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Biomoms vs biodads

Doublehelix's picture

Do you feel there's any difference if you're in a relationship with a biomom vs a biodad? ie does one tend to make the blended transition easier?

My SO always makes excuses for his lax parenting saying I would be the same with my own kid, but god forbid... 

At 8.5, should SD still be jumping on the couch? Should she still need to be reminded to brush her teeth every morning and then say "you never told me" when her dad asks if she did? He'll say "wash up please" and she'll pretend to not understand and ask if he's asking her to take a shower. C'mon girl, you know the drill. She's not dumb, and i dunno if she's trying to be funny or something, but it's really getting old. She knows her bedtime but is always hoping someone will forget to tell her to go to bed (I never forget lol) and sometimes she'll whine to stay up later bc she knows that's worked occasionally in the past.

And the incessant talking. her mouth never stops from morning till night. even if she's playing a game by herself she has so much commentary. Non-stop verbal vomit. Neither her dad nor i are so rambly so i always say to him his ex must be super annoying bc SD didn't pick up this trait from us! 

i get letting kids be kids and not being a tyrant, but honestly, she doesn't have enough responsibility or discipline and i find she's no more mature at this age than she was at 6. Like i literally couldn't tell the difference.

i would definitely be running a much tighter ship!

shamds's picture

easier than a stepmum. Its not a definite but its pretty much guaranteed stepmums are rarely accepted well as seen as the trashy whore who stole daddy from bio mum even if they met for the first time years after the divorce was finalized..

bio mum ould have been cheating and married her lover a week after divorce was final and skids are taught he is the new daddy but stepmum, she’s the trashy whore!!

tog redux's picture

Men expect women to come in and take over parenting, and women seem to feel they should do that - that seems less common in men. IMO, it's a byproduct of our society still expecting women to be the primary parent.

Your SO is a lax parent and he's excusing it by saying "you would be too," but that's probably not true, it just makes him feel better.

The having to remind a kid to do stuff isn't really the issue, the issue is that she argues about it, which says that he doesn't enforce his expectations with consequences.

Harry's picture

So you have to beat her at her at her game.  Make up a chart display it in the kitchen .  Brush teeth, take a shower. No jumping.  Ect.  If she break the rules  .  one hour with out electrons , for each rule broken or something.  Can't forget if it right in front of her. 

Cover1W's picture

Ah, but yes, they can ignore that chart if daddykins decides it's just "too hard" and "takes too much time" for the sweetums to follow.

Rags's picture

I think that being a StepDad is inherrently easier than being an SM because BM's are far more supportive of their spouse than BioDad's seem to be.

The dynamic in a subsequent marriage following a failed family marriage injects an element of guilt far more firmly in men than in women.  For whatever reason.  It may be that men far more often than not are the NCP and have some soul wrenching change due to not being with their children as frequently as tends to be the case for BMs following the dissolution of the failed family.

BMs being far more frequently the CP may become numb to the irritating crap perpetrated by their children while dad and his wife have a refresh of the irritating crap every time the kid arrives for periodic visitation.  




strugglingSM's picture

I think a lot of it also comes down to gender roles. In our society, moms are still expected to be the primary caretaker and dads are "babysitting" when they watch the kids. This carries over to SMs. As the female in the family, they are often expected to be the caretaker. Of course, they are also expected to be cognizant of BM's feelings. She, after all, is the poor, defenseless victim of any divorce (regardless of its circumstances) and everyone - but most especially the SM - needs to accommodate her. I think SMs are also often expected to make up for the "trauma" that CoDs experience, because again, as the resident female, they are the maternal / feeling ones in the family and also because they are interlopers and therefore, must grovel properly to the needs of the poor defenseless children. Stepfathers on the other hand, are often the saviors, stepping in to replace the deadbeat dad who abandoned the poor defenseless, single mother (again regardless of how the divorce came about) and her traumatized children. How this "mother mythology" has held on so long, despite much evidence to the contrary in many areas of life, is beyond me, but it sticks and I think that makes it harder for SMs. 

Thisisnotus's picture

My SD is the exact  same and she is almost 13. DH says nothing when she jumps on the furniture and never stops talking.

My kids wouldn't dream of jumping on furniture and they talk on and on i just tell them to be quiet. Lol

I think most dads are riddled with guilt and parent like complete idiots....and most moms are no riddled with guilt and parent normally.

Doublehelix's picture

Good lord if she is still jumping on the couch at 13...the poor couch can't take it lol

SeeYouNever's picture

Biodads can't even be consistent with their own biokids. My DH is much stricter with our 10 month old daughter than his 12 year old daughter. He says he doesn't want her to have to same bad habits as SD. 

It's not about bio or step, it's about parental guilt making them a weak parent. 

Doublehelix's picture

That's true... even my friends in non-blended families, the moms just naturally feel like they do more - both an innate sense of responsibility and bc they don't want to waste time reminding dad when they could have just done it themselves. And so often I see the moms check in with the dads if they want a girls night out (to make sure dad doesn't have other plans), whereas the dads are like byeeeee! and just assume mom's going to be home to watch the kids without even asking