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Update on Motion to Stop Child Support of Adult Child

RisingtheWave80's picture

The court situation is taking longer than expected. Here's an update:

My stepdaughter (SD) is now 18 and lives with her boyfriend, baby, cat, and XL Bully dog in a house rented in her mother's name.  While BM officially moved out in September 2023, but she had already moved an hour away to live with her own boyfriend in the summer. Last October, my husband filed a Motion to Stop Child Support payments and hired an attorney. In Massachusetts, child support doesn't automatically end at 18; it can continue until the child is 21 if they are "in need" and meet specific conditions.

SD and her boyfriend both work full-time, coordinating their schedules to care for their baby, and they have a relative helping when needed. My SD's mother (BM) claimed she spends around $5k a month supporting her daughter.

So far, there has been a Pathways meeting and a mediation session to reach an agreement before trial. BM did not attend, only her attorney, who seemed surprised by the actual situation, which differed from BM's account. During the meeting, the cost of SD's hairdressing school ($22k) came up. My husband offered to end child support and pay half the school cost, crediting payments made since October. We later learned from SD that her school loans and financial aid were in her name because she was pregnant when she started school. BM rejected the offer because she would have needed to prove she was paying $1500 monthly towards the loan, which she couldn't do.

We've now sent a Motion to Temporarily Suspend Child Support along with Document Requests and Interrogatories. BM's attorney responded with standard, non-customized questions. Gathering the necessary financial documentation took us 10 hours, but we were thorough thanks to my husband's excellent record-keeping. We also subpoenaed SD's school and work records to counter BM's claim that SD is a full-time student.

Recently, BM's lawyer claimed that SD is "in need" due to mental health issues. While SD has depression and anxiety, she manages her life well, holding a job at McDonald's for almost three years and maintaining a healthy relationship with her baby's father and her family. She stopped therapy and medication at the end of 2022 and has been doing fine. We doubt the accuracy of her bipolar diagnosis at 15 because that is too young for such an official DX. Her mental health is not in any way in her way of being an adult. 

If BM's claims win over the judge, we could argue that BM should move back in with SD if she is indeed mentally unstable and in need of support. It's unclear if SD knows her mother plans to declare her mentally unstable in court but this could have its own ramifications. 

We are currently in the Discovery phase before trial. BM will do everything to keep my husband paying child support until SD is 21, despite SD not meeting the criteria. We expect BM to become more unhinged once she sees we plan to subpoena SD and her boyfriend. Interestingly, the document request asks for all communications between my husband and BM, whose erratic messages will likely undermine her credibility.

We hope no sensible judge will force my husband to continue supporting SD and her boyfriend in their own house. We have our own financial concerns, and it's unreasonable for my husband to use an entire paycheck each month to support an adult.

But at the end of the day: These three prongs for emancipation are all being met. 

  • She is not domiciled in the home of her mother, the custodial parent, AND is financially dependent on her. 
  • She is not a full-time student who only lives away from the custodial parent during the school year AND is dependent upon her BM for support
  • Permanent Residence is not with her mother. 

I hope this follows the law and doesn't get messy, but with BM steering this ship, it will get messy and expensive. 



Rags's picture

I'm sorry for the expense, but look forward to BM losing her extortionist mind.  All things considered, SD sounds like she isn't doing too badly.




RisingtheWave80's picture

yeah, SD is actually doing okay, she isn't doing perfectly, but she is an 18-year-old mother, so it will be challenging. BM keeps doubling down because she really doesn't want the truth of all the lies to come out in court. She keeps hoping my husband will just backdown and not move forward

Thumper's picture

Good Luck with all this. I sincerely mean that. 

Courts tend to side with 'the adult child' in these matters especially when bm report child is unable to self support.  Some ncp are required to pay life long cs. 


RisingtheWave80's picture

Massachusetts law tends to be very matter-of-fact, and my husband's attorney doesn't see how this would end with an extension of CS payments, but you never know. It's hard to determine because BM keeps grasping what she can claim next. At the end of the day, if the judge states that he needs to continue, then the stipulation we would bring forth is that she needs to move back into the house her daughter is living in. There is no reason we should be paying for a 3rd home. 


