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Dreading reunification of BF's PAS DS

Cookieboom's picture

As you know BF was court ordered to begin seeing DS.  He has revealed to me that he is dreading getting DS back due to DS’s behavior.  BM has refused him of DS using the excuse that she will not let him see DS until he leaves me due to me being a nurse and “giving everyone coronavirus” and has DS singing the same tune. 

Although I am happy that BF will be able to see DS (As it has been hard for him) it worries me that once DS is back all of our troubles will start over again.  We have had 0 fights since he hasn’t seen DS, as in the past ALL of our fights were due to BM/DS.  If the drama starts up again I KNOW I CANNOT AND WILL NOT TOLERATE IT!!!!!

These were the examples when DS before the PAS:

DS would get dropped off by BM and say to BF: “Where is your phone? Get on it immediately and break up with Christy!!!!  If you don’t do it I WILL!!!!” (Once he stole BF’s phone and texted BM pretending to be BF and texted something along the lines of they should get back together.

When DS was with BM he would FaceTime BF, demand to know where he was and if he was with me and once again demand he break up with me immediately.  BM would stand in the background and then take the phone and tell BF that DS hates me and if he were a good dad he would stop choosing a “skank” over his son….(Mind you she is back dating her married boyfriend, they text/phone when his wife is not around and she has told DS that her BF is divorced but “living” with his ex until he gets a place of his own).

The therapist has told me that once he gets DS back and if he starts his rhetoric to say, “You don’t tell me what to do, you’re 13.  You sound like your mother and I won’t tolerate it.” 

Any suggestions for us once he gets DS back?  Lawyers are working on the schedule so he should be seeing him soon…

CLove's picture

I dont see anything in your post that is "dear" about "DS".

Not tolerating disrespect would be the first line of defense.

Disengagement is the second. Disengage and do not do anything for this kid. If you have somewhere else you can be during visitation, be there and not with the kid. 13 is a horrid age from what Ive been told, and with this level of PAS, I would say that staying away is in your best interest for mental health.

But I am very jaded and feeling it today.

ndc's picture

What does your BF typically do when his son pulls that shit?  If it's anything short of BF telling SS that (1) his relationships are none of SS's business and he has no say in them, (2) BF and BM will NOT be getting back together under any circumstance, and (3) SS doesn't have to like BF's relationship with you but he does need to treat you with respect or there will be consequences, then BF is the problem.

I think you need to make it very clear to your BF that you will not tolerate the disrespect and meddling from SS and that it is BF's job to rein in that behavior.  There's not a lot BF can do about BM, but he can certainly impose consequences on SS for his bad behavior.  Is the therapist you spoke with SS's therapist?  If not, and SS isn't already in therapy, he needs it to try to counteract the interference and PAS from BM.

Cookieboom's picture

Hi CLove, I have disengaged a long time ago and have not any contact with DS.  The issue is when BF starts up his visits and DS starts Facetiming while with me and demanding he break up with me.  When DS starts his visits at BF's house and demands BF call me and break up with me.  Both BM and BF has parentified this kid.  I'm wondering what BF could say to DS when he starts his "break up with her or else" saga.  

CLove's picture

He should not be allowing this to continue to occurre. 

"All electronics - now" that might work.

"You are to show us respect while you are here, or no electronics".

"Your mother and I are never getting back together."

Either way this situation is disordered.

Cookieboom's picture

NDC, this was not his therapist, he is trying to get therapy through the courts (BM wants them all to go to DS therapist that she knows, BF has never met). In the past, BF would tell DS "I want to spend quality time with you and I don't want to spend our time together talking about Christy" (Advice from his therapist), when DS would facetime him, I would leave the room and he would tell son he wasn't with me, DS would demand he break up with me, BF would ask "Why did you call me, if it is it something important let me know, I'm not discussing this" then BM would get on Facetime and start her crap about how he is choosing a "skank" over his son.  In the past he has not given DS consequences because he said he would "lose his son."

Also, I posted this in another forum about CS that BM recently told BF that she is going to "sue" me for CS if we get married.  Not sure if that is legal, I have heard that BMs can use the family income to get more CS....

CLove's picture

This comes up a lot. Mainly, you as the stepparent are not a "party to the case" and as such this is a baseless threat. HOWEVER, if he falls behind, and you are married, they will secure and money you are to recieve in your tax return.

they only take into account the PARENTS income when calculating child support.

Cookieboom's picture

Thanks CLove for the info!!! 

Winterglow, I don't know what her issue is.  She HATES BF...She left him for a married man but still acts likes she owns him.  She told the police that I turned him into a crazy man (When I starting dating him I let him know right quick that I was not going to tolerate her running our lives)...His therapist thinks she is mad because he is happy and her relationship with the married man has always been toxic with him going back and forth for years between her and his wife.  But I don't know.  Sometimes I get suspicious wondering why she won't leave him alone, constantly calls him a liar and trys to control his every move.  

Winterglow's picture

Simple, she maybe doesn't want him but she doesn't want anyone else to have him. She had a baby with him and considers him to belong to her in a certain sick way. She really does need to get over herself. Do they have a CO? I ask because she is overtly alienating your ss. 

Cookieboom's picture

Yes, there was a court order at one time.  She ran off with married man and relinquished all parentinig rights, told him not to pay CS and not go through courts.  I told him to get an emergency full custody order which he did not.  She came back (Her BF went back to his wife, my understanding is he has been going back and forth between them for years, he is living with wife and they are still in contact, DS still calls him "Mom's BF") and took DS back, had him served with papers for back CS (Which he had to pay!!) and was mad that he had moved on to me, DS liked me until she came back and turned him against me.  She had BF arrested and wouldn't let him see DS, stating that he will see DS once he dumps me, tells BF and DS that I am a "skank".  They just went before judge, which judge ordered BF to see DS (Also his lawyer put it on the record that her BF is married....yes the courts don't care but she wanted NO ONE to know)...

