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Another day...another drama

RisingtheWave80's picture

So since the weekend (It's only Wednesday) and BM sending a list of demands to DH about how he should and shouldn't parent and that their daughter needs something to work towards- meaning don't bust her bubble that she won't be going to high school next year due to failing grades, missing over 40 days of school etc. They had another meeting at the school.

BM didn't make SD go to school for over 2 weeks, I am still not sure how DCF hasn't gotten involved. Apparently BM thought that they would be getting her into this new theraputic school sooner rather than later but I still don't understand keeping her home for two weeks.

On Monday both BM and SD thought it was a good idea for her to go to school, it was Step-Up day where all the 8th graders go up to the high school to see where they are going next year etc. This is rather comical that both of them thought that this was a good idea. So SD gets into the school and the principal is like "Hold Up, you are not going up to the high school today, here is work you can be getting done" Of course true to her nature SD freaks out, screams, calls her mom and demands to be brought back home. The school sent an email to both DH and Bm stating that if she continues to be defiant that they will need to get DCF involved, at this point DH is like "bring it".

So they have a meeting with the school yesterday where DH lays down the law more or less, he states that they need to stop filling SD head with the fact that she "may" go to high school next year, and how is it legal to move a kid up with 40+ days of missed school and ALL F's for the whole year?" Everytime BM starts in on "she needs a goal to work towards" he is like are you crazy, you keep setting her up for failure, she doesn't care about goals, she only cares that she gets what she wants when she wants it. He told the school that they are all being played by SD and if they progress her before she is actually ready high school will be a shit show and he will not tolorate phone calls and emails everyday about her behavior. He was finally holding the school accountable, because some of them seem like "Just pass her to get rid of her" but the conversation he kept steering back to the theraputic school, she needs it and lets not talk about the high school again.

BM starts the water works in all these meetings, she makes excuses for her daughter (who hates her and uses her) so the only one seeing the truth appears to be DH.

He told the school that busing is needed from both houses for the new school but SD stopped coming to our house a couple weeks back and only cares if the pool is open, a pool she has not rights to and needs to earn. BM's response to this was "She is using that as an excuse to see you" and he responded "USING is the key word there" His daughter doesn't want to be in our home and she doesn't want to spend time with her father. She wants what she can get from everyone and it wont be pool time with friends, big b-day parties ( I spent hundreds on her b-day last year) or any gifts and showering her with things she doesn't deserve. As DH puts it we are staying the course, we are not wavering, SD knows that she is welcome in our home if she can act right and understand she will be held accountable for her actions (which means losing and earning of privileges)

I am so tired of delusional BM and her carbon copy daughter


RisingtheWave80's picture

Also DH stated "Keep her back until she is ready" she for some reason believes that high school will be easier and less demanding than middle school, but she will still be the same person.


tog redux's picture

Your DH needs to just bow out and let BM handle this stuff.  She isn't going to listen to his point of view anyway, he can defer to her (crap) judgment.  As long as BM will rescue SD from anything and everything, DH can't do anything to make her a more independent person. 

Let the school know that SD is now living full-time with BM, and it's BM's responsibility to make the day to day decisions about school.  You can't coparent with a person like this, give her what she wants - let her be in control. 

RisingtheWave80's picture

I agree, he is getting there. He is not 100% there yet. He doesn't want to disown his daughter or leave it to BM to keep making these shitty unilateral decisions. But he is close to that point

tog redux's picture

I get it, my DH was the same way, he kept trying to be a parent, which I respect him for - but it's pointless. BM is going to do what she's going to do, no matter what he does. He doesn't have to disown her, he can keep in touch and let her know he loves her, and that the door is open. But not let her manipulate or use him, and not try to override BM's shitty choices. 

RisingtheWave80's picture

Unless BM moves again there is no other option, the school doesn't want her. The Theraputic school will send an officer to escort her from the house, I am still baffled and wondering who BM is blowing to not already have DCF breathing down her neck. If she melts down in the theraputic school they put her in the "Safe Space" which is a room (padded) and if she tries to physicially attack they are able to use physical restraints, all the things that don't happen in normal school. She requires too many resources.

ReginaPhalange's picture

I'm dealing with a similar issue with my son.  Have you guys considered therapy for her?  It sounds like it's a personality (or mental) issue. 

RisingtheWave80's picture

She's been in therapy and she's on medication this isn't a mental health issue anymore this is a kid being a complete a******

RisingtheWave80's picture

We are in no place to pay for military school for a kid who would somehow figure a way to get kicked out or run away

RisingtheWave80's picture

Any recommendations? I am not the final decision maker but I like knowing options. If it was up to me this would have happened already

RisingtheWave80's picture

Also BM wanted us to promise SD that we would never call the cops on her again. Not happening. We have nothing else at our disposal to get her ass straightened out. She has no regard for rules, she will get in her fathers face and scream at him, she will break our property, and quickly yell abuse if he happens to touch her while taking her cell phone away (she actually once ran up the stairs and around him to stop him and this led to her being bumped down two stairs, she then sent BM a text saying that he shoved her- not true I was right there)