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Simpleton21's picture

Well it appears SO has regressed back into his guilty daddy ways...ugh!  Recently my SO lost his license for 60 days (excessive speeding/wreckless op).  Anyways, obviously I was already super pissed about that and him being irresponsible.  We couldn't afford an atty so we just had to deal with the consequences.  Of course it is more of a punishment to me.  The courts granted him driving priveleges to work but not to pick up SD.  BM is being surprisingly understanding about it and working with us on his time with SD.  SD is currently in cheer anyways so most evenings she has practice in BMs town 30 mins from ours.  We are just getting her on the weekends and if she doesn't have practice.  SO gets his license back on 11/20 so we're about 1/2 through this. 

The last weekend we had SD was freaking awful.  She was full blown attention seeking and needy and all over SO the entire time and SO regressed back to guilty daddy ways because he feels bad about the situation so he didn't call her out on anything.  I had to just disengage because if I said anything it wouldn't have come out nicely but it was rather disgusting to watch.

Last night was her last cheer game (until next weekend for playoffs).  It was BM's weekend but we went to the game because it was parent night.  Surprisingly BM even had me walk out with them this time (weird)....anyways we left the game at 1/2 time because it was freezing and raining and we had our 4yo with us.  After we left BM texted SO letting him know that SD was so sad that we left at 1/2 time (she told us she didn't care) and kept coming up to her crying about how she misses SO and this has been so hard on SD....really!?!? SD is a really good manipulator if you ask me because she has no problem cancelling/giving up daddy time to go stay at a friend's house or do something she wants to do.  Every weekend she is at our house she tries to stay at least 1 night at the neighbor girls house...but now she is missing SO!?!? 

During the time that we were there to watch her she was overly annoying to watch (IMO).  I would have been sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo embarassed if she was my kid but of course BM and SO think she's so cute and funny!  Barf!  She was the only cheerleader with her hoodie up and then she took the string and tied it behind her head and looked completely ridiculous.  She was not enthusiastic and was (again IMO) 1/2 a$$ing her cheers trying to be cutsie.  After every cheer she would do a kick and act like she hurt herself or pulled something.  She would leave their cheer area to come over to BM or SO like every 5 minutes.  It was like watching a clown in the middle of the rest of the cheerleaders!  


CLove's picture

In our case ToxicTroll BM is ALWAYS trying to push that particular button because there are no other buttomns left. She already took him to court, for child support. Divorce is final, no threats there remaining. Feral Eldest moved away from BOTH parents, so no additional chit there.

The day of our wedding ToxicTroll claimed Munchkin SD12 was "crying all day long and Feral Eldest was consoling her ALL DAY". When I approached Munchkin apologetically, she insisted that she cried because she was in shock, but was fine and not sad at all. She even brought it up again this weekend at lunch. That she was shocked but really happy for us. We eloped, but I spilled the beans like a dummy. 

ToxicToll is always trying to make DH feel like a "bad dad". Luckily he knows better. Plus I tell him my observations. Feral Eldest at the beginning was pushing those buttons too "your choosing your GIRLFRIEND (said with a sneer) over your own DAUGHTER? 

No, Feral Eldest, he is backing me up on something that you are disrepsecting me on.

Simpleton21's picture

Valid point.  That is definitley BM's type of manipulation as well.  I only thought SD might be feeding into it based on her recent behavior and major mini wifing it up the last time we had her.  I'm sure BM is contributing to her thought processes....

CLove's picture

SD is a pea in that pod. or POS in my case, lol. your SD sounds like she definitely needs to woman up in life, instead of sucking up to dadeee.

Simpleton21's picture

Actually she calls him dadeetz which is even more annoying than daddeeee if you as me!  We had her last "last" game again for playoffs.  Her team didn't have any wins at all yet they still had a playoff game and ended up now another "last, last" game for them.  She was even more annoying at this game than the last and acting so starved for Daddeeetz attention that I wanted to freaking barf!  Oh and of course BM the "cheeer mom" was favoring her big time and letting her call all the cheers even though she wasn't the assigned team captain for the game.  I hope the other little girls rebel against that stuff it was so blatant that her mom was favoring her!  Ugh!

momjeans's picture

Perhaps BM is being extra inclusive (with you) because she needs your help while his license is revoked? Or is she always this wishy washy? 

Yeah, that level of PDA under my roof would make me want to vomit. Shame. Shame. Shaaaaame. Lol.

Simpleton21's picture

Yep, she definitely has to rely on me now to get SD when I can so you are probably right about that.  I thought she was going to include her bf on the walk out with parents and that was the reasoning but she didn't and told SO, "Simpleton is in the family, he isn't"...okay he only lives with you but whatever!  She has never been nice or inclusive of me like this so I don't trust it at all.  I really think that she is annoyed with SD lately and wants less time with SD and that is what is driving some of this change....

Yeah, the snuggling and tickling on the couch was over the top for me.  I just made sure to immediately move into that space when SD left so when she came back out she couldn't sit on dadeetz anymore....barf.....

advice.only2's picture

When Spawn lived with us she and my BD were in the same dance group...but different levels.

Every recital I would have to sit through watching Spawn throw herself around the stage like a rag doll on valium with a bored sneer plastered across her little pixie face. The worst part was that meth mouth and grandhag would sit near us and be overly enthusiastic in their applauding for Spawn's performance.
When my BD would come on stage they would literally scowl and pull out their phones and stare at them and not clap...yes seriously...eye roll.

I feel for you I don't miss those days!

Simpleton21's picture

LMAO, that is the best description of what I witnessed.  BM even went and picked up SO's mom for the last game.  She hates SO's mom.  Also BM's mom was there and it was a big major to do to watch SD make a fool of herself.  I wouldn't be inviting any extra people to see my kid act like that!

thinkthrice's picture

you are giving me flashbacks to when OSS would literally be at the OTHER END OF THE SOCCER FIELD from all the other players doing "high kicks" to show off/get attention.  Of course his high kicks reached knee level as he was and still is quite overweight.

Kudos to you for putting up with SO's craptacular driving and subsequent consequences.  I was livid when Chef recently got yet another seatbelt citation. . .

Simpleton21's picture

LOL, it is nice to know I'm not alone in my suffering of watching a child act like a clown while their parents and immediate family fawn all over them! Knee level high kicks, I get the best mental image, thanks! 

Oh, I'm still super pissed about his stupid decision and how it is affecting me.  I remind him daily, lol!  Why can't men just grow up and be responsible?!?! I'm sure some can...just not mine *scratch_one-s_head*

Simpleton21's picture

BM is a "cheer mom".  I think she became a cheer mom to ensure that her precious poopsy would make the team.  SD is still at an age they didn't have try outs for regular cheer everyone made it.  They had try outs for the competitive team.  Last year SD didn't make the competitive team and I believe it was 100% because she doesn't put in the effort and fakes injuries and sits out 1/2 the time b/c her mommy doesn't want her getting sick.  The coach last year totally saw it (IMO) and so she didn't make it.  This year that coach is gone and BM has been sucking up to the other coaches and SD made the competitive team.  I'm just waiting to see how this unfolds.  I predict an "injury" in the very near future.  Holidays are coming so SD needs her spotlight crutches/injury to get extra attention she craves and competitive is going to be a lot harder than what she does now.  Maybe I am wrong but I have watched this pattern year after year after year.....