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The kid sees the hypocrisy

ITB2012's picture

DH thinks I am overly concerned about how much the kids pay attention to the dynamics in the household. This usually comes when I get so frustrated with a hypocrisy that I point it out. 

I took DS to tour a college and during the trip he asked about his recent house-sitting gig for us (DH and I went to visit his family, DS house and pet sat for five days). He asked me why we had him do it and not OSS or YSS. (They are all in HS.) He was curious why the skids weren’t trusted to do it. I stated that the weekend right before he house sat BM was gone and asked DH if OSS and YSS could stay at our house, and they did. So I didn’t think that DH and BM are ready for them to stay on their own yet (though OSS will be going off to college, too,). I said I think OSS and YSS are perfectly capable to do what he did each on their own, but it’s not my call. I did mention that DH was the one who brought up having DS house sit instead of getting other people to do it.

DS said, yes, but DH was upset about something when we got back. (I can’t remember what it was, it was minor, like the recycling was full and needed to be taken out.) DS went on to say that he notices DH picks on him and doesn’t get upset about the same things with the skids. Then he said in an accepting “way it is” voice: “But I’m not his son so that’s probably why.” 

(I reminded DH at the time he was crabbing that the house was a mess, some pet chores hadn’t been done, and a rug was torn last summer after we had a recent college grad watch the house and pets for just as long, and we’d never have that kid do it again, but DS did a good job and he did everything we asked.)

The way things were said/asked by DS it seems like the skids notice the difference in treatment, too. They are pretty tight so I’m not surprised they have talked amongst themselves about this stuff.



Monkeysee's picture

Kids are smart, especially when they’re as old as your DS & skids are. There’s no way they haven’t noticed your DH’s tolerance levels being higher for his two than they are for your son. 

If it was me, I’d either tell DH to cut the crap, or I’d start pulling his kids up on the same stuff he’s hard on your son about. Or, I’d tell DH to back off completely where your son is concerned & stick to only parenting (or not parenting) his own children if he can’t keep his biases to himself. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Kids are born narcissistIc, lacking in empathy. But they know things. Kids know each and every weakness their parents have, and can be ruthless about exploiting them. Manipulation is a skill they develop very early, and CODs seem especially good at wielding it.

It's sad that your son recognizes that your H treats him differently, but good that he's not claiming victim status over it. Sometimes in blended families, SFs and SSs show behavior similar to "the old bull vs the young bull". Does your son challenge your H? Could it be that your H just wants to maintain his alpha status? Maybe a few sessions with a couples counselor could help you navigate this with your H?

shamds's picture

also op, even with skids being in school, why could they not be tasked with some chores? School is not a free pass to anything so no wonder your son feels picked on. It should be that every member of home contributes to the upkeep of it

ITB2012's picture

The skids were not trusted to house/pet sit by DH and BM. DS was trusted. I think it is more of the bio parents looking at them as kids that need protection and not as young adults who can and should have increased responsibility. And it would have been a good  mini-trial if being on their own  

They all have chores at our house and help clean on weekends they are here. 

ITB2012's picture

DH is very competitive and insecure. DS cannot be “better” than his kids. 

None of the kids challenge DHs status. That he makes himself submissive to them sometimes is not their doing.