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Pregnant lady rant

Macky1996's picture

I just wanted to vent. 

I put so much effort and thought into my father's day gift and surprise, I told my step daughter and she basically told him what the whole thing was the night before. 

Then this morning she couldn't even let him open it and figure it out himself. 


I know it's probably just pregnancy hormones, but I feel so hurt and sad about it. Especially since it was a personalised well thought out gift and usually I'm not the best gift buyer. 

Macky1996's picture

I know she's old enough to know better, she brought it up a couple times while I was making breakfast. But everything has to be about her sadly. 

tog redux's picture

Well, there are two possibilities - she's impulsive and terrible at keeping secrets; or, she was one-upping you and wanted to steal your glory by telling him what it was.

Either way, last time she gets to know any secrets!

Macky1996's picture

I would like to believe she is just ten and couldn't keep the secret. I think if I knew it was done meanly I would feel mad about it. 

ndc's picture

My skids have never done this, but my younger sister is  seemingly incapable of keeping a gift a secret. If she knows about it, she reveals it. She can't even keep quiet about the gifts she buys - the recipient will know what it is by the day after she buys it, regardless of when the occasion is. She's gotten a little better now that she's in her 20s, but none of us will do a joint gift with her or tell her anything about gifts. I don't think there is any malice or one upmanship involved; she just gets excited and can't hold it in.

I would feel differently depending on WHY I thought SD ruined your gift, but in any event I would keep SD in the dark about future gifts and frankly, anything I wanted kept quiet. She's shown an inability to keep a secret as well as either meanness or poor judgment.

hereiam's picture

I'm not sure why you thought a ten year old would keep this secret. She's old enough to know what a secret is, yes, but old enough to actually keep it to herself? No. Most adults can't even keep secrets.

Macky1996's picture

I thought she would be okay as she was able to keep the card I got her for her dad a secret. I know this is obviously my bad as you're right she's ten and a kid. I'm over it now, but I just felt so sad about it. 

ImFreeAtLast's picture

Stop using the SD as a confidante. Also take care of yourself and congratulations on the new baby.

Loxy's picture

I don't trust my SD16 with any sensitive information and haven't for a very long, long time as I learned the hard way (like you) that she can't keep a secret and likes to make everything about herself.