SS is a "completionist"
I get up around midnight to go to the toilet. SS's bedroom door is illuminated with tv light. I open the door and he's sitting there playing his PS4. He looks at me like a terrified deer caught in headlights. I just stare at him until he shuts everything off and hands me the second PS4 controller.
He leaves for school before I wake up. I text him and say you're continuing to sneak and lie about things and you need to straighten yourself out. He texts me back: "I was sneaking the ps4 last night because I didn't have time to finish a game and I am a completionist. That is the honest truth."
So I'm thinking there's no such word so I google it: Completionist: noun. (in a video game) a player who attempts to complete every challenge and earn every achievement or trophy." OF COURSE it's alllll about freakin' video games! So here's what I text back to SS:
"That is ridiculous b.s. If you're so worried about completing something why don't you complete important things like your homework, revision or chores. You are addicted to screens and can barely entertain yourself without them and THAT is the honest truth!
All you've managed to completely do is peeve me off and lose your screens for a week. Good job Mr. Completionist. AND to get the second ps4 controller you helped yourself to GOING INTO MY ROOM WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!! You're a selfish lying sneak that has no respect for anyone or their belongings."
Thanks to spending 10x more hours on screens instead of studying for his finals, he has to go to school twice during Easter break. That's what screens have done for you, you little shyte. Enjoy!
- Cooooookies's blog
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LMAO... I can't believe there
LMAO... I can't believe there is actually a word for video game addicts that makes them sound "good" vs. the addicts that they are! Completionist... I need to remember that once if any of ours throw that out there!
It's just ridiculous!
It's just ridiculous! Flipping completionist... he will regret ever saying that. He can now complete EVERYTHING. Homework, studying, cleaning, laundry. All done to COMPLETION by Mr F'ing Completionist!
Meh, there are several video
Meh, there are several video game YouTubers who are completionists who make great money playing, then explaining and reviewing, games they complete. Several others who raise hundreds of thousands of dollars a year playing games, either as speed runs or for completion, for various charities.
I don't think OP's SS is in either category, but I wouldn't lump everyone who is a completionist or professional gamer into the category of "addict" just like I wouldn't say all cops are bad and racist and all doctors are pill-pushers.
He literally won't eat, drink
He literally won't eat, drink, wash, sleep or move if you didn't keep an eye on him. Also if he has a smart phone he'll watch endless porn.
Very definition of an addict.
My issue wasn't with SS being
My issue wasn't with SS being considered an "addict". My issue was with painting EVERY completionist as an "addict".
When you make video games and the people who play them the problem, you don't actually get to the problem itself.
Completionists don't just
Completionists don't just beat a game start to finish. They have to complete every challenge, side quest, and achievement (like have to...or it bugs them). I have seen "completionists" play a game they hated for weeks because they had to unlock every piece of the game. It is an obsessive trait that I don't think anyone would find healthy, even if they made money doing it...even if it was a lot of money.
Yes, some people can earn a living playing video games. A kid has about the same chances of being a professional video game player as they do being a professional football player or being a famous rockstar. I wouldn't encourage my kid to plan on being a famous rockstar, so I wouldn't encourage him to think that gaming will get him far in life, either.
That was exactly what I was
That was exactly what I was going to say- sure he can be a professional gamer... about the same odds as him becoming a famous actor, or football player, etc. -- At least with physical sports you can tell if they have a shot to play in college. I would never encourage gaming as a carreer choice. Computer/Gaming programing, graphic arts, ect-- ALL DAY. There is a difference.
These famous gamers also have
These famous gamers also have very big personalities that make them entertaining to watch. These vapid skids with zero friends, blank stares and heavy breathing as they game for days like zombies? They aren't going to be famous gamers, even if they're "really, really good."
Well lieutenant, not all
Well lieutenant, not all skids are total assholes but the ones we speak of on here are mostly assholes. Most likely her completionist SS is both an asshole and an addict.
UGH, my SS fancies himself a
UGH, my SS fancies himself a future professional gamer. It's a complete joke and a cover for what is very clearly an addiction issue.
I have my boys' PS4 set to a
I have my boys' PS4 set to a schedule; yes you can do this!!! It won't connect before 8 a.m. and goes off at 9 p.m. (on school nights). They are alloted 1 hour on school nights and unlimited on weekends (from 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.)
Yes but when I set it all up
Yes but when I set it all up I didn't realise the main account is the parent account so he's set up as the main account.
Just as well as the entire box is it of his room so he can't sneak anything.
I don't know if I would have
I don't know if I would have done all this through text before school? I understand the consquense and that's prefectly reasonable but handling it this way is like starting a fire without supervising it.
I see what you're saying.
I see what you're saying. However after 4 years and running and 100's of lies, sneaking, hoarding, school failing, screen addiction, porn addiction b.s.....I really couldn't care less what time of the day or night or how I tell this little ball ache off. Gone wayyyyyyy past it.
My concern is you're setting
My concern is you're setting yourself up for a fight as soon as the child walks in the door. He'll have all day to get worked up and totally forget how he is wrong. Instead he'll work himself up to your just being mean and it wasn't that big of a deal. This isn't the way to handle discipline. Again I completely agree with the consequence. I just worry that you guys are going back and forth on an impersonal forma that does nothing but create an atmosphere of contempt.
The kid clearly knew he was in the wrong last night. He knew something was going to happen. Let him focus on school and deal with home when he’s at home. Like I said this is all he’ll think about now all day and it’s not like it’s going to make it better.
You might not care about him but I'm sure you care about how it will impact your home. Is telling him off and getting into an arguement with a child over text worth the increased conflict when he comes home?
