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Court and CAFCASS

ShadowAthena's picture

So today my husband's ex approached him about withdrawing from court, he sent the email off a few weeks back to withdraw but nobody has heard anything since then. 

My husband called the court today, they have his request on file, but they might deny it based on what cafcass have said. 

How bad does that have to be if the courts deny my husband's withdrawal?

He was going to go for full custody. Thanks. I'll try to keep you updated. 


Maxwell09's picture

If the child or children are endanger then they will proceed. It's just like if family services went into a home and found it unfit, the kids would be placed in foster care or the next available relative so if BM has anything that might make the state take her kids then expect to have them until she gets it together. 

justmakingthebest's picture

Why was he withdrawing his petition? I went back and read your other post. I am so disgusted! 

ShadowAthena's picture

He and BM came to a private agreement. We contacted social services and she got her act together a little. But if CAFCASS say there's too much wrong then DH will continue with court. Court was a last resort because we had tried 3 times to set up an agreement with BM and she said no every time. So after our last visit my husband applied to court. 

Things are a bit better now but we just have to wait and see now. 

ShadowAthena's picture

Cafcass are going to talk to BM and my husband next week. They'll talk to BM first. Im nervous about all of this. Dh won't want to continue with court, unless cafcass say SDs home life is really bad. And that's possible. Which is why I didn't want DH to stop court, but he figured BM deserved 1 last chance now she knows he's serious about taking her to court if she messes up.