No Fight Left in Me
Just a quick review...
DH planned a trip with his adult children over New Year’s that he finally told me about in November. We argued on and off about this trip for a month. I thought I finally got through to him about making our marriage the priority and that he can be done making up for his divorce that happened 16 years ago. Well, I was wrong. He told me on the Thursday night between Christmas and New Year’s that he was leaving the next morning at 6:00am to meet up with his kids. I was absolutely shocked. I ended up packing a bag and leaving to go to a girlfriend’s home.
After sitting at the airport for a 6 hour layover, DH had some time to think and said he realized he made a big mistake and this is the last time he will ever take a trip without me. He tried calling and texting many times while he was gone. Almost to the point of harassment! Sent flowers too. I ignored the calls and only answered a few of his text messages and basically told him I see where his priorities are. I did not physically talk to him until he was at the airport on his way home. He made all kinds of promises that I don’t believe because actions speak louder than words.
Isn’t there a saying, “Do whatever you want and ask forgiveness later”?
I spent some time reflecting on our relationship while DH was gone. I haven’t felt loved and respected the way a wife should. DH’s loyality is to his adult kids. All the betrayal and rejection creates a sense of insecurity and distrust in a marriage. I had no idea the dysfunction these daddy’s have with their adult daughters until I started questioning my DH’s relationship with OSD and found this site. I am worn out and pretty much done fighting for my place in DH’s life. I’m not even sure counseling will work now.
Have any of you lost the spark in your relationship? If yes, did you ever get it back?
Yes, the spark finally went
Yes, the spark finally went out almost a year ago- although it had only been a mere flutter for some time before this.
It never came back because, unlike your DH, mine never even attempted to get me back. I didn't play his game either- so that was nine years of trying to like his kids, and understand why he was like he was with them, down the drain...
You have a lot more patience
You have a lot more patience than I do to have put up with your DH’s shenanigans with his kids for 9 years. I’m sorry for your hurt. I hope you’re healing and finding some peace now.
Wow... I don't understand
Wow... I don't understand this kind of behavior. I don't blame you at all for your feelings, they are 100% justified.
I think it is possible to get a spark back though. All marriages go through highs and lows. That is why we say for better or for worse. I think the big key here for you would be for him to actually change. To make you the priority in his life.
If there was something that could be done to woo you what would it be? Flowers for apologies always made me angry personally, DH knows how I feel about them. Would a weekend away for the two of you help? Would counseling help? I think whatever it is, you need to have it layed out directly to him. This isn't the time in your relationship (questioning it all together) to dance around and not be direct.
I’m not sure there’s anything
I’m not sure there’s anything to woo me at this point. All I can think about is the BS I’ve put up with for the last 4 1/2 years. It’s been an emotional roller coaster. I am in the process of looking for a good counselor. Thank you for your reply!
I went through the exact same
I went through the exact same BS for five years before walking away a couple of weeks ago. It’s heartbreaking when you give so much of yourself and it is not returned. I’m sorry to say that based on my experience and everything I’ve heard, this type of dysfunctional dynamic between adult daughters and DADDEEE never changes. I was always beating my head against a wall trying to get my ex to realize that our relationship should be priority over him doing what his ADULT brats want, but it never changed. These men enjoy the codependent relationship the have with their daughters. All I can say is if you do leave, don’t get into a relationship with a man in this position. It is not worth it. I’m very sorry for your pain, I’m right there with you.
I’m so sorry for your pain!
I’m so sorry for your pain! It is extremely heartbreaking when you give the relationship your all and the other person doesn’t make you the priority. I hope you’re finding that being away from the crazy world is healing?!
“These men enjoy the codependent relationship they have with their daughters.” You are 100% correct! I think they also enjoy having all of us fighting over them!
I truly don’t think the promises my DH made will ever be followed through on. This isn’t the first time I’ve been shocked and disappointed.( DH left me standing on the dance floor half way through our first song as husband and wife to go dance with OSD) Believe me, I will never get into another relationship with a man that has daughters.