I've done this "the right way
I've done this "the right way" more times than I can count. It makes no difference. Talk and talk and talk and reason until we're blue in the face. I do get what you're saying but we've been there 2 438 times
At this point I give zero flips if I told off Precious the wrong way. Over. It.
These SS's and their F'ng
These SS's and their F'ng video games make me want to scream. Like it's the most important thing in life. My SO was telling some friends this wknd how SS is soo good, and how video gaming as a "sport" is really "blowing up", and there are scholarships for it and everything, and there are leagues in some schools now. He plans to help SS set up the video game league at SS's high school when he gets there (he's got 1 more year). *Insert the biggest eye roll possible* This was all in response to our friends asking if skids participate in any spring sports, like softball. SS does do softball, but it's a really short season. Then my SO launched into this monologue about SS and his video games. He received blank stares, because NO ONE CARES.
It is a sport, and it's
It is a sport, and it's becoming very popular - BUT, just like all those kids who thought they would be in the NFL when they didn't have a ghost of a chance, this generation thinks they will be pro gamers when they don't have any chance.
Count my SS19 among them. It's absurd. He can't even live without his mommy telling him what to do. I don't see him being a pro ANYTHING.
CP BMs also fill their heads
with pipe dreams and fantasies. They are told that regular schoolwork/studies are not important because they "learn differently" and are "special talented snowflakes" that will achieve stardom, fame and fortune through a series of glamorous careers such as:
1. pro gamer
2. athlete for major sport
3. rock star/musician
4. singer/dancer actor
No one wants to admit that their kid will be dumping trash bins/sweeping floors, answering phones, flipping burgers for a living.
I'd be impressed if SS was
I'd be impressed if SS was sweeping, dumping trash and answering phones. He's never had a job.
well this IS
NYS and you just go on the dole here courtesy of King Kuomo.
And I'm sorry, but when all I
And I'm sorry, but when all I hear is SS yelling constant nonsense like "You idiot"!!, saying how stupid everyone is, getting so upset, and then to hear my SO brag about how good SS is, and expecting everyone else to be makes my stomach turn. I have never been into video games myself (I play Mario, that's about it), and I hear the constant whining and complaining from SS on his headset through his bedroom door. It's not cute or impressive to me. Fine, video games are a big thing right now and he's good at video games. He's also super obnoxious about it.
And exactly what you said Tog, the chances of anyone becoming a singer, pro athelete, pro video-gamer are soo slim! Pretty sure we shouldn't put all our eggs in the professional-gamer basket. Perhaps more talk about realistic careers.
There's always some bulls**t
There's always some bulls**t excuse. This is one you can use though. When he hasn't done chores etc 'but I thought you were a completionist'
Is that anything like the "Work Averse?"
Yep Generation Tide Pod have a lot of these humongous euphemisms for stuff that should be natural to make it sound as though they are doing something that has never been done before and of great importance "Adulting" is one of them.
God I hate "adulting" as a verb.
God I hate "adulting" as a verb. Get a job, wash your dishes and clothes, and pay your bills like generations before you. It is not new and it is not special.
"You're a selfish lying sneak
"You're a selfish lying sneak that has no respect for anyone or their belongings"
While I'm not doubting that this is true - when you attack someone's character in this manner - it becomes more entrenched, like a self-fulfillig prophesy. I get your frustration and I even believe your assessment, but I do wonder if that's the right approach. In fact, this could well qualify as 'verbal abuse' as this is definitely 'name calling' so I'd be careful about texting stuff like that.
Over it
EDIT...Sorry but I am past caring. He doesn't care when he's eating all our food, playing on screens to the point of failing school and life, watching endless porn, on and on and on it goes.
I'm not sorry for calling a spade a spade. I didn't sugar coat it so it's abuse? He'll live. We complain all the time here that skids are coddled and wrapped in wool by their parents, creating the little monsters that they are. I'm over it.
I think "Mr. Completionist"
I think "Mr. Completionist" should be his new name instead of SS......Unfreaking believable that he even said that![Dash 1](
Consequiences must be applied
Consequences must be applied in the most immediate and effective manner possible. Keep rubbing his nose in his stinky shit behavior and decisions and let him know that he is out on his 18th birthday or the day that he is supposed to graduate from HS because... shit birds are not tolerated in your home.
Keep up the pain and rather than a week without his PS4, run over it with your car and pitch it. No games in your home. Period.
Directly confronting and naming his lack of character is IMHO a great move. My SS was confronted by his band teacher in Middle School who told him "There is nothing special about you. You do not try, you could be great, but until you start trying I have no use for you." That got the Skid's attention. It bothered him so much that he references it this day when he is talking about notable events in his life that made an impression on him. It was not a parent that delivered that message. So it made far more of an impression I think.
We banished games from our home when SS-26 was in 7th grade because of this "completionist" bullshit. No more allowing someone else's imagination to interfere in our real life family or in SS's school and life responsibilities.
Time to do the same in your home IMHO.
Good luck and enjoy the crunch of crushing game systems, controllers and games under your car tires.
I've often had glorious
I've often had glorious visions of opening SS's second story window and hurling the ps4 box as hard as I can and watch it crash to the ground.
Thanks for your vote of confidence, Rags. I'm pulling my hair out these days. Nice to hear someone agrees with me.
I agree with you too. This
I agree with you too. This skid should come live at my house and Ill come live with you.
Omg yes I'll message you my
Omg yes I'll message you my address!!!! So excited!!
So sick of all the mollycoddling, sugar coating and psychobabble. Tell them straight and to the point that the world is not going to prop them up. I was always told by my parents there will always be somebody better than you at certain things and so you just always need to try harder.
So sick of the acceptance of mediocracy and perma whinging victim status. Bring back rugged individualism! Screw equal playing field and everyone gets a trophy...celebrate true achievement!