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what is hard evidence? And the uphill battles with BM of Health issues

SisterNeko's picture

SS7 had a therapy session yesterday and DH took time to talk to therapist about recent issues with SS7 at school and what she thinks THEY (meaning DH and BM) should do about it.

DH was very open and honest with the Therapist about issues that he has been noticing with BM and her not following the suggestions that Therapist has given them both. He even told her that he was considering going for full custody. The therapist said that SS7 could benefit from having one stable house and suggested talking to BM about her giving him additional time with SS7, but DH told her that he didn't think BM willingly go for that. But DH added that he was worried about going for full custody because SS7 is so attachment to BM, and therapist agreed that he is VERY attached to her. She added that in order to get full custody DH would need a lot of 'hard evidence' against BM?

What is hard evidence? I mean we have a lot on her - e-mails, txts, statements made to doctors and teachers. But like our biggest issue is how the kids are and act when she drops the off on Sundays. What are we supposed to do there? Invite an impartial 3rd party over to witness the train wreck or secretly video tape our selves?

When they got back to the problem at hand - SS7's in ability to focus in school - Therapist suggested having him tested by a child's Psychologist instead of the pediatrician because the Psychologist would be better able to determine the under lining cause, which we have narrowed down to 3 things - Anxiety/stress, Sleep deprivation/Issues or ADD/ADHD. Plus the Pediatrician is an complete idiot but BM won't let DH find a new one. And the Psychologist can give some non-medication treatment options were are the Pediatricians tend to push medications. But testing him would give us a better understanding of what we are dealing with. She said the test takes 3 hours and Therapist can refer him, she also strongly suggested having a male psychologist preform the test. AS I have said before SS7 is very clingy to women and I think he hangs on Therapist like he does me. I think he is looking for the mother he doesn't have.

DH flat out told her that he wants him tested but the Therapist told him they can't unless BM says okay. And the Therapist even questioned as to if would agree or not - I think Therapist has BM figured out. So DH is going to ask BM when we see her on Sunday and if she says yes he will call Therapist right away and schedule it before BM changes her mind, if BM says no we will just make note of it as usual. BM doesn't seem to think there is anything wrong with SS7, mind you. He says he is just a little boy and that is how little boys are. Never mind that the teacher said he is behind all the other students in class and Therapist said he is immature for his age.

On a side note Therapist also met SS5 for the first time and Therapist asked DH if that was the 'Autistic' brother she had heard about? DH said yes and talked about him briefly when comparing SS7 to SS5 in terms of personalities and Therapist said "That doesn't sound like Autism to me." DH agreed and said they had an appointment soon to discuss just that. DH wants to get SS5 diagnoses changed to an attachment disorder or something like that since his 'autism' seems to only appear when BM is around.


SMof2Girls's picture

I'm not really sure what to tell you. I would think getting a doctor's independent evaluation is the very first step .. which it sounds like you guys are on the way to doing.

If BM tries to cancel last minute or before this appointment, see if the therapist you've been seeing will write a written recommendation for the referral to the physcologist. If BM flat out denies, it will be hard to justify that in court.

We have a remotely similar issue with our BM. Both of the skids have what she calls "severe asthma". Considering neither skid has ever had an asthma attack, I personally wouldn't consider it severe, but I'm not a doctor, so I digress. Anyway .. we've tried to make the case that the girls would be better off living with us full time .. since she's military and moves around a lot, the girls will not be able to see the same doctor for extended periods. Their treatment plans are changed on the first visit with most new doctors! Living with us, they'd have access to some of the best hospitals in the country for as long as they needed it. This is hardly enough to win a custody battle, but it's another chip in the pot that we're hoping will work to our advantage.

Best of luck to you!

amber3902's picture

"the teacher said he is behind all the other students in class"
- that's hard evidence.

If you can get some kind of report from the teacher, showing SS's performance and how he is in relation to the other kids in the class, this would be another "chip in the pot" as SMofGirls so aptly put it.

Good luck!

simifan's picture

DH's attorney suggest this meant abuse or neglect - not parenting differences. However, he could petition for a court ordered testing - perhaps threatening this might help/ Good Luck.