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UPDATE: Chef Goes To Court

thinkthrice's picture

Chef got a reduction down from $200 a week to $70 a week and they emancipated SD20.  Seems she hasn't been living with the Gir in awhile.  I have NO idea where she is but IDGAF.  As long as she stays off my property as she has been a conniving liar since age 5.

For those who say "he could go pro se"   NOT ADVISABLE in this neck of the woods.   This is in Girhippo Country and the magistrates all know the Gir as a saint.  She currently works at a non profit as a, get this, FOSTER PARENT COUNSELOR AND ADVISOR!!! Couldn't BE more ironic other than when she was a CPS WORKER!!  So she is in family court frequently through her job.   In the past she even "high fived" the magistrate during an attempt at a downward mod.

Chef looks like a biker dude and EXTREMELY blue collar so he's instantly labeled as "toxic masculinity" and eeeevvvvvviiiiiiilllll deadbeat dad.   When he tried to go pro se, he was eaten alive by the magistrate and the court staff, clawing and grabbing at his paperwork and giving him the equivalent of a financial colonoscopy ala Spanish Inquisition style.    So much so that a bystander, who was an attorney, had to tell them to lay off.

I told Chef this morning that they would ask how he is managing to pay $800 a month in CS on his current wages.   HIs kneejerk response was "it's none of their business as long as it's paid"  which I told him NOT to say.   I told him to say that he tries to pay it and that is it hard to keep up with.   Yes it IS none of their business HOW it's being paid but that does not stop them from trying to find out and fleece biodad for more, MORE, MORE $$$$$$.  After all they get kickbacks from the feds for most amount ordered and collected.


tog redux's picture

Well, at least he got a reduction, and Girhippo was forced to play nice for once.

thinkthrice's picture

she never said anything hoping to still collect until I found out and told Chef.  I'm pretty sure her attorney told her not to do that again although she suffered no consequences for doing so.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

You have done so much for Chef over the years. He didn't have a snowball's chance in He!! of dealing with this on his own, so this is really your victory. 

What happens next? Will Chef be expected to contribute more to your household? Are you formulating a strategy to get him out of your life eventually? 

Can't wait to hear what Mr. Neutral has to say about this.

Simpleton21's picture

Well that is awesome that you at least got a reduction finally!  Shame that the court is so pro Girhippo :(  

thinkthrice's picture

And get this...Chef thought that the Girhippo was being magnanimous by saying "no they are on my health insurance!"   Are you kidding me Chef??? The reason why they are on her health insurance is because she doesn't want you to see what is going on with their many Munchausen medical visits!!!  Instead Chef is contributing $20 a week for their medical even though the Girhippo gets it for free from her employment as a benefit.

In other news, disciplinary actions against YSS16 in the form of a letter just came in.  Apparently YSS is under the impression that he can just come and go when he wants to whether that be in school coming in late or just taking off while he is at school to another are.   He skipped detention multiple times for doing so.   My prediction is he will drop out before the age of 17 and probably get in trouble with the law.

Simpleton21's picture

Chef is really to forgiving with this clan!  Ugh!  At least you don't have to see their many Munchausen medical visits.  I would love to not have to deal with all of SD's "severe injuries" anymore.  

strugglingSM's picture

We're living parallel lives. BM works with divorce lawyers - she does the financial valuations used to divide businesses between spouses. She suggested several of her close colleagues (including at least one whom she has claimed previously was her lawyer) as possible mediators during her latest request for mediation. 

In addition, DH is a big guy (6'7"). He's also a blue collar worker, so like Chef, everyone assumes he is a big bully, instead of the big softie that he is. BM also loves to cry and say, "why are you doing this to me?!" and "I feel like you're questioning me as a mother!!!", even when she is the one who repeatedly demands mediation for unspecified "issues" she is having with DH. He has also been trained by MIL's lack of boundaries, to just roll with whatever comes his way, so before we met he barely questioned BM's unreasonable demands. 

Despite all this, DH has never wanted to pay a lawyer, because he thinks it's a waste of money. This time, I insisted upon it, because I don't want to put up with BM's biennial temper tantrum over "issues". At least when he has a lawyer, BM is less able to cry in order to get what she wants or to use one of her business colleagues as mediator in order to get what she wants. For the current mediation, BM offered to pay all but $250 for the cost of the mediation, if DH would work with one of the lawyers she suggested. My assumption - she wasn't going to be paying a dime. She was likely offering discounts on her services in exchange for an amenable agreement. She also regularly claims to be consulting with "her lawyer" - who always seems to have a different name. I wonder if these lawyers could get themselves in trouble for offering off-the-cuff advice to her about issues on which they are not fully informed. Probably not, but they should. 

Our only bargaining chip is that DH has four innocent spouse rulings from the IRS, including one detailed letter that spells out how it was a logical assumption on his part that BM, a CPA, had filed their joint tax return for the four years in question. She even told DH that she kept his tax refund for all of those years. BM now works for someone other than herself, so it would be very inconvenient for her CPA firm to have a partner on staff who a) did not even file taxes for 4 years; b) was found liable for all of the debt after her divorce. When DH showed his innocent spouse letters to the lawyer, she passed it around to her colleagues, because she had never seen one before. They were all amazed, because they, too, had never known any of their clients to successfully get an innocent spouse ruling from the IRS. 

thiscantbenormal's picture

Congrats to Chef on the reduction.

In regards to the Gir having an "in" with the court professionals due to her social worker/CPS background where everyone thinks she is a wonderful self sacrificing mother protecting her babies from her monster new line to anyone that gives applause to mothers like her and BM in my life..."Well, everyone thought Dee Dee Blanchard was a wonderful mother and looked how that turned out."