Thank you. You are absolutely
Thank you. You are absolutely correct that these men like having their SO and skids fighting over them! It feeds their ego, which is pathetic.
I hope you didn't let him
I hope you didn't let him return to the marital home, or you are living elsewhere. You need space away from the marriage to sort out your feelings.
If this man wants his marriage to work, he needs individual and marital counseling. Tell him that, and see if he arranges it. If he doesn't, you'll know what to do.
I wish I could have prevented
I wish I could have prevented him from returning to the marital home but my name isn’t on the title. I really do need some space but I don’t see that happening. Maybe I’ll plan a trip for myself and a girlfriend to a spa somewhere and spring it on DH the night before I leave! ;)
Definitely need counseling. I will be going by myself to start.
Don't second guess yourself
"DH’s loyality is to his adult kids."
Gather up your energy for this last round and FIGHT for YOU!!! He is an absolute CONTROL FREAK and jerk - it's no wonder you're drained. From your past posts, he clearly doesn't intend on integrating into a blended family and has no intention of making you an equitable partner and priority. Remember that when he tries to break down your defenses by lying and love bombing you back into complacency.
I have a feeling he is a master at creating emotional turmoil in you. You get the inclination to leave...then he'll manipulate you back with episodes of love and attention. His barrage of texts and calls whilst waiting at the airport...the flowers...the false regret is manipulative bs. What he is doing is intermittent reinforcement, a tool used by emotional abusers to keep you off center and vunerable.
All the insecurities and questionable feelings you are having are spot on...listen to them.
Get back into the work force. He's trying to keep you financially dependent and cornered into his control. Keep getting positive feedback from others about your situation. Empower yourself. PUT THE EFFORT INTO YOU.
You nailed it!
Thank you for taking the time to reply! You nailed it! This is exactly what is going on! You read my DH like a book!
I have been in emotional turmoil for quite some time. It’s affecting my physical health. I have been dealing with tachycardia and weight loss. When I am stressed, it affects my heart. The adrenaline kicks in and it’s the fight or flight response that happens to me. I definitely need to learn how to relax. Maybe try a yoga class.
I have been sending out my resume and hope to be working outside the home soon. I’m looking forward to it!
Accentuate the positive!
Yes, need some positive influences surrounding you. You will meet people like this through yoga and alike classes/gatherings. Working will be a good thing for you too - another opportunity to meet positive outside influences. Read up on pranic vampirism and narcissists - this will add clarity to your situation.
Be careful and covert if you are planning an exit strategy. He has been manipulating you for a long time so he knows exactly how to push your buttons and will not like the idea of losing control of you. The more conscious you are of what's happening, the less power he has over you.
I will definitely read about
I will definitely read about pranic vampirism and narcissists. Thank you for the great advice Healyourslf!
Has your DH done this before?
My DH pulled something similar early on in our marriage. The betrayal leaves a very sour taste in your mouth and it makes you question your value in his life. The fact that your DH STILL went on the trip rather than canceling it and returning home speaks volumes. He had second thoughts about the toll his actions were taking on the marriage, and tried to 'bargain' with flowers and promises, but he still went. So there is something about your marriage that he is trying to salvage. With my DH it was his financial and social comfort. Your DH may be hoping you will back down and things will cool off until the next time when he demonstrates that the Skids are #1 in his life. And yes, the 'spark' would grow mighty dim if this situation was repeated. And that is the big question: Is this a repeat? If this is the first time, I would look at it as an opportunity to set boundaries and stick to them - no more sneaky B.S. The marriage takes top priority. Period. It's non-negotiable. This is the approach I took with my DH. He decided to work on the marriage and the spark has come back.
If this is a repeat, or DH continues to be sneaky, I would seek counseling for yourself and save up for an exit plan. You are worthy of mutual respect. Nothing less
"So there is something about
"So there is something about your marriage that he is trying to salvage. "
The only thing that he is trying to salvage is his own personal comfort. He won't admit it but his life is radically better with OP in it. Her happiness is of no interest to him unless her unhappiness is causing him discomfort.
