughter....without change, his kids are not welcome at my funeral and not wanted. As you said, ultimate hyprocrisy for people to attend a funeral of someone they don't like/can't stand. Those feelings are mutual between me and DHs while they are more than welcome to come to DHs funeral (if he goes before me), not happening at mine. My kids are close to DH....they can console him. His kids can visit him after the fact.
Even if my adult skids cried a sob story about bio mum
Dying, lets not forget she neglected and abandoned them by their own admission but are so brainwashed by her, hubby still wouldn't go to her funeral as he has no care or concern, has never had a relationship with her family since he married her even because they harassed and threatened him.
divorcing her and marrying me and having kids with me was the best thing that ever happened to him. Skids are a replica of bio mum. I don't see how hubby would torture himself at sd's wedding being in bio mum's presence. Pretty sure he'd tell his som to give his sisters away because hubby isn't gonna be in the same room
they're a dysfunctional abusive threatening bunch, actually threatened to shoot and stab him to death because he refused to pay more money in divorce and courts sided with hubby that exwife did not contribute to his quality of life. Its madness to go to his daughters wedding or biomums funeral
But you need to realize that
But you need to realize that your husband will attend the funeral in support of the kids. Of course they'll be a mess and he'd believe they'd never speak to him again if he didn't attend. This might sound spiteful, but I believe I'd go and keep my mouth shut except to give gentle condolences. The witch has indirectly caused me a massive amount of grief via a vis her very willing and devious mini me's.
well done!
Im taking notes. Iveg often thought about what if something happens to DH and he goes before me. BM banned of course. But if BM goes, definitely not going to any kind of service in her name.
When our BM died.....
When our BM died, I assumed we would not go. I reached out to YSS who seemed to be handling things and offered help, like babysitting or whatever. I thought I was done. DD contacted me and said the SKs wanted us to come, they probably wanted DH but knew he wouldn't go without me. So we went, most awkward thing ever. I sat in the back, made conversation with gkids and whoever. But right before we left, I walked up close enough to see BM. I had to make sure she was really, finally dead.
No way either DH or I would
No way either DH or I would go to BM's funeral. I just hope she doesn't die while SS21 is still 100% dependent on her.
BM here passed away a few
BM here passed away a few years ago. She lived out of state. DH actually offered to help pay for cremation without talking to me beforehand and I wanted to smack him. I get he wanted to do whatever he could to be there for SS but to offer our money to help pay for BM final expenses? Um, no. So in a way he slipped into that old pattern he was in when SS was a kid, forgetting that it's not just his money but ours. Luckily SS is independent and said no, as well he should have. BM frequently used SS as an ATM and he resented that. He didn't want to be seen as doing that maybe?
We didn't go to any funeral. There wasn't one. I don't know if dh would've gone if there was one. It wouldn't have been necessary. SS had his wife to support him and he has a half brother from BM so it really wouldn't have been necessary for him or us to be there.
My mom came to my dad's funeral but she was on good terms with him and my stepmother. She mainly was there to support my sister. They sat away from me and my brother. We had my dad's family plus I had my husband with me, so while it was nice of my mom to come pay her respects, we would have been fine if she had chosen not to be there. We were all adults.
As of right now, SS is not
As of right now, SS is not welcome at my funeral. I will make that clear to my kids and husband. I do not want someone who only pretends to care at my funeral shedding fake tears or dancing on my grave. I will come back and haunt him. I don't intend on informing him if DH passes before me. if he hears and shows up to my husband's funeral, I'll allow him there as long as he stays away from me and my kids, doesn't mention us in any way, and doesn't make a scene. First sign of trouble and he is out on his ear. I will ignore him otherwise. I'm not dumb enough to think that somebody won't tell him. I'll let some cousins know he's gone and I'm sure one of them will tell him.
I've actually thought how
I've actually thought how disgusted I'd be if my skids came to my funeral. Heehee, of course I won't know it! And I can guarantee that their b*tch mother would also be at my funeral because she comes to every and any relatives funeral to make her presence known. The woman has the most gall of anyone I know.
