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Potty training

Rbm2019's picture

My nightmare of a stepson is almost 5. He is supposedly fully potty training. Since moving out of my mother in laws house into our own home this summer. He has peed in my floor 5 times, he pees the bed nightly, and he has started pooping on himself. And when I saw pee the bed, I mean we had to replace the mattress because my husband refused to put him in pull ups at night for the first two months of it. 


SteppedOut's picture

I hope it wasn't "we" replacing the mattress! It should have been your husband since he wouldn't let him wear pull ups. Accidents at night are not out of the norm for a 5yr old, imo. 

Sounds like he needs to be reminded to go potty more often - by his dad! 

You sound frustrated..probably because you are having to do more care of your husband's son than you should. 

Rbm2019's picture

He goes potty every hour and a half. It isn't like he's just peeing on the seat of the toilet. He peed in the middle of his bedroom floor because I wouldn't let him go wake his dad up, so his dad could fix a video game. He peed several feet away from the toilet in the bathroom twice now just because he could (his words). 

Technically my husband did replace the mattress. I say we because I'm a stay at home mom for my husbands and my baby. 

He's been "trained" for almost a year and just started bed wetting when we got our own house. I have two nephews and they have never wet the bed or had any of these issues. One is 7 and the other one is 2 days older than the nightmare child I live with.

The_Upgrade's picture

These aren't consequences I would suggest for a two year old beginning potty training but at the age of 5 I'd say it's reasonable to set consequences for deliberate messes. First hurdle is you and DH need to be on the same page. It won't work otherwise. SS will wear pull ups until he goes a fortnight dry. All privileges will be revoked. He likes video games? He's acting like a toddler so tell him toddlers don't play video games. If he pees on the floor next to the toilet he'll be helping you wipe up the floor. So on, so forth. Weather his rages and don't budge until it gets through his thick head that it's in his best interest to do his business in the toilet. This isn't a matter if figuring out how to do it, it's a matter of control. 

It's easy to say it's not the SM's job but it's hard to do nothing when the smell of shit is wafting out the bedroom to the rest of the house.

Rbm2019's picture

My husband just keeps saying its him being a boy. I've raised my two nephew they didn't even do it when they were being potty trained. I don't do any of his disciplining and my husband refuses to. If he was my kid he would have no video games, tv, toys, and he would get spanked for all these behaviors. Trying to get him to clean it up is like pulling teeth. Its easier to clean it myself. Whenever my husband tries to talk or "discipline" him he screams at the top of his lungs, throws himself down, and cries. I end up having to take my daughter and the dogs out of the house because he upsets them to much 

The_Upgrade's picture

I'm going to sound like a broken record by saying something commonly repeated on this site - you don't have a SS problem, you have a DH problem. Some people just don't have the natural instincts to be a parent. That's ok. There are parenting resources and classes out there. What doesn't come naturally can still be taught. But not if they're sticking their head into the sand singing lalala there's nothing wrong.

Rbm2019's picture

He is great with our daughter. He just doesn't think his son can do anything wrong and that he's a perfect angel. I'm just hoping mom takes us back to court and can win this time. She has the better deal of only having him on major school breaks.

tog redux's picture

This child needs a therapist who will help DH with parenting. Willfully peeing on the floor should have earned him consequences. Imagine how fun he will be at 15.

Rbm2019's picture

I'm dreading the next 13 years of dealing with him. I honelsty don't want my baby around him. I don't trust him not to hurt her, and I don't want him teaching her bad habits.

WickedStepmother_'s picture

Please have him evaluated. This sounds like it could be more than just acting out. Also mattress protectors work wonders when bed wetting is an issue. I have a special needs stepson. It has saved the bed a number of times. Limiting fluids after a  certain point helps too!