You nailed it, Winterglow!
"Her happiness is of no interest to him unless her unhappiness is causing him discomfort." And THAT is the key. Perplexed wrote that she didn't sign a pre-nup. So this might be her DH's 'motivation' to placate her after every 'adventure' with the skids. Apparently, Perplexed's DH has been shoving her aside when he wants to play Disney Dad but for 4 1/2 years because he's been able to get away with it. He needs to have consequences presented to him, and he needs to know Perplexed means business.
Good Perplexed is going to visit a counselor on her own. I did this and she helped me to gain the self-confidence to set boundaries. She also suggested I make a list of good and bad things in our relationship. When DH asked what I was doing I informed him the list would determine whether I stay in the marriage or not. And I let him know I meant it - there would be no more B.S. and no more chances. When my DH realized he would be experiencing financial and social discomfort he decided to make the marriage a priority.
If Perplexed's DH decides to make their marriage a priority, be prepared. My SD alienated DH because by staying in the marriage DH demonstrated to her that his personal welfare took precedence over his relationship with her. If Perplexed's DH chooses that he wants to continue to be Disney Dad, instead of saving the marriage Perplexed will be able to move on like Fairyo - to a surprisingly happy and satisfying life.
Have to say, DH taught me a lesson - to make myself my own priority like he does and practice mutual respect.
Awesome advice Winterglow and
Awesome advice Winterglow and sandye21, thank you!
I can see all of this happening in my life. I will be setting up boundaries and consequences. Before I was afraid to because I didn’t want to upset my DH. The way I feel now with DH and skids stomping all over me, there’s going to be all kinds of rules and regulations. I have been too nice and all it’s gotten me is heartache. I’m taking my life back.
This is a definite repeat...
This is a definite repeat....I don’t believe the promises made will ever be followed through on. He has a way of making all kids of excuses on why things don’t get done.The trust is gone and the spark. I think what he’s trying to salvage is his ego and the fact that I didn’t sign a prenuptial agreement.
His patterns of behavior has been going on for years with his kids. Two of them live out of state and they come home quite often. Sometimes for a few weeks. When they are here it’s like Disney World with daddy! Out for coffee/lunch/dinner, walks together, art galleries and museums. YUCK!
I’m seeking counseling and probably an exit plan. I can’t see myself in this constant emotional crisis with DH and dealing with his entitled condescending brats the rest of my life.
Thank you for your reply sandye21!
I personally would have no
I personally would have no spark for someone I couldn't trust, and after this incident, I would not be able to trust him. It shows, as you said, that his loyalty is to his kids and he is willing to lie to you to keep the peace.
Nope. I'd personally need marriage counseling after something like this.
What is it with these grown men and their love affairs with their adult children? My parents were good to me and supportive, but as PARENTS, not as pals.
“What is it with these grown
“What is it with these grown men and their love affairs with their adult children?” That’s what I’ve been wondering for the last 4 1/2 years?! I too had a healthy relationship with my parents. They were there to support me if I needed it but weren’t my best friends.
This isn’t the first time my DH has dropped a bomb on me and probably iwon’t be the last. I don’t trust him and I’m sure that is why the spark has done dim. While he was on thie trip with his precious adult little darlings, I realized I am tired of fighting for my position in his life. It’s not worth the hell and toll it’s taking on my health.
Thank you for the reply!
The quote, as I understand it
The quote, as I understand it is "It is better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission."
IMHO this does not apply in a long term equity life partnership. It is a bad idea to not communicate and to put your spouse on the back burner... ever.
I hope that your DH has actually found clarity through his recent epiphany and is not just polishing the turd that his behavior represents.
Good luck and take care of you.
As the saying goes, “Actions
As the saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words.” Time will tell if anything that my DH promised will be followed through on. At this point, I’m getting some counseling and taking care of me.
Thank you for the reply Rags!
LOVE the “polishing the turd that his behavior represents!” Ha! Ha!