Yesterday, we received an email from BM; it seems to have been directed by her lawyer. It doesn't look good if she claims that my SD is "in need" without any information about the adult child's father. She mentioned that SD is in school 9am-2:30pm (this is half-time and not full time so it doesn't make her a dependent child) and then mentioned that her hours have been cut ( I have been assisting with her looking for a new job as her hours have not been high since she came back from maternity leave, not because she cant work but because her work is just not giving her the hours) and that she is now back on medication (good this sounds like a great adult thing she did but realizing she needs medication for her mood disorder, this also has not affected her ability to maintain employment since she was 15 at the same employer) She signed off the email with "its not like you would have known" crazy woman acts like we are not updated with my SDs goings-on when we see her. 

We did not respond to her email but forwarded it to the lawyer with our responses. My SD can self-support; she lives with her grown boyfriend, who also works full time, and their baby, cat, and dog. We just have to keep on guard for whatever crazy BM comes to us with next. If her daughter cannot self support perhaps she shouldn't have moved out of the house from her daughter when she was only 17, she couldn't get away fast enough. 

RisingtheWave80's picture

Reviewing existing case law in Massachusetts, it appears that if my SD is deemed emancipated due to the prongs under M.G.L., the fact that she has mental health issues will not qualify her for child support. Bm would need to have legal guardianship of her and SD would need to be deemed incapacitated in order for her mother to have guardianship. There are a few cases that set a precedent in Mass. 

Harry's picture

To keep the $$$ rolling in.  Being a hairdresser isn't a easy job.  First of all you actually have to show up. She needs child care .  Hairdresser normally get paid by the customer, % of total service.   as in no customer, no pay.   With out a customer base.  It's hard to start.  

RisingtheWave80's picture

yeah I am not sure that my SD will make more money as a hairdresser than she does she does as a supervisor for McDonalds (right now she is making about $19 an hour) My SD and her boyfriend currently have a schedule for work/school and child care which I am very proud of them for figuring out. My SD goes to school during the day and works at night, her BF is home at night with the baby and on Mondays and Friday day and then she has his cousin watching the baby t-thursday. 

Looking into all of the cases online that have precedent around post-emancipation (as she is not hitting any of the prongs of being a dependent) child support for something like mental health, my SD would need to be deemed incapacitated and be under the legal guardianship of her mother. My SD refused to live with anyone, she wanted to live on her own and be an adult with a baby and live in boyfriend, its now up to them to figure it out. This whole mess makes me so anxious as I don't know what direction this will go as BM is a loose cannon and massively unpredictable  

AgedOut's picture

It looks like you can use reality to upend each of BM's claims. From what I've read, your SD isn't beholden to BM or supported by BM and SD/boyfriend live on their own, pay their own bills and are selfsufficient. SD may the the proof you need to eliminate BM's greedy claims. 


And, it occurs to me, if SD is so unable to function w/out support, that BM pretty much abandoned SD when she moved and left her behind. It's hard to claim SD as being in need of support when BM herself abandoned her to be on her own. Just a side alley to BM's bs. 

RisingtheWave80's picture

You are understanding 100%

I truly believe at this point each time she brings up another reason that support needs to continue its really to scare my husband into backing down or not moving forward with the case as I imagine that a lot of lies will be uncovered.  She is claiming that she is paying all of the bills, and this is the tough part where we have to bring my SD to court because I do not believe she knows her mother is claiming she pays all of the bills. I believe that my SD and her boyfriend are giving money to her, and then she is writing the checks; her financials are part of the document requests, and we will be able to see what money is coming and going. Even so, the Mass G.L is written in a manner that has to be multiple prongs- she is domiciled in the mother's home (nope) and financially dependent. She is a full-time student AND domiciled in the mother's home and financially dependent on her etc. 

Her attorney was the mediator for their divorce; we believe he has been lied to for years. he also has been phoning it in as he is a friend of hers and wasn't expecting this to go to court. 

BM was trying to find an apartment for my SD back in March of 2023 (she was 6 months from being 18) they all cost too much so instead, she moved in with her boyfriend an hour away and then left my SD in the house alone who then found out she was pregnant and had the boyfriend move in. So DHs lawyer will state if for some reason they deem my SD in need then the stipulation is that BM needs to move back into the house she has leased in her name with SD, Boyfriend and baby. 

Winterglow's picture

Given your SD's age and the crappy hand her mother dealt her, and given the unplanned pregnancy, I'm pretty impressed with how she and her  BF are handling their lives. She's going to school, is holding down a job with responsibilities, and they are sufficiently organised to require little childcare help. I say well done her!