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Stepkid time

Doublehelix's picture

We do a week-to-week schedule normally, but this summer each parent took one 3-week block with SD. We barely survived our block, getting out by the skin of our teeth. With schools closed, my partner started trying to implement a daily lesson plan in anticipation for the fall and it was just a disaster. She couldn't even pay attention for like 10 min and I've talked about this before where SD needs so much entertaining - she literally just follows us around the house waiting to see what we're doing or give her suggestions. You can imagine how hard 3 weeks of that would be.

Anyway, we survived, and currently enjoying our 3-week block without her. It's sad how fast the time goes now whereas it was "the land where time stood still" when she was here. It will be back to week-to-week when she comes back, which isn't so bad, considering school will have started. The school is doing garbage "distance learning," but that's her dad's problem, not mine.

Sadly, I am already thinking ahead and starting to dread the holidays...I have no idea why it was written in their agreement that the same parent gets Thanksgiving AND Xmas in one calendar year (other parent gets both the next year). This year, the way it lands, I think we get her 2 weeks for Thanksgiving (regularly scheduled custodial week + Thanksgiving week). Same thing with Spring break next year. While we're probably not gonna have a gathering with my extended family for either holiday this year due to Covid, I'm a little peeved that SD would have been there contaminating both holidays, taking over with her attention-seeking behavior and getting gifts she doesn't deserve bc she's an ungrateful little brat. I know it's her dad's job to tell her to knock that sh*t off, but it's hard when her mom gives her no boundaries.

Next year, when mom has the holidays, it could be that we end up getting extra time off instead, but I feel like the calendar never falls in our favor that way. -___-

i helped review those custody orders, and I'm annoyed I didn't read that part closer (it's written with wordy contract text), but I also can't decide if all or nothing is better, or splitting the holidays every year. (ie suck it up for one year to earn our freedom the next, or suck it up half the time every year) DH doesn't care either way, he's just glad not to deal with the lawyers anymore and too lazy to make any changes. 

Yeah I should be thankful we don't have way bigger problems than this, but it's almost harder this way. Bigger problems and maybe I'd be smart enough to get the heck out. It's juuuust bearable enough that I keep hanging around and testing my patience. :X


JRI's picture

I know what you mean about the difference when they gone.  I also know about the attention-seeking kids, they wear you out.  Two of my 7 granddaughters are high maintenance attention-seeker divas.  One of them is 37, the other is 28.  Both are successful people, married ( one now divorced), have good jobs.  So these kids do grow up and move on but it is exhausting.