"I would rather ask for
"I would rather ask for forgiveness than permission." My DH has asked for forgiveness, I will never forgive nor forget the pain. I let it go and am moving forward.
My heart was crushed when I discovered the entire situation, thru a 2 page hate email from my SD. She threw her Dad under the bus totally, knowing he would never say a word to her, as he never had my back and would not today.
Of course it was devastating to me, because I gave trust and all to my DH 34 years, before reading this email; that revealed years of betrayal. My SD57 wanted me to know everything, knowing she was never going to face consequences. There has never been an apology from either of these toxic a$$'S. Karma visits often, but I never feel bad for them, I just continue to move forward. You see, sympathy also went cold. My SD57 hates my positive attitude. We have an anniversary this month, 39 years. It's just another day to me now.
Our love was a ring of fire for years. The entire fire was wiped out, there is no trust, and most days I can't stand to talk to my DH. This was five years ago, but has forever changed. I am finished with my spark, just never going to reignite.
My decision for the future. I am at the age I do not want to start over. We have a very comfortable life. SD57 told me to move out of our beautiful home, give it to her disabled Dad, and leave. Keep in mind SD has never given one minute (I am not exaggerating) of care or physical assistance to her dad. I had just retired 3 years prior, after a 30 year career.
The rest is history. My SD57 is history to me, I have totally disengaged from it all. I am caring for my totally disabled husband, I am kind to him, caring, civil, and most of all respectful. I have my own reasons for staying at my age, that being I earned my retirement years I am enjoying and will never give it up. Everyone has different circumstances. That said, I totally get your spark going out.
It is heart breaking. So sorry. ((Hugs)))
Wow, what hateful bi%$# your
Wow, what hateful bi%$# your SD57 is! I’m sad for you, sammigirl! I understand being comfortable in your life and not wanting to make a change. I would probably feel the same way if I invested 34 years into the marriage. You are a kind soul!
Thank you for sharing your story! I can completely see my OSD being just like your SD57. She’s very narcissistic.
While I love my DH deeply and
While I love my DH deeply and 99.9 of the time our marriage is amazing, I can say once I learned the coward he actually is to these rude ignorant adults a spark did go out. I changed how I looked at him in my heart. I am very guarded now, like many of us here...I have no other choice. He will never change, never parent, and that genuine love 100 percent feeling, I know is forever lost. In a way, I am disgusted with myself for not seeing it until long after we are married. I live with that thought too. The trust, the feeling he will always be there to protect me, I learned the hard way was a fantasy, and, it left me about the second time he turned his head to direct insults. I love him, but it is different, scared no doubt.
I grew up I guess, this site helped tremendously. I do not need him financially and now I do not count on him for support (with regards to them). We are partners in all other ways, but opposition with regards to the nasty people he takes any crumb from.. He does not expect me to be with them, ever; likely because he knows it would end our marriage and it would. I will not spend what little time I have in my life with nasty people (he's just as weird around them); and if that includes my YES husband, he can go with them too. No, never again for in a dream world was the worst thing I did.
Personally, any marriage dealing with this sickness has to lose something, but the degree the flame goes out depends on how the daddeeee figures out how to handle it in order to protect his wife from becoming invisible, extra family trash.
Thank you CANYOUHELP! :)
Thank you CANYOUHELP! :) This site has been incredibly helpful to me! I appreciate everyone’s replies!
I agree with you about spending time with people who love and appreciate you. Life is too short to be around hateful nasty people!
My DH acts like a kid at Disney World around his adult children. It’s nauseating! He is the “YES” daddy. Around my children, DH acts like he’s at a funeral. It can be so uncomfortable in the house sometimes. My kids rarely feel like they can relax around DH. They too have seen his behavior change when he’s around his adult little darlings.
It definitely is a family sickness. We shall see how my DH handles it.
