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Quick recap of results from my last post “ calendar “

Janemakey13's picture

So as I said in my last post rude Step brat 13 overheard me talking on the phone how DH and I are moving to Florida in five years. Once off the phone SS Rudely  told me he did not want me to talk about this as it's annoying to him.  Step brat knows about the move this DH and I talk about it often BUT SS would never say this in front of DH. 

So I went out and got a calendar and hung it on the Refrigerator and stuck a piece of paper saying "COUNT DOWN TO FLORIDA MOVE!" And Taped it to the calendar. Yesterday we the first time SS saw it and did not say a word. Well I come down this morning to find the paper taped "COUNT DOWN TO FLORIDA MOVE" gone and only the calendar still there. So Obviously SS waited till both DH and I went to bed and Ripped it off. So this morning I WROTE "COUNT DOWN TO FLORIDA MOVE" Directly on the calendar. The only thing SS can do now is Tear the whole calendar off. 

I don't plan on saying anything to the brat about the missing papers but wait to see if he says anything. So Eventually the brat will make a rude comment about the calendar about its Annoying to him to look at or something like that. Any good comebacks when SS says something?

Kes's picture

SS doesn't deserve to even has his presence acknowledged - just behave as if he is invisible and his stupid remarks can't be heard. And yes, you do have a dumb husband problem. 

still learning's picture

Let the entitled little sh*t know that eavesdropping on private conversations is rude and that the move to Florida is ADULT business that does not concern him.  And next time he defaces your property that you will seize "insert favorite electronic items" until the item is replaced, compensated for, or lesson learned. 

Survivingstephell's picture

You don't really have to put much energy into this battle. Deep down SS knows he can't win this adult decision on where to live. He's going to do things only based on his immaturity, annoying things that only kids know how to do. Can he really limit topics of conversation? Only if you let him. He is trying to control something he has no control over. Do you have the energy to keep this up for 5 years?   The focus should be on getting that kid ready to launch by that time, not on his malfunctions. 

tog redux's picture

Yeah, don't engage in a battle with him. Next time he says you can't talk about Florida, say, "I will talk about whatever I like in my home. You are being rude."

Why doesn't your DH shut down this rudeness?

Janemakey13's picture

Because the little bastard KNOWS he's being rude to me and god forbid daddy sees this. It's like Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde personality with this kid. 

I do bring up moving to Florida with DH in front of SS but SS does not say a word. ONLY when DH is not around. 

DH is so blind DH will even talk to SS about moving to Florida with us which SS says he will. I Know for a fact SS is a total mama's boy and would NEVER leaving mommy for some reason SS makes DH believe he will. 

MissK03's picture

Put your phone on video and put it in your pocket. Then play for DH. See what he does then. 

Rags's picture

We are moving to Florida!

Lather, rinse, repeat.

If he says you really won't..... "You'll have to wait and see I suppose."

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Florida window stickers on your car, Florida T-shirts, Florida real estate mags on the coffee table, etc, etc, etc....

Swim_Mom's picture

Why does he care if you and DH move to Florida? Presumably he will have graduated HS and be in college by then and could move away himself?

Janemakey13's picture

Is use to parents who live and breath for him. SS probably expects/wants DH to live forever within a ten mile Radius of him for life. Like I said SS is a full blown mama's boy so he will never leave her. As far as SS launching at 18 that's never going to happen the MAIN reason I want to MOVE far far away. SS will be worthless Unemployed leach till at least 30 or more. 

Janemakey13's picture

Is use to parents who live and breath for him. SS probably expects/wants DH to live forever within a ten mile Radius of him for life. Like I said SS is a full blown mama's boy so he will never leave her. As far as SS launching at 18 that's never going to happen the MAIN reason I want to MOVE far far away. SS will be worthless Unemployed leach till at least 30 or more. 

hereiam's picture

So, when he doesn't launch, is BM going to allow him to continue to live with her? Or will she send him to your husband?

I know you say he's a mama's boy, who will never leave her, but you really never know. Plenty of BMs cut the apron strings when it no longer benefits them to keep them attached, like when child support ends or the responsibility just gets to be too much.

It just seems you are planning on one thing, SS NOT moving with you, but you have not had the actual discussion with your husband, you are just hoping it all works out in your favor?

I get that you may not want to have that discussion right now, but eventually, you will have to (if you don't want SS living with you as an adult).

Chelseybychelsey's picture


Focused_onourlife's picture

So is that your DH does not believe you and doesn't allow you to discipline your SS? You're not giving a clear answer to the posters above.. You are wasting too much energy playing this game with a 13 y/o and giving him too much power over you in your home. When your SS does things behind your DH back call him out in front of your DH.