About to graduate SS
So we've been married less than a year. The oldest SS almost 18 hasn't really respected me. He's had manners but he retreats to his room and minimizes contact with me and wife hates it. Her and I have had our own issues over the year that's been stressful for all of us. She's now sad and regretting us being together because he goes to college in a few months and she's sad about losing him and feels like now she's losing him sooner. I'm at a crossroads because tonight she essentially asked me how "we" fix this. I leave, she leaves, we stay but how do we create some happy house and get him to interact more? Help and thank
Marital counselling ASAP!
Marital counselling ASAP!
At the risk of sounding rude, your wife needs to get a grip. So he spends all day in his room? That's what teens do, man. They have their electronics, phone, etc. why would they come out? I have two 18 yo bios that I would probably never see if it weren't for mealtimes
If your wife hated the situation so much, why didn't she set up outings (even if just to the shops) with you and him included.
As for "losing" him to college, give me a break! That is just plain ridiculous! Here's a question - do we raise children to spend the rest of their lives under out wing or do we do it so that they can become independent people who have their own lives? Going to college, striking out on his own, are normal and perfectly natural steps for him at his age.
What is there to fix? Like I said, - couinselling, firstly so that you can iron out the issues that have been causing you both stress and secondly, for your wife to get a realistic look at what a parent's role is. Hint, it isn't to coddle the kid forever. You have to learn to let go...
Has she talked to him about
Has she talked to him about what's going on? Why is she putting it on you to fix? After all, YOU aren't the one hiding in your room.
Your wife has a problem
She letting do what he wants and you are the bad guy. Her problem, she fixes it. But It's not really a problem,?