I dont think he was was looking for forgiveness
He was just trying to rug sweep the whole thing. He did what he wanted and buying you flowers and candy was supposed to make it all right and good. Buying you off, He show his true colors, He should of taken you with him as a family. Not treat you as a bed warmer and eye candy
He's not sorry and it will happen again
As long as she tolerates it he'll continue to do it. Counseling won't help unless he changes, 9 times out of 10 they don't. I was in a decent position because I had my own home that I rented out. One time my DH canceled our camping trip because the BM wouldn't let the kid come over. Why should we suffer and our kids? I let him know I was going to move out with the kids. It never happened again, but there's enough stuff in our marriage whereby my kids and pets are the #1 things I care about. Like the poster above I am at a age where I'm comfortable and have pretty much moved on. OP let him know what the consequences will be if he does it again, and follow through. To me the only way to make that up would be a trip next Xmas with just the two of you. See what he says about that.
I am just like many others on
I am just like many others on this site. I will never be around DH's spawn again. They are not welcome in my house. When DH's daughter was around DH had 2 wives. I will not be in any situation with DH acting like he has 2 wifes. DH has to suffer the results of him letting his spawn think she is his wife. His grand spawn will never see DH's house, spend the night, etc. I have set boundries now. I am totally disengaged. His spawn including grand spawn do not even exist to me.
This situation is because of DH. He made it this way. He made his kids his emotional spouses. He now lives with the results. No one to blame but himself. Sick dynamics.
We can have a marriage as long as DH keeps his spawn 100% out of our marriage. He can go visit them away from our home. He can never have his wife and spawn in the same place. His lack of parenting and making them spouses created this.
DH's spawn is already creating the next generation of sickness with her spawn. DH kept thinking that I should also want to worships at the grand spawn alter. That everyone in the universe should want to be able to bow down at the kids alter. He is so special. Not happening. Just another messed up narcissist.
The spark is not the same anymore. I will always be guarded. I will never fully trust.
Moose, you must be,
Moose, you must be, nicely stated. I so relate to every word.
You hit the nail on the head. This is exactly how I feel.
How on earth does someone
How on earth does someone tell a spouse at the last minute about going on a trip? I don't get it. DH and I put things on each other's calendars so we know what was going on. I can't imagine not keeping each other up to date, regardless of what was going on. I know when my DH is going to the doctor - you don't know when yours is going on a top secret trip with his princesses?
My Dh used to behave like this, and it later came out that his adult DD's were putting pressure on him and he felt like he needed to make them happy. But over time he realized the only way he would make them happy was to get rid of me and he wasn't willing to do that.
Similar things happened in our past, and DH said he thought he could do what he wanted and ask for forgiveness later. He saw I was done when I started packing up and moving things into a storage unit, and then he got off his lazy butt and started addressing issues and making changes. He had taken me for granted, and realized I was out the door.
Your DH is at the beginning of this road. And you need to decide how much crap you are willing to put up with moving forward.
We did get the spark back in our marriage, but it took time of me regaining my trust for him putting our marriage first. His daughters are middle aged and act like babies now and it's so obvious. He's not giving up his happy life for that.
I’m happy to hear that your
I’m happy to hear that your DH has made your marriage a priority SacrificialLamb! You are probably one of a few on this forum who’s DH gets the dysfunction with his kids. It’s nice to hear there’s a glimmer of hope!
After my DH’s surprise trip with his adult little darlings there are going to have to be a lot of changes made. I’ve been manipulated and controlled throughout this relationship. It didn’t happen overnight, it was a slow process. Now that I realize what’s been going on, it’s going to stop or I’m out.
The reason I didn’t have a clue about the trip is I don’t have access to his credit cards. DH keeps everything separate and that way he can keep control and be secretive. He made all kinds of promises while he was gone about being transparent about finances and making me a priority. We shall see....
<<SacrificialLamb! You are
<<SacrificialLamb! You are probably one of a few on this forum who’s DH gets the dysfunction with his kids. >>
This didn't happen overnight, and it did not happen by me pointing things out. If I did that, I only looked like the bad guy. I disengaged and you could almost see his kids scrambling not knowing what to do. They started doing things so obvious that even DH picked up on it.