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What would you do?

GreenEyez's picture

So SD9 has been confiding in me some hurtful things her mother has been doing. As seen in previous post BM only has visitation 3 times a year (where the kids fly out to see her) and she is known to be quite manipulative.

Lately SD9 has been getting involved with alot of extracurriculars and really enjoying herself. This of course makes BM furious cause she's on a mission to get the SKs to live with her full time, even though she claims she's broke all of the time (she wants a free cheque), and it's really easy to do that through SD9 as she is a people pleaser. BM loves to control her cause she knows she won't rebel. I guess now she feels she is losing that control. So she has been treating SKs, especially SD9, like absolute garbage. SD7 doesn't see this because she is usually on cloud 9 half of the time, so everything is ok to her lol. She's been ignoring them when they face time (literally just answers the phone and goes and do something else like watch a movie or replies with one word answers like an angry teenager).

SD9 told me a week or so ago that her mom ignored her when she said hi to her while BM was talking to SD7. She said that she said hi many times and she purposely didn't acknowledge it. SD9 started crying and I didn't say much but offer her some comforting hugs and letting her know that she did her part. Well, yesterday SD9 said that her mom did the same thing again, and when they went to say buy she totally ignored them when they said "Bye mommy I love you". So I asked her if she maybe didn't hear what she said and SD said that she did because she even stayed on the phone for a while and then just said bye and hung up right away. So I told SD that she is doing her part and that BM is the adult and she is the child, so if that's how BM wants to act then that's on her cause BM should know better. I told SD9 that she should maybe talk to her mom and let her know how she feels however SD9 replied crying saying that she is too afraid to tell her that cause she thinks her mom will get mad at her and tell her that she's never going to talk to her again or say mean things to her that's going to make her sad. So I told her that she should not let someone treat her that way regardless of who they are, and that if that does happen, to step away from the phone or give it to her sister, and to let DH know and he'll take care of it. 

Has anyone else had a similar situation? What did you do?

Sometimes I feel like don't want to say too much because I don't  want SKs to take it as I am disrespecting their mom. But at the same time, I also want to open their eyes to the fact that BM is treating them like crap and that they should not just accept it, just because she is their mother.

At this point I am starting to see more and more of how manipulative/mean BM is to the point that these kids feel like they are disrespecting her by telling her how they are feeling, which is ridiculous and damaging.


Harry's picture

I hope it's BM.  She moved away she should being paying for both flights.  Other then making her pay for airfair there little you can do. 

GreenEyez's picture

Actually it was DH who moved away however he won full custody of the children since BM is unable to have a stable life and neglected the children. Court order that tickets are 50/50 but BM comes and gets the kids and has to pay for her own ticket until they are able to fly by themselves.

zea.momie's picture

If not they could be cut down or reduced as needed.  If they are ordered Is there any way you could record them. (Check the legality of that where you live. ) Then take them and the kids for counseling.    A counselor might be able to give them coping ideas,  and possibly help get the calls reduced or dropped through the courts.   Just be sure they don't know the calls are being recorded, they would act different and probably tell BM.   Even if you can't record them a counselor can still help them deal with BM treating them like that. 

Good luck. 

GreenEyez's picture

The only thing that the court order indicates in relation to contact is that no parent can intervene/prevent parent-child communication; and the parent needs to give the child privacy when contacting the other parent. We also cannot take the children to counseling without both parent's consent as per the CO.

Recordings will also not be used in court as per California law. :/

GreenEyez's picture

I always let DH know. Recently SD has been coming to me cause she's afraid of talking to her parents in fear of a negative reaction. This is something that has happened since this summer. She would be able to tell her dad anything prior to this summer's visitation with her mon (6weeks).

Cover1W's picture

All of the above, let DH know and let it go. I know some messed up things happen in BMs house between BM, OSD and YSD but I just say, "That's too bad" and move on.  YSD is not looking for someone to solve it and if I, the SM, comment, it can lead to bad things further on...experienced it.  You cannot solve it.

GreenEyez's picture

Thank you for your comment. You're right...after hearing what everyone has to say too I believe it is best to just stay out of it from now on.