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"Mom, where's my jacket?"

Java_Junkie's picture

It was so satisfying.

I've been getting over a week of being sick, DW getting through her post-op surgery blues, and SKids were *in the house*...

Thing 2 got to have a sleepover (which I was not happy they arranged without me bc she's still grounded, but there were some other circumstances), so she was gone.

Thing 1 broke his phone and couldn't connect with a buddy for a sleepover at his place till late Friday, but then he got in touch later and was gone about 10pm. WOOT! No kids...

Saturday, we got Thing 1 back, and ALL HE DID TILL MONDAY MORNING was play PS4 and watch football. Didn't feed the cat, didn't feed the dogs, didn't help with the trash, didn't check the pool skimmers, didn't rake leaves, didn't chop wood, didn't cook anything, EVEN FOR HIMSELF. Resort livin'.

This morning, had the chutzpah to come into DW and my room to blurt out, "Mom, where's my jacket?"

She replied, "It's in the laundry."

"You didn't wash it??"



I smiled big.

When I get home tonight, I'll have a little chat with DW about things. Weeks ago, DW was to have produced a list of chores for each of them to choose. Still no list. Last week I'd been sick, and week before, I was out of town - this is getting back to ungood, and she's letting her kids walk all over her again (and I'm feeling the pinch and an urge to step up and put the f'in' kibosh on all that!).


TrueNorth77's picture

It took my SO a year to get a chore list together, and even then he never did it. I finally got a chalkboard, sat him down, and had him pick chores for skids. That is now the chore bible, but I was sick of waiting (guess who did the majority of the chores before they were assigned to skids?) so I took matters into my own hands. Perhaps a sit-down with DW and a large piece of paper/whiteboard that can be hung up for all to see is in order.

Java_Junkie's picture

...white marker board.

Might have to pick it up OMW home tonight.

Ispofacto's picture

Buttholes this age should have no problem doing their own laundry.

Killjoy was 9 when she started.


Java_Junkie's picture

He screws it up every time because I'm sure he wants mommie to do it for him.

DW sorta chuckled when Thing 1 got upset and stormed off. He had been wearing his one jacket for so long that it could stand up on its own, and she had been begging him to put it in the laundry for quite some time. When he finally did, all he wanted to do after that was lounge around and soak up the WiFi. *Not a concerrrrrnnnnn in the worrrrllllld...* Then, Monday morning, it's school time, and he's in a dead panic.

susanm's picture

So he can be cold.  He won't die.  Actions have consequences and sometimes people who won't learn by being told have to learn by feeling them.  Bummer buddy!  Washing machine is right there.

Java_Junkie's picture

I asked DW yesterday afternoon how things worked out, he went into his closet and found another jacket.

Just gets me, he was so upset with her because he didn't have THAT jacket right then and there, like she's his employee. But she keeps on playing his game.

I will not tolerate that crap from him, and if he expands it out, I'll set him straight. "Kid, your mom doesn't mind you pushing her around, though I will not allow it. I will not allow you to be disrespectful to her, me, or anyone else - and I will not allow you to call the shots around this house, ever. With all the awesomeness we have here, we also have some simple rules, and you know them - yet still, you want to test the rules... Let me be clear... the rules will not change. If you think you can get a better deal elsewhere, then please move there."

Rags's picture

She is your wife first and foremost.  No man of character would allow anyone to disrespect his wife.

You have the right message for this kid.  Apply it assertively as necessary. 

Java_Junkie's picture

However, she says I'm too quick to jump in, and too harsh when I do - so asked me to stop... so I did for a while, and the douche is being even douchier.

Karnak The Magnificent sees: Road trip to DW's fam in Lubbock. There will be bouts of cabin fever in the truck, and Thing 1 will pop off. I will ensure we pull over, and I'll lay it on him. If he pops off to me, I'll tell him, "Kid. LISTEN. This is not a conversation. It's a moment of enlightenment, from me to you, so shut your mouth and open your ears. I'm speaking, though I'm speaking for us all when I say we've ALL had ENOUGH of your disrespect. Stop now. There is no 'or else' and there is no 'please.' It's a command, and you will comply. I'm not mad, I'm just DONE. You can take it personally or not, I actually don't care. But you will live by our rules as long as you're in our sphere."

Rags's picture

I formulated a response to my bride many years ago when she expressed similar Perspectives on my parenting.  

Her delay or avoidance was accomplishing nothing to address SKid behaviors.  So... I informed her that if she didn’t like how I parented or disciplined she could step up and get it done before I had to or she could have my back until we could discuss it in private.  As equity life partners we are equity parents to any children in our home and I was not going to ignore crappy kid behavior.

She did step up and deal with the kid’s behaviors.  Not long after she did the kid asked me to step back up as the primary disciplinarian.  He liked that I was instant in my correction and discipline then  moved on until he did something else requiring my intervention.  “Mom tortures me with incessant lectures and punishments for days if I screw up.”  With me he got consistency.  He appreciated that though he was not happy that his crap was not tolerated.

The three of us are exceptionally close.  He is now 26 and a man I am proud to have raised.  We regularly laugh our butts off over the stories of his childhood and teen boy brain fart years.