On the Verge Of Divorce.. Adult Stepchildren
Hello All.
Thanks for giving me this outlet and allowing me to bend your ear.. My wife and I are both in our 50's. We met 7.5 years ago. Married almost 6 years ago..I have no children and she has 3 from previous marriage. The children are all adults. The oldest is a male 23.The Middle a young lady is 20, and the youngest is about to be 18. The children were all pretty well developed by the time they came into my life.. We have a good and respecteful relationship.. They all work the oldest as a Bartender, The Middle as a Waitress and the youngest in a gym. My wife is my Best Friend and Soul Mate.. We have been pretty much inseparable and I would rate our relationship as very, very good.. We have a 3 bedroom home... When we first moved in the 2 boys shared a room and the girl had her own room.. Fast forward to today.. The 18 year still lives with us.. The 23 year old moved back into the house (after a break up with his GF) I agreed with my wife to let his stay for 1 to 6 months to build up some funds for his own place... ( My Bad) He took over what used to be the Middle Child (daughters) room.. Well the problem started when my wife announced to me that the Daughter was moving back home and was going to live in our Living Room as she was having trouble with anxiety.... Now keep in mind she works in 2 different restaraunts.. And my biggest concern was COVID 19 coming into our living room where we watch TV and Relax... I told my wife she could move back in.. but not in the living room.. And that somehow we would find a living aarangement to try and make this work... Well it blew up into a big fight, and I ended up leaving the home.. Our duaghter moved in and is now sleeping in our bed with my wife.. She is 20 years old...We have had problems with this issue in the past, where I have had no partnership or say on anything concerning the Adult children in our home..We went to counseling, but my wife has a blind spot on this issue and she never really compromised in any way on this issue.. The 3 adult children are now living at home.. No one pays any rent, utilities or has any household obligation..No one is preparing for a future career.. ( I apologize to my Hospitality Friends, but Bartending, Waitressing and working in a gym are not careers..) This has been a heartbreaking situation for me.. I am at a loss.. Any input appreciated..
I'm sorry for your trouble. Question: who is paying rent, utilities and food?
Thank you...We still have a
Thank you...We still have a joint bank account.. So Both my wife and myself..
I am sorry that it has come
I am sorry that it has come to this.
Until your wife makes your marriage a priority, I'm not sure what you can do. Other than work on getting your name off of their bills.
Thanks for your kind words..
Thanks for your kind words..
Yes.. you are right about the
Yes.. you are right about the priority.. She told me the kids are top priority.. ( if they were 8 years old this would be very different.. But they are not)
If you aren't there, pull
If you aren't there, pull your money out. If she balks tell her to take it up with kids.
Thanks for responding.. Well
Thanks for responding.. Well both of our names are on the Mortgage for the house.. So If the Mortgage is not paid I will be screwing myself... And I believe legally I cannot pull half the money until divorce is filed.. This situation is about 2 weeks old.. Thanks..
You can pull half of the
You can pull half of the joint account at any time - or more if it's mostly your money in there. In fact, after you file for divorce, THEN you can't take the money out. At the very least, start a new account and have your paychecks put in there. You can then give your wife half (or 1/5 for your share) of the mortgage payment.
So sorry
I am so sorry, no matter what the age of the children she will always have a soft spot. However, as I have grown children of my own and would do anything to help my children, this is something that needs to be discussed between you and your wife. As the 2 of you need to have a united front in order for anything to work between you. If she can not and will not discuss with you, and compromise there is no where for it to go. You have to do what is best for you, as she is not considering your feelings and relationship.
Yep.. I am not opposed to
Yep.. I am not opposed to helping her children at all.. and Lord knows I have done so much for those kids.. I agree 100 percent with you on the United front.. This whole thing could have been worked out.. But even if we could work this out right now.. I have a different view now.. and looking ahead at the future.. this problem could repeat itself many times.. as I do not see the Adult Children preparing for their own independent lives.. Thank you.
This is a common story on
This is a common story on here from men who meet a woman in middle age after her kids have moved out, and lo and behold, here they all come, moving right back in! And Mommy wants her new husband to pay for everything for the poor darlings, who can't possibly lift a finger to help or pay for anything.
Please separate your money (yes, you can do it legally now), and give her only your share of the joint bills. You aren't obligated to support her freeloading adult children.
I'm sorry - I have to point out though, I don't believe in soulmates, but if I did, she wouldn't be an example of one. She cares absolutely NOTHING about your needs and feelings.
Ok you-made some good points
Ok you-made some good points ..i am talking to a lawyer this week ..the gocery bill alone is $200 pllus per week .. and i am not eating any of it ...i am going to look into this..
thanks !
