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SD17 is about to make a REALLY bad decision...

Someoneelse's picture

So, SD17 (to EVERYONE'S surprise) came over last night for dinner, apparently she only had 3 midterm exams (so much for being swamped with studying last week).

She tells DD17 that she had some JUICY gossip... so DD went into her room to listen to the gossip.

DD tells me everything, because other than here where everything is anonymous, I don't tell anyone anything.

Apparently one of SDs 2 friends had a boyfriend. and SD was caught hugging on him. SDs friend came up to her and said, "excuse me, what are you doing?" SD17 tells her that he is her friend and he looked sad, so she was hugging him. To me this is wierd behavior especially for SD17 who is anti hugs, and very germaphobic. but I am like ok, I get past that and keep listening. Then apparently the boy and SD17's friend break up. and SD17 is soooo glad because She was just invited to her OTHER friends party, and so is this guy, and apparently they ALWAYS play spin the bottle....

SD is hoping that this guy is going to get with her at the party... but nobody has EVER expressed ANY interest in SD EVER. And SD has never BEEN with anyone EVER, not "talking" (apparently this is the same as dating to find out if you're compatible). But I am thinking this is going to go from SD being the only one in her "group" to never have kissed a guy, to SD is taking everyone's left overs. I mean isn't there a girl code that you never get with a friend's ex? I feel like she's not going to have ANY friends when this is over.

SD really tries to sexualize herself, in all her pictures she attempts this sad fail of a "seductive look" she over glosses her lips until they look like they are DRIPPING in gloss (which she already has OVERLY wet lips) PRESSES her lips out (she has very thin lips, so this is my best guess as to make them look full, but she literally looks hilarious), she tilts her chin down, presses her elbows together to make "cleavage", but she is literally a size A cup (which there isnt anything wrong with) but she buys these TINY band # and ups the cup size to be able to say she wears a size DD, but has to assemble like 2 bra band extenders. It's just so sad how she wants soooooo badily to get ANY guy that shows her ANY interest (which none of them do so she puts on this show) hoping that anyone would grasp on.

Someoneelse's picture

Wanting to add, I am sure her mother encourages this behavior. When BM was SD's age, she was sleeping with everyone at the bars. DH says she would regularly make out with women to get men's attention, and then go home with a different man, or at least out to their car, they might not make it all the way home. That was how DH and her met... they dated a for all of like 6 months until he realized that she was still doing that when he stupidly thought they were exclusive.

I don't hate anyone for being LGBTQ, but IMO people like BM is what straight conservatives think when they think LGBTQ, and I am sorry to say I consider BM a bar sl*t, not LGBTQ as shes never been attracted to or been with or dated a woman, she only used women as props to get with guys.

Stepdrama2020's picture

Wowza what a prize BM is. I guess the apple dont fall far from the tree.

I actually feel sorry for SD she clearly has low self esteem. Thinking what she can get is left overs, and her provocative fail on social media.

Hopefully you play a positive role, because your SD sure needs one.  

Someoneelse's picture

nope, BM has brainwashed her into hating EVERYONE over here (eecept DD17, which she only befriends because she sees her as "popular"/ "powerful" in  the house) SD and BM are VERY big narcissists... They don't see people as people, they see them as pawns to get what and where they want

Stepdrama2020's picture

Then let SD be SD.

Hopefully she will figure out why she has no friends. Hopefully she will also figure out guys are interested in her not because she is desirable but because she is easy. Mind you some never figure that out so they continue skanking on. 

Someoneelse's picture

I do feel bad for her, but I agree 100%, and since her mother is an infite source for SD that "this is not your fault" no matter the outcome, she'll never see it as her fault. It will ALWAYS be someone else's fault... DH, because he was never there, even though SD is the one always leaving... the guys for using her and then spreading rumors or just ignoring her after they get what they want. her friends for leaving her, the school for spreading lies, me, for being such a bad influence (sorry BM, not my child to influence... my daughters are self respecting young ladies that don't seek male validation)

CLove's picture

SD22 Feral Forger doesnt have any girlfriends acccording to sd15. All her friends are guys. And her instagram is full of her shaking her butt in short skirts. She used to be very slender with DD boobs, but now sadly shes gone the way of her mother and gained a lot of weight, but still tries to wear those crop tops. I thought she was pregnant last year when she came over for Christmas dinner. 

Sd sounds like a trainwreck. Cant not watch whats happening.

Someoneelse's picture

SD's always been plus sized, both BM and DH are heavy, so she sadly didn't have a chance... last SD was weighed she was about 350lbs (158.757kg)

CLove's picture

SD22 Feral Forger doesnt have any girlfriends acccording to sd15. All her friends are guys. And her instagram is full of her shaking her butt in short skirts. She used to be very slender with DD boobs, but now sadly shes gone the way of her mother and gained a lot of weight, but still tries to wear those crop tops. I thought she was pregnant last year when she came over for Christmas dinner. 

Sd sounds like a trainwreck. Cant not watch whats happening.

Rags's picture

Spin the bottle at 17?


At 17 there were no games. It was just game on.

Spin the bottle, naked hide and go seek in the dark, 10 mins in heaven, etc.... was 11-13 stuff.  But, I had a very randy baby sitter who was a great teacher.


Someoneelse's picture

right, I played spin the bottle when I was 10... and it landed on a guy i didn't like, so i kissed his cheek instead lol!!!

Someoneelse's picture

no, 17!!!! it would STILL be SD's first chance at a kiss... and she's STOKED, apparently it's her first co-ed party.... even though we always had girls and boys at parties over here... but you know, in her head we NEVER did anything fun with her here... *eye roll*

Someoneelse's picture

Exactly, she's so desperate for make validation/attention she's about to lose her 2 friends that she has and she has this idea that this guy wants her, but he doesn't, or if he does, it will literally be for 1 night, then she won't h ave him either.