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Shouldn’t feel happy about this.... but :)

Chloe1974's picture

Step child has decided they want to live with mom after grad!!!!! Step child does nothing around the house, flips if asked to do anything, won't utter a please or thank you for ANYTHING, Hubby doesn't expect anything of them, it's a huge deal to get this one to even do the dishes, when the youngest can do laundry already.... hate to say it, but I'm a little relieved!!!! Now if I can just not lose my mind during the next while everytime this one cleans 2 weeks worth of laundry out of their room onto the bathroom floor and walks away, expecting us to do it (this just happened 10 mins ago!) 


PS hubby is cool with it too. Mom lives close and we will see step child quite often still. 

CLove's picture

Feral Forger, when she graduated after turning 18, she got herself a job and went to live with someone else, without discussing it at all with us. So, about 8 months later we cleared out her room completely. This is what they do when they want to live somewhere else but always want that "safety net" to come back to.

Well, after her situation changed and she needed a place to live, she went to live with Toxic Troll BM. And she acted the same way! From what I heard. TT would ask her to clean room or dishes and SD20 Feral Forger would go into hysterics. Trashed the apartment. Stole checks and money. Such a darling!

We were so relieved when she was such a blessing. But if she had stayed, I dont know that DH would have been able to get rid of her. The guilt trips were pretty bad.

She asked to live with us again last November, DH stood strong and said "well you will have to speak with clove..." crickets. lol.

Chloe1974's picture

Good lord!!! She sounds like a sweetheart *shok* We don't have the stealing or trashing apartment kind of thing, it definitely could be worse, but I'm still looking forward to not living together!! 

Redgreenandgold12's picture

See you when i see ya