Even if you opt to leave the
Even if you opt to leave the joint account as is, start diverting your own paycheck into another account with just your name on it. That way you have more control over it.
I agree with the others that if your wife wont bend, then it's probably hopeless. In a perfect world, there would be a two-part bandaid solution. First, in a 3- bedroom place, you and wife in one, both boys in the second and daughter in the third. Second, launch plans for all 3 kids.
It's a shame she won't work with you. You seem to have a decent relationship with the adult skids, a rarity in Steptalk. Good luck.
Well my relationship with the
Well my relationship with the step kids is not perfect ..but who has that ?? But i am proud of ehat i have done gor her children .. i have positioned them for sucess. Yetthey havenot even noticed..
You do legally have to pay
You do legally have to pay your helf of the mortgage. But I would pay that directly to the mortgage company and have a record.
You are not obligated to pay for anything else.
Stop immediately addiing to the joint account and when DW complains tell her she can ask her adult children to contribute.
If you give her, her cake and let her eat it too. She will never reap the consequences of her choices.
OK thanks for the information
OK thanks for the information.. I did not know this.. So glad I came here... Thx
As far as the mortgage goes.
As far as the mortgage goes. Pay your half directly. Make sure you keep in contact with the mortgage company. If she is not paying her half, you pay it and keep a record. She will have to reimburse you her half from the date you file for divorce.
That can be done either through sale of the house or if she buys out your half the court will add amoiowed to you to what she has to pay you.
Take any bills for the house out of your name. If you have joint credit cards cancel them.
Yes, and as I said above, you
Yes, and as I said above, you are in Florida so don't worry about the utilities right now (unless your area is frozen like Texas).
But you don't have to allow her to buy food with your money, or pay for anything else with it. Does she work?
Here is another off the wall
Here is another off the wall thing that happened .. i had one of those Ring cameras on the front if the house as my office is in our bedroom which has no windows.. and we would get a lot of deliveries.. Amzzon etc.. Well they took the camera down .. my question is what is legal here.. do they have the tight to fo that..??
Most likely yes - it's her
Most likely yes - it's her house as well. She can take down the camera.
Is their name on the deed?
Is their name on the deed? No, but their mother is and since she is THE problem, she will cover for them.
Correct !!
Correct !!
Lawyer up
Time to lawyer up, Vidiot57.
Your bride has made it clear
Your bride has made it clear that you do not even register for her as a priority and neither does this marriage.
Believe her.
You left, stay gone. And cut off all funds to your STBXW and her failed prior family progeny. See how she/they like it when there is no funds for food, housing, utilities, etc.. .and you are comfortably getting on with your life.
Meet with all of the top 10 divorce lawyers in your community to take them off of the table for your STBXW, select the best, and go for blood. Have your attorney do everything possible to cut her and her spawn off from being able to survive in the home that you pay for. Work with your mortgage company to pay half and vector them to her for the other half as you accelerate getting the divorce finalized.
Take every penny of liquidity out of joint accounts and put it in new accounts that she has no knowledge of or access to. See how she likes having the Vidiot57 provided gravy train cut off .... for ever. You have no children with her. There is no reason why you should have any interface with any of them once you have her served with divorce papers. Also... shut down any utility accounts that are in your name and have your credit monitoring locked down so if she does anything using your information you can end it pronto.
Enjoy your new life.
Sadly this reminds me of the trainwreck that a former boss of mine lived day in and day out for decades. At that time he had been separated from his wife for 18 years. She and their 3 adult failed kids lived in the family home that he provided. None of them worked. His whackjob wife had him by the short and curlies and he was so codependent that he just kept doing what had been happening for nearly 20 years. When he would whine to me about it I, and every one else he would whine to, would tell him to grow some balls and cut them all off. Nope. The last I heard he had bought them a new house in a more desireable State and was still supporting all three of them.
Take care of you and STOP... being their money bitch.
The removal of the Ring
The removal of the Ring camera would get me to a lawyer's office first thing on Monday. Open an account in your name only and redirect your paycheck as soon as possible. Do not pay for food or any of their personal expenses. Cancel any joint credit cards and put a freeze on your credit so your wife can't open anything in your name. Discuss with your attorney whether to try to get your name off of the utilities and how much of the funds in the joint account you should move into your own personal account. I would not tell the wife that you're planning to file for divorce until you have your ducks in a row, but you can certainly tell her that since you're not living there, you expect her to pay half the mortgage and all of the utilities and food, and that you will not be returning until at least the two older children are gone. Either she'll take you seriously and get her kids launched pronto, or you'll know exactly where you stand in her list of priorities.