Skids are adults soooooo, I
Skids are adults soooooo, I highly doubt we will get word of ANY deaths until long after the fact, then it will be some snarky email from BM's lawyer that dh's lawyer forwarded to him. With a stern reminder that even a death doesnt mean life long child support will end.
I'm just about ...
... as hard-nosed as it's possible to be. I give my step zero slack, and my bios precious little more.
But a funeral? If your DH is going--presumably as a support to his kids--then you should be there too as a support to him. I get that everyone loathes/loathed everyone else, but does that really negate the human need for emotional and moral support during a difficult time?
Asking for a friend.
But the skids have made it
But the skids have made it clear that they don't want OP there. Out of respect she isn't going. I wouldn't go where I wasn't wanted either.
Agree completely
I'd stay away, too. I'd also raise hell if DH went without me. This is an important event, and it's not up to skids to dictate who their father brings along. His postion should be "My wife and I are a unit." Try telling that to skids or guilty Daddees, though.
Just a month before my
Just a month before my husband and I got married the x-mother in law of my husband died. SD told my then to be husband that he was to attend the funeral and I was to stay home and was not invited. My then to be husband just did not go and disobeyed his daughters commandments. That did not sit well with her. The problem was he did not stand up to her. Maybe if he had in the beginning of our relationship that the SD would not have tried to undermined our relationship. That fight didn't happen for another 6 years with setting those boundaries. He finally spelled out expectations for SD in a email which she didn't take very well. I have pretty much disengaged from the SD but she is always there in my husbands head playing the guilt trip card. Maybe he feels guilty for divorcing the crazy x wife to some extent. The therapist told my DH that the x will never get better and he can't force her to take her meds. Last I knew she was locked up in a assisted living type of mental care facility. I think the SD resents me because now she has to deal with the crazy x. I guess I wouldn't want that job either. She did come to our wedding wearing a black spaghetti strap beach dress that barely covered her butt with black flip flops. I think that was her way to protest. I was always treated like I was the hooker that broke up the marriage. I never even met my DH until 7 months after he was divorced.
Miss T, totally agree.
Miss T, totally agree.
I would have thought so too,
I would have thought so too, but no I was definitely not welcome and was advised very clearly, including several "please respect our wishes" texts - ugh please, once was enough!
Oh, you are most definitely not off of the hook.
But at least you have their response that you are not to be at the funeral in writing. Hopefully their father forwent attending as well.
When they flip the script in the future and comment how heartless you were by not attending slather them with copies of their forbiddance of your attendance. Make sure your DH's entire clan gets a copy.
All while offering "heart felt" condolences of course.
When my SS-29's SpermGrandHag finally kicks the bucket, which can happen none too soon, his mom and I will attend to be there for our son. And I may just avoid pissing on her coffin as it is lowered into her pit to hell. Maybe.
Have I ever shared how much I detest that Harpy Hag from Hell?
Agree with this
"Hopefully their father forwent attending as well."
Yes, he should have. A funeral is as near to a state occasion as we commoners ever get in our honor. It's kind of like a wedding in that sense. That couples will attend as such should be a given. Besides, what does the departed care? She was his ex, ex for a reason, but he still has a role lending emotional support to his kids. Absent the departed's express wishes to the contrary, everybody has a role and needs to play it nicely.
Not much you can do, I guess, given atrociously ill-mannered steps and possibly a clueless DH. Stay classy, hellspawn.
I know whereof I speak in these matters. My kids needed me when my loser ex--excuse me, their dear father--died. I had to walk a difficult line but managed it with the full support and cooperation of my DH. Of course, he didn't have any brats in the mix.
"...he still has a role
"...he still has a role lending emotional support to his kids"
Not sure I agree with this if the kids are all adults. I especially don't think it's required if the adult kids have been high-conflict and have mistreated the father/parent. While it would be wonderful if we could all assume people would behave nicely, the fact is that deaths/funerals are notorious for bringing out the worst in people - including their mercenary side.