The lawyers are writing up new CO. 

Winterglow's picture

Regardless of all that, the co still stands. Is there anything in it about interfering in communication with the other parent? Or badmouthing the other parent!? It might be worth reading it over. 

Cookieboom's picture

I don't know what the current wording was in the CO (As I have been trying to disengage), but I saw that they haven't followed it at all since I have been dating BF, as she was always dumping DS off to him and such.  BM recently told the judge that DS does not want to go to BF’s house because he feels unimportant as BF calls me, has me come over , texts me and spends his free time with me when not with DS; which DS “doesn’t like.”  

tog redux's picture

This is a parental alienation situation - yes, you are the target, but she's really using you to turn SS against your SO. Even if he did break up with you, there would be some other allegedly awful thing that keeps SS from visiting.

The best you can do is stay away. I can't tell if you live with him - if not, don't go around when SS is there. And your SO needs to get stronger about setting boundaries on SS and on BM.  

Cookieboom's picture

No, not living with him.  No plans to do so anytime soon.

Mominit's picture

Unless you're court ordered not to discuss court I would point out to the little snot that Dad loves you . You love him.  The judge says you are none of BM's business and the judge approves of the relationship.  So the only one of ALL the grown ups who thinks you should break up is a woman who is on again off again dating a married man!  Then ask him to use his critical thinking.  Which of the four adults in this scenario are showing healthy relationship skills, and which one is trying to cause disruption and hatred.  And let him know you expect him to use his own brain and his own mind to come to opinions in life.  But regardless of his opinion his Dad's relationship is NONE of SS's business.  So shut his trap, or be polite.  But you are all DONE talking about this!. 

Cookieboom's picture

*biggrin*  I like your advice!!!  *biggrin*  Not sure if BF would say that but one can always hope!

Thumper's picture


Thats is all I have. Hang in there, ok?

advice.only2's picture

You left your real name in the post you might want to edit it, just FYI.
Personally sounds like your DH needs to stop allowing SS to control the situation.

shamds's picture

Ss doesn't involve himself in his daddys bedroom matters.

my husband is very firm no skid will dictate or offer opinions regarding our kids, as the sole primary carer, hubby has told them he stands by my rules and decisions regarding our kids as i am the resident expert. 

no skid gets involved in our bedroom matters. Sd25 & 15 would before repeatedly rant on about bio mum non stop and guilt their dad for his new family (me and our 2 kids together). Hubby late 2019 told them that i was his wife and he didn't care about the exwife anymore or her daily doings because she wasn't relevant to us (aka he loves me and not her!!) 

Cookieboom's picture

Thank you for all of your advice.  BF told me that he has decided to say to DS, “Don’t worry about anything.   Its just you and me forever, we need to strengthen our relationship and you are number one.” 

I was kind of upset as I felt this is not the right thing to tell DS as it is making him think that I am not important. He sensed me being upset and told me he doesn’t know exactly what he will say but he is going to do the best he can when he gets DS back..

I spoke to my friend (who is a therapist) and she said it would be better if he told DS, “My relationship is non or your business, what would you like to do today?” and what he is planning on saying seems more like an “actual” statement and he should not be giving his son “actual” statements.  She also advised that I need to disengage and focus on my own life (like I have even doing).  All in all, I WILL NOT go backwards and if the drama starts up again I REFUSE to live in it. 


Catmom024's picture

I'd just be like:  "'s your mother's married boyfriend?"  Lol.  I'm very immature and would never recommend this.

Sounds like BM is projecting.  SHE sounds like the skank.  She is a major part of the problem.  Why is it ok for her to have a boyfriend but not this kid's father?  I'll never understand why so many BMs go on to get married...and the skids are fine with that but they expect their father to sit home alone.

It got to the point with my bf's kids that I just stayed home and did my own thing when he had them.  That included hoping to meet a guy WITHOUT kids.  Unfortunately that never happened.

Cookieboom's picture

BF heard from the attorney as BM was holding back the therapist's name  (as he was court ordered to attend with DS).  BM told attorney that she stopped taking DS bc of the pandemic (she told BF that the therapist released DS bc he was fine and didn't need it) and began taking him again after the arrest she wants him to have a relationship with his father but DS refuses to see BF because he won't dump me, and maybe now he will listen to therapist when he is told that he will only get DS back once he dumps me.  

My question is would a therapist do that? Demand he dump me? And if so I'm thinking if it's better to break up so he can see his DS then maybe I should do the right thing and leave him so he can have a relationship with DS....also, a friend sent him a screenshot of a FB post of her with married man and DS, posting about great times with family dated this past Xmas, and she told judge that she left him for the sake of DS and BF needs to do same...BF said he's not letting DS and BM run his life but I feel like he will never see him because of me, maybe I need to be unselfish and leave so he can see DS....

Winterglow's picture

Please STOP trying to be a martyr. Your man has your back and best interests at heart. Why would you want to throw that away? Why would you let a kid dictate your life when his father refuses to? 

Cookieboom's picture

You're right...I guess I feel that if therapist is now on board that we need to break up, it will be too stressful for us, apparently DS has told therapist that he won't see BF until we break up and therapist has said that DS has a voice and needs to be listened to.  BF has been so stressed since this ordeal and it is painful to watch.

Apparently therapist said "she knows how DS feels and it's time that BF stopped putting his own needs first" (Yes this came from BM's mouth, we won't know the whole truth until BF meets with therapist but it seems BM has swayed the therapist).