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The name is Blunder, Bonehead Blunder.

Major Blunder's picture

So last night I got played, intentionally or unintentionally is hard to say.

DW says she will stop tomorrow (Today) to pick up such and such for me before she gets the Gskids from day care, I say that’s not necessary I can pick it up I have to stop for gas in the same area anyway ( best price ).

DW then proceeds to say ok then you can pick up the Gskids as well and I can go straight from work and pick up SD21 for a visit, she misses us. ( Fhat the Wuck just happened? )

Ok let me dissect this, no problem picking up Gskids they are on my way home and have said many times that I can pick them up they just have to wait a little longer since I work further out of town, they don’t care they are having fun.

SD21 doesn’t miss “US”, she misses Mommy and laying around our house having Mommy cater to her every whim.

SD21 had asked to come visit yesterday and DW attempted calling her several times with no answer until we were headed out the door to get something to eat, DW told her no she wouldn’t come get her at that point since she had called several times without response but if she could find a ride she could come by for a while.

SD21 never finds a ride on any occaission, Mommy always goes and gets her, I thought that maybe DW was getting better at not doing for her but guess I was wrong and now I’m helping Pot Head Super Moocher to come invade my home for gawd knows how long, happy holidays abound !


ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Repeat after me... Pick up the phone: "Sorry honey, something came up at work and I won't be there to get the Gskids on time. Can you go get them?"

Major Blunder's picture

Ya, I already thought about that, ( big sigh ), short of that actually happening ( something comming up at work ), I can't ( hang head ), I really don't like lying it never sits well with me.  And I actually like picking up the Gskids, they always look so suprised that I am there and happy to see me, with the events of recent I need that flood of " It's Pap Pap !!!!! " When I get there for them.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

It wouldn't work for me regardless. We shut up shot at a designated time... And since I'm salary.. I'm not paid for extra hours... Soo....

But I understand not wanting to lie... May you have a very busy days with a sudden deadline at the end....

Major Blunder's picture

Those are few and far between, getting stuck in traffic is a more plausible excuse, I have been several hours late due to accidents on the interstate lol

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

No good deed goes unpunished when other people have a hidden agenda... Your kindness or offer of  help will always be used against you, to your detriment. Such is the world of step-life.

Major Blunder's picture

I agree with the no good deed goes unpunished I see that ALL the time in life but honestly I think she just saw it as a way she could get more time with her kid, not necessarily do something to me, I hide my full loathing of SD21 from her as I don't engage in conversation about her.  Since she has written off SD26 for the most part, she still has blind faith that SD21 is going to do better ( insert laugh here ) .

advice.only2's picture

“DW okay, well while you and SD21 have a visit, I will GSKDs to dinner and bring them home after.  Be sure SD21 is ready to go when we get there as GSKDs are going to need baths and get ready for bed.” 

Win win, she gets time with her kid and you don’t have to be around to listen to the whining sob story of SDs pathetic life.

Major Blunder's picture

Oh dear gawd I wish, however, GSD will want to hang out with Auntie, probably so they can compare notes on what an aweful, evil step parent I am .  And SD21 will probably be sleeping on our couch tonight, it hasn't been said but I imagine that's what will happen, better on a weekend when she can watched than a week night where she would be left alone in our house unsupervised.

I'll make myself scarce from the visit, hide either in the bedroom or in plain sight, I have learned to tune her out unless I am looking to take a stab at her.

Last time she "visited" GSS was being finicky over dinner and I told him you need to learn from Auntie and take advantage of a free meal lol  She started putting food back, said I hurt her fee fees, DW totally defended me saying it was all a joke, it was said in jest but the truth was well established in the comment.  So I will take the opportunity to make tiny paper cuts in her reality when I get the chance, not very mature of me but oh it feels so good   lol

Dovina's picture

Perfect  to get that comment in.  Besides  SD's are masters at the "death by a 1000 cuts" game.

Major Blunder's picture

Fortunately she's not very sharp so she doesn't come up with good jabs or come backs, I swear both SD's are borderline developementally disabled.

beebeel's picture

My SS18 compliments my cooking repeatedly when he is home for dinner about twice a week. So that usually softens me up to endure and not ask him point blank what the feck he plans to do with his life and move up outta my basement.

I don't recall if you imbibe or not, but I've been cooking with more wine on those nights. One or two glasses goes perfectly with any recipe. Wink

Major Blunder's picture

I do imbibe, I cut wayyyyyy back when I became a step dad because I wanted to set a good example, ( insert "you're a dumbass" laughter here ) as long as I can keep her away from my alcohol I just might do that tonight, I have a nice Cream Whiskey from a local distillery here that I still need to put a dent in.

CLove's picture

just have a great time with THEM - they bring you so much joy. Stay out of Toxic SD's range, unless its to do the "jab then walk away". Im good at that.