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I Am Extremely PO'D Right Now

Anon9876's picture

So, me and my SO got into an argument. I was expecting it, but all the same I'm pissed.

Basically we argued over the fact 'I hold grudges'. So, SO asked me what I would do if he moved his daughter back in. I told him point blank that 'I would leave'. He seems to think that's proof that I hold grudges and said it must have 'been my plab' all along to have her leave.

I mean seriously? I have busted my f#&!ING a#/ so that my SD had anything she needed and wanted just to have her spit in my face and I'm to blamr? All the sudden it's my fault she does drugs. It's my fault that she is disrespectful. It's my fault she uses people. Its my fault she packed her bags anf left. That's apparently all my fault.

I told him 'you raised her to be that way'. And his response was 'if I'm such a bad dad tgen I guess I won't raise her' (referring to my infant dauggter). I told him to sign his rights over of that's how he is gonna be.

I am so sick of it. I am sick of his ungrateful, selfish, manipulative daughter affecting my life and my happiness. He ENABLES her. He gives her what the hell ever and she does whatever she wants and treats people like sh#t. Am I really supposed to just lie down and take the disrespect, lying, and be taken advantage of because God forbid I say something to his daughter????? I seriously don't understand this. I have cut family off for far less because I couldn't handle the negativity and he wants me to just deal with his daughtrt?

Like I planned this, like I wanted this.

Yes, I so wanted all this stress and drama in my life. I so wanted to bend over backwards for someone who hates ME and my INFANT! Let me tell you-what a dream.

Are you kidding me? I told my SO I got sick of being taken advantage of. He just doesn't seem to care. He only cares about his 'model daughtet' living with him.

I am so sick of this. I want a relationship with my SO but I cannot continue up to be blamed for his daughters behavior. I didn't force pills down her throat. I didn't impregnate her. I didn't force her to do coke. I didn't force her to drink. I don't force her to be hateful. I didn't force her to be disrespectful.

I just don't understand why all this falls in my lap? As if I didn't try my hardest to support the girl in EVERY WAY!!!!!!

Advice? I want me and my SO to make it thru. I just don't want to be the scapegoat here.

ldvilen's picture

Unless you have the ability to sprinkle mind control dust on your SO's cereal every morning, there is no way to force this to occur: "I want me and my SO to make it thru. I just don't want to be the scapegoat here."  Like many SMs, if your SO allows you to be in that position, then it is on him.  It has nothing to do with you holding grudges.

Anon9876's picture

That's what I tried explaining to him last night. I can only be taken advantage of so much. I didn't force the girl to do anything, I just got sick of being run over and treated like crap in my own home. I hope that dawns on him. His daughter behaves how she wants.

susanm's picture

We are the easy scapegoat.  It could not possibly be their own fault, the skid's fault, or the fault of the woman they impregnated.  Who is left?  Oh yeah.  The woman he married who did everything in her power to make their life better and help him with the skids.  And who actually cares if he is angry with us and wants things to work.  How convenient!  Let the whipping begin in 3..2..1...(crack  crack  crack)

Anon9876's picture

Exactly. I mean one can only try so much. I am not going to beg his daughter to like or accept me. The fact is she made her mind up a long time ago and she is the only one with the power to change her behavior and mindset.

Anon9876's picture

He apologized to me this morning as soon as I woke up. He said he just misses everyone and that the argument got out of hand.

I agreed.