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Potty training

Rbm2019's picture

My nightmare of a stepson is almost 5. He is supposedly fully potty training. Since moving out of my mother in laws house into our own home this summer. He has peed in my floor 5 times, he pees the bed nightly, and he has started pooping on himself. And when I saw pee the bed, I mean we had to replace the mattress because my husband refused to put him in pull ups at night for the first two months of it. 


Stepson wreaking havoc

KikiMoMo's picture

 I’ll try to make this short as I can with as much detail as possible. My stepson, 14 years old, has recently become a handful to deal with. My husband and I got primary custody of him and his two siblings in 2015. Within this past year, we have had numerous hospital admissions due to him passing out. After he was deemed medically fine, we were told that the fainting was due to stress and/or anxiety.  He has been seeing multiple counselors for a year and a half with no improvement.
