Christmas Drama
So BM is supposed to (in custody agreement) get the girls from 12 noon to 6pm on Christmas Day. She told us she had to work and asked for all day Christmas Eve. We allowed it even though I wasn't happy at all about it. So she got a full leisure day with the girls and left us trying to split Christmas Day with my family and DHs family. She fed the girls ham that the girls said smelled bad and they ended up getting sick. She hasn't checked on them at all and after telling her they've been throwing up all day, her only reply is "okay". Come to find out she didn't have to work today since all Walmart's are closed. I texted her asking if she had to work and she admitted she didn't. I'm so pissed right now!
So bio mum intentionally poisoned her kids
Just to make your xmas awful??? Curious if bio mum ate ham?? Because if she didn’t then she intentionally made sure ham was bad with salmonella or whatever bad bacteria so her kids would be throwing up and you’d all have to deal with it. Send the girls back with vomit soaked clothes with a note “wash them”
I don’t think she did...
I don't think she did but the girls said the ham smelled and tasted bad. BMs new family hunts wild boar and processes it themselves. Anything from a pig, domestic or wild, needs to be cleaned properly or you'll get sick. They're used to eating wild boar but the girls aren't. Plus she won't wash any clothes because they don't live with her and it's not her problem. She doesn't pay anything for medical, school or even extra curricular, no child support or anything. She does nothing for the girls, the girls hate going to her and now she lies to us to get her way and she feeds the girls (suspected wild boar) knowing they don't eat it and aren't used to eating meat not professionally processed. We suspect wild boar because her husband shot a boar this hunting season and they supplied the "ham" for the party.
edit: she's lied to us from day one and keeps lying to us and even lies to everyone about us. I'm more pissed about the fact that the girls have been throwing up all day, we tell her after they puke the first time, her only response is "okay" and she doesn't bother asking if they're ok or how they're doing
This is why you just follow
This is why you just follow the CO.
Couple of things...
Couple of things...
Your DH needs to stick to the CO. Period. The titles of your previous posts indicate that BM is a crap mother who is unreliable. When dealing with people of that follow the rules. To the letter.
Why are YOU texting BM??? Your DH should be communicating with her.
She won’t....
She won't talk to DH unless she can't get a hold of me. She doesn't like talking to him mostly because she knows he's learned her games and won't fall for it. She talks to me because she thinks I will fall under her narcissistic charm and not tell DH anything even though I know her games too, don't fall for her victim act, and tell DH EVERYTHING. I let myself be her "safe zone" since she refuses to talk to DH. When she feels safe, she slips up in all sorts of ways like outing her own lies, thinking she can manipulate me into lying for her, etc. and all that is recorded or screenshotted
Yeah, stop doing that. She's
Yeah, stop doing that. She's not your problem, and you aren't her "safe zone", she just thinks she can manipulate you better (and she obviously can, since you agreed to this change without checking to see if Walmart was open).
Let DH deal with his baggage. He doesn't fall for her crap, either, so why take over for him?
DH agreed to that change. I
DH agreed to that change. I told him not to but he said he needs to be able to show the judge that he is working with her so they don't go against him
I understand. But it's his
I understand. But it's his burden to bear, so he needs to find a way to work with her, not put it on you.
Boo hoo to DH. Whatever will
Boo hoo to DH. Whatever will he do if you cannot respond to BM? Ignore her?
YOU did not procreate with crazy. HE did. BM is HIS problem; not YOURS.
He can get Our Family Wizard and stick to the CO. You need to remove yourself from this ridiculous game.
Exactly. If he can't
Exactly. If he can't communicate with her, and she won't speak to him, then let them both face the music in court. He knocked her up, he can deal with her.
Are they still ill?
Are they still ill?
Stomach ache
Stomach ache, lack of appetite and diarrhea today. Thankfully no more vomit right now
It may just be
It may just be paranoia talking but there have been serious issues with wild boar, particularly if not processed properly or if eaten by children the elderly, or those with compromised immune systems. Have you considered a call to your primary care physician?
We are going to...
We are going to take them to the doctor but the problem is BM is now claiming it was "store bought ham". No store bought ham will make someone sick unless exposed to something or left out for excessive time
Wild game and farm raised
Wild game and farm raised meat can both make you sick but wild game has a different set of pathogens. If you tell the doctor about your concerns they will know what tests to run and so will be able to identify the problem. Hope they feel better!
Stomach ache
Stomach ache, lack of appetite and diarrhea today. Thankfully no more vomit right now
sorry you are having to deal