You were able to behave in a mature manner at your ex's funeral but many, many people are not capable of that. Every situation is different.
Consider this ... if the situation were such that the stepmother died and father needed the support of his adult kids, how many of them do you think would show up, and behave appropriately? Probably not a one of them.
P.S. FYI, forwent means to decline/go without. Rags meant the husband should NOT go.
Whilst DH is attending the funeral
Without me - It's tomorrow, I have that wonderful glowing feeling of the karma bus that will come around when they try to throw anything my way about this blessed event that I was banned from...Am I being too morose??
Nope, You are fine.
Don't worry about it. They set the stage for all future interface on this topic. Just be there for your DH when he gets back with whatever stories he brings.
LOL, yasss!
LOL, yasss!
So DH will be going but I’ll stay home
I started off sending my condolences for their loss when the BM first passed and they each sent amicable replies. When I dared ask if it was ok if I attended I got a swift "you'll have to find other ways to support Dad, it's completely inappropriate for you to attend the funeral".
The funeral is 4 hours drive away, so he will go and stay overnight as well. I really am beyond caring anymore. I thought he just didn't ever stand up for me, but in the past week I've come to realise I don't think he knows how to parent.
His youngest, who has mental health problems was being horrible to her siblings, not coping with BM's death. It was her birthday and DH said he didn't think he should visit her because she was being nasty to her sibs....ummm what? This skid was living with BM, and for reasons I won't go into feels partially responsible for BM's death, is clearly struggling, first birthday without BM and you think you shouldn't go and support her?? Geez I don't like these stepkids one bit but that's just wrong! Honestly think the guy has no idea! I told him he better skill up because he's all they've got now! No BM and they've done their best and driven me away.
Good move
You are to be congratulated for your response. As many have suggested print out your correspondence with them for further use.
At BM's Celebration of Life
At BM's Celebration of Life the chairs were arranged in a circle and everyone started telling stories about how much money she had "borrowed" in the months before her death. She got $500 from us.
A reality based memorial gathering for a crook. Wow,
The first I have ever heard of where the crook deceased is discussed with the facts rather than through the diaphanous cloud of delusion.
Were her kids in that discussion circle?
Yes, and she'd gotten a few
Yes, and she'd gotten a few thousand from her sister.
Wow that must have been cathartic!
That's interesting. It reminds me of the Tom T. Hall song,
The Ballad of Forty Bucks.
What were the reactions from "the kids?"
Were there any good stories?
Absolutely no I would not ask
Absolutely no I would not ask if I was invited. If my husband goes, I go as we're supposed to be as one. But I would keep my mouth shut and my expressions neutral so as not to cause the skids more pain. Now, if my husband were asked by his kids to not bring me, I don't believe he'd go.
This Reminds Me of a Ron White Stand Up Joke...He Begins with
"Ever go to a funeral just to make sure someone's really dead?"
In all seriousness, you did very well. And I agree with CajunMom in that a funeral is to pay your last respects to someone. Let's face it, there was no respect, and that flowed concurrently/mutually.
If you had gone you wouldn't have done anything right, so you dodged yet more agony.
Great move! You made them feel like they were in control, when really it was you who was fully in control.
Future xwife funeral
Ok I had this conversation today with my DH. He has been divorced for 13 years. Of those years 11 of them married to me. I asked him today at some point down the road when his x passes away would he go to the funeral. His two kids are middle aged adults. Granted the x wife is mentally ill but I am just perplexed how he could even consider going. Now the woman is in a facility and I don't think she is sick or going to die anytime soon. It could be decades. Can anyone give me their thoughts on why my DH would even consider going to the x's funeral when that time comes? The x lives in a different state so it would be a expense to go. Of course this is all future speculation but I am troubled by my DHs answer.
Yeah, it would be very
Yeah, it would be very strange for your husband to travel out of state to go to an ex's funeral, shared kids or not.